One: Theodore's Disguise

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It took two days to perfect Theodore's disguise and not a moment too soon, for Draco had seen Harry with exactly six other boys and Hermione had said that he had only come back to Gryffindor Tower near midnight.

"And you must invent a name. Any name, really. Just as long as you stick to it, " Blaise reminded him. "So what's it going to be?"

"John Smith, "

Blaise groaned. "This will never work."

"Fine, " Theo pouted. "My name is Aero Wilkins. I'm in Gryffindor, but I used to be homeschooled. Both of my parents are dead and I used to have a sister. Is that enough?"

"What kind of name is Aero?" Ron snorted.

Theo countered, "What kind of name is Weasley?"

"Enough, Aero, " Blaise warned. "And remember, you can't act like yourself and you are not going to classes with him."

Theo nodded and asked Ron, "And you saw him go up the Astronomy Tower?"

Ron nodded. "Just a few minutes ago."

Draco took out his wand and asked Theo, "Ready?"

Theo smiled and answered, "Ready!"

Theo looked at himself in the mirror, marvelling at the magic that Draco and Hermione had performed on him; his hair was a mousy colour and was lighter at the ends, his eyes were now dark purple, almost grey, and he was now closer to Harry's height. He frowned at his nose, which was now a bit bigger and at his small lips.

"This is weird, " he muttered and his frown deepened on the lisp that went with his s'. "Why do I have a lisp?"

"Your voice isn't as recognizable like this, " Hermione explained. "It really isn't that bad. Rather cute, "

Theo sighed. "Oh well. And Draco will make me a normal person when I come to see him at night? Or before classes?"

"Before classes, " Draco said. "You'll speak to him at night and come back to me late and I'll set you right."

Theo nodded and Neville said, "You best get on. You might miss him."

And so, Theo left, wearing Gryffindor robes and hating every bit of them. He had never liked the colour red. How come he couldn't have been a Ravenclaw? He even would have liked to have been Hufflepuff so that he could get Harry back together with Draco.

"Idiots, " he muttered when he got to the opening of the Astronomy Tower that Draco explained in thorough detail that Theo didn't really need. He looked at his bare forearms, smiling at what Draco had done for him. A few hours of liberation. The one thing he hated was the lisp.

He climbed the enchanted ladder quietly and saw Harry sitting on a spot that he had cleared of snow with his wand and he had a bottle of Firewhiskey and he was smoking something that emitted coloured smoke.

"Oh, " he said as if he were intruding. Harry's head whipped around emerald eyes landed on Theo in an accusatory fashion. "Sorry, I didn't know that anybody else came up here. I'll just . . ."

Harry shook his head. " 'S fine. You can stay if you want. I'm a bit lonely right now."

Theo acted shy and sat down a few feet from Harry, gasping, "You're Harry Potter!"

Harry wilted. "Just call me Harry."

"Okay, " Theo said. "I'm Aero."

"I like that name, " Harry said with a smile. It was small, but it was a smile all the same.

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