Chapter 30

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"My name is (Y/n) Ender and I am from another dimension..!" I did little jazz hands, giggling with a close eyed smile.

"..." He stayed silent, staring at me with his eyes wide...

"That... that is an extremely stupid excu-"

I took out my portal gun, shooting the wall without a care in the world, smirking as he went wide eyed.


My plan had worked and now, here I am, in a different irken's ship on the way to their 'main ship'... or something like that.

I stared out the window in absolute awe, "Wow..."

It was... I can't explain it..!

The beautiful colors of the strange, random, planets and the vibrant-


The irken soldier and I both jumped with loud yelps before looking back out the window, a grin coming to my face.

Once we 'landed', the irken and I both  began to make our way down a hall...

I glanced at the soldier and smiled slightly, "Soooo... what's your name?"

He looked over at me, then back in front of him with a blank expression.


Then, he stopped me in my place, glaring at me before pressing his small hand to a panel... the metal door in front of us sliding open.

As soon as the door rose, my grin returned, a silent squeal coming from me... but it seemed to be JUST loud enough for the two Tallest to hear me.

My face turned crimson in embarrassment as they stared at me, but once I calmed down, I crossed my arms and arched my brow with a smirk.

"You know it's rude to stare" I hummed, then went pink when Purple spoke up.

"What was that sound you made?!" He grinned, swiftly approaching me and hugging me close.

"IT'S ADORABLE!!! CAN WE KEEP HER?!?!" He yelled towards the other tallest, who facepalmed.

I blinked, then giggled as he pulled away, "Thank you, but no"

The two waved off the irken soldier before turning to me, "Okay... so-"

"ARE YOU REALLY FROM A DIFFERENT DIMENSION?!?!?!" Purple grinned, interrupting Red, who growled quietly.

Nodding, I gave a close eyed smile, "Mhm, my name is (Y/n) by the way"

Red tapped his chin, humming before smiling slightly, "(Y/n)... I like it!! So (Y/n), Zim told us that you were different from other humans..?"

Nodding once more, my eyes brightened... literally, my teeth sharpening as well.

I snapped my fingers, appearing in my villainous attire with a smirk before bowing, my hand on my chest as I chuckled.

"Demon, and I suppose you wouldn't know who Slenderman is-"

"Well, that defect on the mud ball sent us a whole bunch of 'information' about that planet... including weird stories and such, including that 'Slenderman' thing... but what about it?" Red ranted before arching his 'brow'.

I cleared my throat while fixing my posture, my tendrils creeping over my shoulders, "Weeeeeeeeeeell, he's kind of my... father?"

"Father? What is-"

"HANG ON!!" Purple yelled, grabbing a strange device and playing some sort of video log.

"-I came across this strange flesh bag in blue today, and he asked "Hello 'kiddo' where is your 'mother' and 'father', so of course I obliterated him and came back to my INCREDIBLE BAAASSSEE!!! And looked into the strange words 'father' and 'mother', and I found out that it just means parental figure... creator of sorts-"

Purple paused the log, "We never actually listen to these things, but when you said that I remembered this"

The two looked over at me, only to see me covering my mouth with my hand while practically in tears, trying not to laugh.

A snicker

Then I absolutely LOST IT!! Laughing so hard I was crying, arching over while holding my chest as it rose and fell swiftly.

"HE-OH MY LUCIFER THAT IS AMAZING!!!" I howled, breathing out my last laugh before wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Ah, can't believe the kid actually spoked a police officer, even Toby wouldn't do that" I chuckled before looking up at the two irkens, who were smiling slightly with half-lidded eyes.

"Anyway, yeah, what Zim-Zoom said, a father is basically a parental guardian, our creator!! Slenderman is my father, my HALF creator" My tendrils slithered in front of the two tallest, waving to them politely.

They waved back before examining them in awe, "Cool..."

I chucked at Red's words, "Eh, they're pretty similar to your guy's packs"

After a while of hanging out with the tallests, I figured it was time to leave.

I mean, I'M IN A CARTOON FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!! It wouldn't be long before BEN found me once more and came after my ass.

So, after waving bye to the two irkens, I opened a random portal and leapt through with the words.


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