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Harry Potter was happily sitting next to Ron Weasley on his maroon bedspread in late June when the owls arrived. Harry was having the worst year yet; he had nightmares of what happened during the War every night, which resulted in him not sleeping as much and having deep, dark bags under his eyes. He had ended it with Ginny a couple of years ago and she hung around him more often every day, making him suspect that she wanted to get back together with him.

Harry was listening to Ron complain about how he wanted a new owl when there was a knock at the door. The two looked at it and Ronald said, "Come in?"

Ginny opened the door with two pieces of parchment in her right hand. Ron leered as she said, "Hi, Harry."

"Hi, Gin."

Ginny smiled and handed them the pieces of parchment and said, "From Hogwarts."

Harry looked at the paper as she left and opened it hesitantly. He read it silently and felt a small smile form on his lips.

Dear Mr Potter,
Due to the events of last year, a minimal number of selected students that missed their seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be asked, if they wish, to resume their education. Some Eighth Years will be able to join their House Quidditch teams if they successfully tryout for the Quidditch team. Unfortunately, Eighth Years will not be able to be Quidditch Captain. We plan to give returning students more freedoms, which will include:

•Unlimited trips to Hogsmeade Village from 6 pm after classes to 10 pm on weekdays and 9 am to 11 pm on weekends
•Two free periods
•Access to other House common rooms (with permissions)

We expect to see you on the first of September.

Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall

Harry smiled widely, excited for the first time in months. Ron, however, groaned, "We have to go back? After everything that happened?"

Harry said, "You can stay here with Mummy if you want, but I'm going back. I'm sure Hermione will too."

Ron pursed his lips and muttered, "I never said that I wasn't going back."

Harry stood up and added, "Quidditch, Hogwarts . . .we could even be in Care of Magical Creatures to just have fun with the skrewts."

Ron scowled. "Or just to mess around."

"That too, "

Harry smiled as he lie in the spare bed in Ronald's room as he thought of what could happen in September. He was excited to be going back to his Gryffindor dorm, going to the Great Hall...he was even excited for the classes. That night, Harry dreamed the first happy dream in almost a year.


Draco Malfoy was making his new house-elf make him tea when the owl tapped on his window. He took the parchment from its talons before it flew away. He read the letter and stared at it in disbelief when he read the words 'selected students' multiple times in his head and then aloud when he doubted his eyesight. He broke into a surprised but happy smile when he read that he could play Quidditch.

Luckily, he didn't live with his parents anymore and they would not approve of him going back to Hogwarts even if he wanted to just get more education that he wanted. He was excited to be going back to his studies but his excitement faded when he remembered which three students that everyone in the wizarding world knew; Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, and famous Harry Potter.

Draco frowned when he remembered how much the Malfoy name was loathed now. He imagined how other returning students would treat him and how much shit he was going to get now. But, to his credit, he and Blaise stood on Hogwarts side during the War. He didn't walk to the Death Eaters side even when his father threatened him.

How much was he going to take before he 'accidentally' hurt someone?

Of course, he didn't want to hurt anyone, but he would if it came to that, but only in a life or death situation, which was unlikely at a wizarding school.

All night he lie awake in his bed as he thought of what would happen in the months to come.

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