One: Graduation

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The day had finally arrived that the Eighth Years would be leaving, though the last day of term was in one week. Harry had gotten dressed with Ron and Neville in their Gryffindor dorm and grinned as Ron complained about his maroon dress robes, which were ten times better than his dress robes in their fourth year.

Harry grinned at the dark purple of his robes that made his eyes pop. He tried to tame his hair, but it quickly rebelled. He sighed.

"Your hair looks fine, " Ron assured him, fixing his own hair. Molly Weasley, his brothers, and Arthur Weasley would be there to see their son, Harry, and Draco Malfoy. "Quit messing with your hair, mate!"

Harry stopped his fiddling and asked Ron, feeling very self-conscious as his hand was on the doorknob, "Do I really look alright? Really?"

Ron sighed. "Yes, Harry, "

Neville grinned, his dark blue robes making him look dashing. "You look wonderful."

Harry frowned a bit and looked away. He pulled his sleeves down a bit and crossed his arms, not knowing what to do.

When they left their dorm and walked down to the common room, Hermione was already ready, her hair up in an elaborate style and in a beautiful blue silk dress. Next to her was Ginny wearing a forest green dress that clashed well with her red hair.

"Hello, Harry, " Hermione said after she gave Ron a hug.

Harry nodded at her and looked warily at Ginny, who wasn't looking at him. He didn't like her much, for she had been pestering him about Draco. She would tell him that Draco wasn't right for him, but Harry didn't listen to her at all.

"Ready?" Neville asked, running a hand through his hair. They all nodded and left the Gryffindor common room at eight.

The Great Hall had been transformed, as it seemed; the tables had been moved and there were benches in neat rows separated down the middle. One side was meant for the Eighth Years while the other was for relatives of the graduates.

In the very front, Harry could see a group of redheads and one blonde one, which Harry assumed belonged to Fleur, Bill's wife. Ginny went to join them and when she sat next to her mother, Molly looked over her shoulder just as Harry walked to the corridor that he had walked down so often.

He leaned against the wall and watched as the Hogwarts' ghosts floated by, each of them smiling and giving him a head nod. Peeves was being followed by the Bloody Baron, who was the only one who could keep the poltergeist in check.

"Waiting for someone?" a wonderfully slow voice asked. Harry looked to the left, seeing Draco in dark grey dress robes, followed by Theo and Blaise, both wearing black.

"Is Neville in the Hall?" Blaise asked Harry.

"Yeah, "

Blaise left quickly and Theo looked at Draco before saying, "I'll go find us a seat."

Draco stood a bit away from Harry, inclining his head and looking at Harry. "You look . . ."

"It's not that good of robes, " Harry said quickly. "I thought they would look better, but---"

". . .amazing, " Draco finished. "You really, really do."

Harry blushed and scratched the back of his neck, saying, "I really don't look as good as you, Dray. You look strapping."

Draco stepped forward and pinched Harry's cheek. "You look good, Harry."


Draco leaned down and pressed his lips against Harry's forehead lightly before rubbing his thumb across his bottom lip. Harry nipped at his finger.

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