Chapter 2

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Whenever I hallucinate, it felt as if the images were truly there. They could stab me, tear through my flesh and draw blood, they can even throw items around the room... but...

My mind hated me, for it never showed an image like (y/n) that could do such things.

I felt as if I was going even more mad, on the brink of true insanity as one would say.

I want my (y/n) back, I want to hold her close once more. Inhale her scent of chocolate and roses. And have her kiss me once more...

I am Black Hat, and I always get what I want


---Your POV---

I scanned through my memories for the millionth time, sighing.

After regaining my memory, I honestly wished I was dead. Yes, I do love Black Hat and my family, but... was all of this worth it?

That's the hundred dollar question, that I STILL cannot seem to answer...

You see... I am able to return to the human world, and go back to everyone.

But should I?

Hadn't I already caused enough pain and suffering to those I love and cherish most..? I dragged Dementia through heartbreak twice, my sudden move in made Flug more nervous around me because of Black Hat's strong jealousy, and 5.0.5. ... is just cute 5.0.5.

And then there was Black Hat...

Where do I start? Yes, of course i love him, but he remined me too much of... him.

I shook my head abruptly, "He's not like that..."

Sighing, I continued to scroll through my memories, stopping at the image of Black Hat and I after he had saved me.

'No, he's nothing, and will never be, anything like that fucking multi-mouthed demon'

I stared at the image for a second, then grinned.

---Black Hat's POV---

I stared at the stack of papers for a second before swiping my hand through them, sending the thin sheets throughout the air.

My breathing was heavy and my vision was blurry as I held the armrests of the chair.

My head was filled with images of her, lust building up in my chest.

I shook my head and slowly stood, "I need t-to see her..."

Stumbling, I managed to teleport downstairs into the living room. Only to meet a desperate Dementia, who instantly got in my face.

I growled as a warning, but she didn't seem to hear it over her own squawking.

"Dementia..." I mumbled, instantly getting her attention.

Her face fell and I leaned down to her ear, and whispered, "Get out of my way before I turn you inside out and use your organs as decorations for the mansion" 

She hurriedly moved and I managed to run to the lab and burst through the doors, not knowing the others were following me.

"(y/n)..." I whispered, my arm hit the wall for support as I snapped my fingers.

The keypad emerged from the wall, and I hurriedly put in the code, making a door appear in the wall.

I heard a gasp and abruptly turned, a scowl on my lips.

Dementia and 5.0.5 hid behind the large doors while Flug blankly walked past them and inside the room with a clipboard. I stared at the two with a low growl before-

"BLACK HAT GET IN HERE QUICKLY!!!!" I heard Flug yell, making my eyes go wide.

I threw the secret doors open and gasped, "Hey... Black Hat..."

(y/n) slowly sat up, her arms shaking from the force. I pounced on top of her, making her lay back on the bed with wide eyes as I grinned.

I lifted her torso and hugged her, tears rolling down my face and onto the bedsheets.

"Your okay..." I whispered, digging my face in her (h/c) hair.

Dementia gasped once again, tugging on my jacket, "BLACK HAAATT!! Were you cheating on meee?!?!"

I growled, siting up with the weak female in my arms, "We were never together, Dementia"

She whimpered, then stared at (y/n) with hatred. But the female demon simply ignored her gaze and smiled slightly.

"You don't... recognize me... do you..?" She whispered hoarsely, directing it to Dementia before coughing slightly.


"I got it..." He whispered, walking over with a cup of water in his hands.

She took it from his hands gently and brought it to her lips. Almost instantly her hair regained its true bright color and her skin went back to its shiny state, and her eyes...

Whenever she opened her eyes I swooned. They glowed slightly, and reflected the light absolutely perfectly.

As soon as she set the cup down, she stood then snapped her fingers.

She then appeared in her bartender-like outfit, making me clench the bedsheets slightly with a perverted expression.

'Easy, Black Hat... calm down'

One of her tendrils came out of her back  and high-fived her as she jumped up in joy.

She then turned to me with a grin before tackling me to the bed in a passionate kiss. I was shocked then kissed her back as Flug hurried the others out of the room and exited with a small smirk.

We pulled away, panting slightly with grins.

"I missed you so much..." She hiccupped, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.

I gently kissed her tears away with a soft smile, "I missed you too..."

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