Two: Nineteen

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The date was July thirty-first, as Draco remembered what day it was. He sat up, looking down at Harry's sleeping form, blinking when Harry stirred just a bit. They were supposed to go over to the Weasley's for supper at six and it was already noon. How did they sleep in for so long?

Draco heard the doorknob jiggling and a familiar male voice saying loudly, "He hasn't even invited me over!"

"Well, I think Harry is living with him, Theo, " the voice of Blaise Zabini said.

Just as Theo threw open the door, Draco feigned sleep, huddling close to Harry, burying his face into his pillow.

"See?" Blaise whispered. "They're asleep."

Draco heard nothing until a weight threw itself on his bed. "What the hell?!"

Harry lifted his head slightly only to cover it with a blanket. "Draco . . .not now."

"Happy birthday, Harry!" Theo yelled, yanking the blanket off of Harry's face. He proceeded to sing 'happy birthday' in a very off-pitch tone as Draco sat up again.

Blaise looked at Harry, who sat up, bleary-eyed from sleep and his hair messier than usual. "Sorry, "

Harry shook his head and put his hand to his left, brushing Draco's thigh. Groaning, he stretched his arms above his head, revealing a bit of his tanned torso. Draco stared hungrily at it until Theo mused, "Weirdo."

Draco tore his eyes away from Harry's exposed skin and gave Theo a look. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to wish Harry a happy birthday, obviously, " Theo said with an exaggerated eye roll. "But that won't stop me from giving him a present."

Theo waved his wand and a wrapped present appeared in Harry's hands. The suspense, however, was underwhelming.

It was a framed photo of Theo and Neville. Blaise was in the background, obviously shouting at Theo.

Harry put it on the wall next to the framed photos of him, Draco, Teddy, and their friends. All moved and all touched Harry's heart. "Thank you, Theo. And you, Blaise."

Blaise nodded while Theo gave Harry a hug. Draco growled deep in his throat as Theo gave him a pat on the shoulder. Harry laughed and yawned as he stood and got dressed. Draco did the same.

"You know, " Theo said as Draco pulled a shirt over his head. "Maybe I could get McG to give me a job at Hogwarts."

"McG?" Draco repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"McGonagall is a mouthful."

Draco rolled his eyes and Harry grinned. Soon, Theo and Blaise left, both of them wishing Harry a happy birthday. Only Harry and Draco were left.

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry, feeling a sense of triumph and pleasure when Harry leaned against him. "I was going to wake you up with breakfast. It was going to be great."

Harry smiled. "Oh well. It's okay. Nothing special."

"C'mon, we're nineteen now. The youngest professors Hogwarts has had."

Harry looked up at Draco. "And the most unprepared. Term starts next month and we haven't even packed."

Draco groaned, suddenly remembering the task they still had; figuring out what to bring in their briefcases. "Maybe we aren't cut out for this."

Harry got on his tiptoes and kissed the bottom of Draco's jawline, a miraculous feat, judging on how Draco had grown several inches in three months. Harry took the sweet, masculine scent of Draco's cologne as a treat, wanting that smell near him forever.

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