Chapter 17

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Alice placed her hand on my shoulder, smiling, "I'm sure it'll all work out in the end... cheer up..! Your smile tends to brighten the mood..."

I sighed, side glancing at her with a half smile, "Thanks Alice"

She gleamed, nodding, "No problem (n/n)"

My eyes drifted back to floor as I began to question Black Hat and I's relationship... my smile soon fading to a frown.

'What if... what if it was that Black Hat all along..?'


Almost everyone left, they got bored quickly and told me to just tell them when Black Hat 'wakes up'.

The only ones left were-

My uncles, Bill, Thesis, and Laughing Jack...

And if you were wondering, LJ came over an hour ago to, 1.) Figure out why my father was gone for so long, and 2.) Because everyone at the mansion were beginning to fight with one another and he was just tired of their bullshit.

Sooo... yeah, Father left to go deal with the Creepypastas and LJ decided to stay and catch up on everything that had happened.

"So, he's knocked out right now?" The monochrome clown chuckled, looking over at the lab doors down the hall with a smirk.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, my eyebrow arched as I stared at him.

'Why is he so... happy? Then again, this IS Laughing Jack... so I may just be over reacting...'

"You sure? When was the last time you checked on him?" He snickered as my mouth opened, then closed.

He was right, I hadn't looked to see if Black Hat was still asleep or not for the past few hours.

"W-Well... no-BUT!! If he was awake then we would know because he would say... something..! He is in one of the cells right now, a-and they-"

"What if Flug made it to where the cells don't work on Black Hat? You know, like they DON'T reduce his powers? He could still be asleep, but what if he woke up and broke out of the cell?" Laughing Jack ranted, popping a piece of taffy in his mouth.

"I... I didn't think about that..." I whispered, slumping back.

"Exactly, what person would?"


"I'm not a 'person', I am a fucking monochrome clown who guts children and fills them with candy and am proud of it!!" I laughed lightly at his response, which made him smile slightly.

"And... I love to make my friends feel happy... even in their saddest moments..." He finished, tilting his head to the side to get a better view of my reaction, that he was obviously pleased with.

I closed my eyes, letting out a breath as I smiled, "Thanks Jack..."

"Any time, gumdrop" I opened one of my eyes slightly, then closed it with a giggle.

"Your such a goofball... but, you are also right... I should probably go check on Black Hat" He nodded as I stood.

I walked down the hall and over to the lab doors, stopping with a deep sigh.

'Come on (y/n)... just open the doors...'

Then, I pushed one of the double doors open, walking inside with my gaze glued to the floor.

I looked up, sucking in a breath as I teleported over to the hidden door, summoning the keypad.

After putting in the passcode, the doors formed in the wall, then opened too slow for comfort.

"Black Hat..?" I whispered, walking into the room.

I then let out a breath as I saw his limp form still in the cell, a smile making its way to my lips as I placed my hand over my chest.

"Thank Lucifer..."

I then frowned, walking up to the small blocked room, "I hope your really you when you wake up..."

Without another thought, I opened the cell and walked through the opened, metal door, sitting down beside the unconscious male demon.

"Please be okay..." I lightly kissed his forehead, but then jumped back as he stirred in his sleep.

Swiftly, I teleported outside of the cell, locking the metal door and watching as his eye shot open.

He abruptly sat up, looking around with a look of shock and curiosity, "What the hell..?"

Finally turning, his stare met my own, a frown taking over his lips.

He looked back at the wall, his head lowered, "What are you doing here..?"

I was slightly taken aback from the question, my face falling.

"I came here to check in on you... you've been unconscious for-"

"That's not what I meant (y/n)" He interrupted, glancing at me from over his shoulder, "What are you still doing here at the mansion? I hurt you... it'll only happen again and again..."

This time, he stood and walked up to glass in-between us, staring at me with a pained expression.

"W... Why would you ask me something like that..?" I whispered, my eyes narrowing, "You think that just because you have some lustful side that comes out every now then that I would leave?! Black Hat, that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!!"

He just stared at me, sighing, "I just-"

"NO!! CUT YOUR 'KEEP YOU SAFE' BULLSHIT AND LISTEN TO ME!!" I yelled, teleporting inside of the chamber and wrapping my arms around his slender form.

"I love you, Black Hat..! And I always will!! I refuse to give up on you" Staring down at me, he sighed.

"Well... that escalated quickly, didn't it..?"

I stuck my tongue out at him, making his frown to slightly tilt upwards.

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now