One: Alone

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I'm going crazy, Harry thought to himself as he searched for his new friends face. I must be. I haven't seen him all day.

It must have been the drug he had sneaked onto school grounds. That was the only logical explanation for what happened last night.

As he was walking into the Great Hall, a burly arm grabbed him and tugged him into a dark, secluded corner, a mouth pressing against his own. It was nice, but Harry wasn't in the mood. He pulled away and saw that the one who had grabbed him was Cormac McLaggen. He tsked and let Harry go and he straightened his tie as he waltzed into the Hall, his eyes searching. He could feel a certain blonde's eyes on him, but he paid him no mind.

He had Potions next and he knew that he wouldn't do his work correctly and possibly blow up the castle.

Harry debated on skipping the class altogether when he heard, "Draco, you are too funny!"

He turned and saw a shorter boy leaning against Malfoy's pale arm, a smile on his face and laughing. Harry clenched his jaw and watched as the boy pinched Malfoy's cheek. Malfoy caught his eyes and Harry turned away quickly.

Angrily, Harry sauntered to the Potions classroom and found somebody looking at him, his brown eyes wide and intent. Harry winked at him and the boy blushed. Harry tugged him aside and pulled his head close, kissing him and groaning against him.

The second bell went off and Harry detached himself, not looking back.

He was late to Potions and sat in one of the empty desks in the back, leaning his head down on his arms and closing his eyes. He heard Slughorn talking about a difficult potion that they were to brew that day and he yawned.

He was too tired to do this. He hadn't slept that night and hadn't eaten all day, not knowing that Neville was sitting next to him.

When Harry lifted his head, he heard Neville ask, "Did you hear what page number it was? I didn't hear it."

"Why are you here?"

Neville huffed. "I just wanted to sit with you. I'm your friend, aren't I?"

Harry didn't look at him when he said, "I don't want to be friends with you, you're always with Malfoy."

Harry didn't deny that he sounded like an angry child. He didn't deny that Neville was hurt, but he didn't care.

"I just . . ."

"Just go away, " Harry growled, now fully aware that Ron, Hermione, Blaise, Theodore, and Malfoy were watching him. "Get out of my face, you freak."

Neville said nothing but a small whimper escaped his mouth. When he didn't move, Harry said a little bit louder, "What, Neville? Want me to spill that secret of yours? Want everyone to find out about you and your b---"

"I'm leaving, Harry!" Neville cried, his hazel eyes full of tears. He grabbed his bag and Blaise gestured for Theo to move so that Neville could sit next to him.

Harry could feel a lot of people's eyes on him as he put his head in his hands, squeezing his eyes shut and disregarded his potion.

How could everything go wrong in the span of three days? How could he just threaten Neville with his love life? Then again, how could Draco have wanted him dead after everything that went on between them?

Draco just absolutely loved him, didn't he? Loved him to bits, right?

He heard the bell ring and he rushed out of the room, searching for a face, any face that looked at him longingly. He collided with someone in the middle of the crowded corridor. It wasn't a nice kiss and he found his bottom lip bleeding when he pulled away, not wanting to look back.

He craved something he shouldn't have as he made his way to Gryffindor Tower, thankful for the two free periods that he had. He felt so tired, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep.

He put the curtains down and nestled under the covers, holding back tears that desperately wanted to spill from his eyes.

Don't think about him. Just don't.

Loneliness wasn't fun. It wasn't even close. Harry wiped a tear from his face as he heard the door open and voices carried. Dean and Seamus were talking loudly, not caring that Harry was slowly losing his mind.

He could hear the smacking sounds of their lips and mouths and he yanked the curtain back, shocking them both. "Keep it down, will you?!"

"S-sorry, Har---"

"Just shut up and go somewhere else to do that!" Harry yelled, throwing the curtain back to its original position. He heard Dean and Seamus muttering and they left. Harry ran his shaking hands through his hair when he heard the door open again and a familiar red-headed boy poked his head through the curtain. "Go away, Ron."

"Hey, Harry, " he said, sitting down at the foot of Harry's bed. Harry turned his body. "Mate, I know that this year has been tough on you, "

Harry scoffed. "No kidding, genius."

Ron continued, ignoring Harry. "And I know that what I said to you about Draco was wrong, "

"You were right."

"No, I wasn't, " replied Ron, shaking his head. "I shouldn't have said that to you. I know how happy you were with him, but---"

Harry exploded, "You don't know anything, Ron! Don't act like you know what's going on! I know that I'm fucked up, alright? I know how I'm such a mess, yeah? So just leave me alone . . .please . . ."

Ron looked at his best friend, at a loss for words. Harry sobbed, his entire body shaking and trembling. "I thought . . .thought that he loved me."

Ron hugged him, allowing Harry to sob into his shoulder, looking at Hermione when she entered. "I'm so stupid. . ."

Ron tried to shush him and Hermione said, pulling them both close to her, "Harry, we all love you. Me, Ron, Seamus and Dean, Blaise and Neville, Theodore, Luna, Ginny, and Draco. Draco loves you so, so much, Harry."

Harry shook his head and sobbed harder, convincing himself that he was correct. "No, h-he can't if . . .if he doesn't, Hermione . . ."

Hermione and Ron didn't know what to say when his sleeves came down a bit, revealing the scars Harry had given himself. Hermione asked quietly, "Harry? When did you do this to yourself?"

"A f-few days ago . . ."

Harry bit his lip hard when Hermione ran her fingers on his wrist, not wanting her to touch the disgusting scars on him. Ron whispered, "Hey, Harry, why did you do this?"

"Sad, " Harry replied simply. "I'm a freak."

"Stop that, Harry, " Hermione said, her voice tight. "Don't call yourself that."

"Sorry . . ."

"Don't apologize, " Ron told him.

Harry nodded and he didn't feel so alone. He didn't feel like he was the most alone person in the entire world. And he was happy about that. He felt the small flicker of happiness.

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