One: Protective

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Draco tried to cover his face as they hit him, but he was numb to it. He felt something wet run down his face. He put his hand to his face and pulled his hand back, seeing blood on his fingers.


Draco looked up from his spot on the floor and saw Harry striding towards them with his wand out. The bigger of the four bullies said, "C'mon, Potter. You know he deserves it."

Harry kneeled down to help Draco up, his wand still in his hand. "Get lost, Lynch."

Lynch and his goonies crossed their arms, Lynch smiling evilly. "None of these Slytherins should have been allowed back."

Harry tried touching Draco's arm to get him to stand up, but Draco jerked his arm back with a nasty scowl. So he said, "I asked Professor McGonagall to allow the Slytherins back."

Draco's mouth dropped open and Harry smiled shyly, not looking at Lynch and his friends. Harry asked Draco, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Draco shook his head but winced when he tried to stand up. Harry grabbed Draco's arm and put it around his shoulders and Harry wrapped his arm around Draco's waist and asked with a smile, "Hope you're able to play Quidditch soon."

Draco chuckled and took a step forward, only to be blocked by Lynch. He scowled and glared at the Gryffindor.

"Get out of the way, " Harry said calmly. Lynch smirked and kicked Draco's shin very hard before walking away. "Fuck you, too!" Harry called after him.

Draco looked at the fuming Harry in a mixture of awe and stun. Harry was glaring in the direction of his fellow Gryffindors and started a little bit when he saw Draco looking at him.

"I didn't take you for one to swear."

Harry shrugged a little bit before walking slowly with Draco to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey asked, "What happened now, Potter?"

Harry shook his head and explained briefly, "It isn't me this time. It's Draco."

She took one look at Draco and told him, "Please sit down on a bed, Mr Malfoy."

She went into the next room over and Harry led Draco to the nearest bed and helped him sit down. Harry sat down in a chair across from him, smiling a little when Draco frowned.

"You should go, "

Harry shook his head and answered, "It's fine. Classes are over for us anyway."

Draco frowned again and Madam Pomfrey came back with a bottle of dark purple sludge and told him to drink the whole thing. He did so and felt his side tingling and his cuts heal over. A while later, Pomfrey told Draco that he could leave, but asked Harry to speak to her.

"Can you wait for me?" Harry asked. Draco nodded and left the room.

Madam Pomfrey said, "Are you and Mr Malfoy friends?"

Harry thought for a moment before replying, "Yes, "

"Would it be too much to ask if you were to watch out for him? He seems to be the target for ridicule."

Harry nodded and said, "Yeah, sure."

Madam Pomfrey smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr Potter. Let's hope this is the last time you come in here."

Harry gave her a smile as he left and saw Draco leaning against the opposite wall. The corner of his mouth tilted upward when Harry looked at him. Harry, however, didn't smile like he usually did. Draco's titled lip dropped.

"Why didn't you tell them to stop?"

Draco's eyebrows furrowed fiercely and his eyes turned dark. "Because I'm sure they would have listened to a Malfoy."

Harry gave him a disapproving look and said, "You don't have to say it like that, Draco."

Draco didn't respond. Harry and he walked in silence for a while before Harry said, "Did you...provoke them?"

Draco did not take lightly to that comment and glowered at Harry. "If you think I would provoke you hot-headed Gryffindors so that I could get beat up?"

Harry put his hands up defensively and naturally, saying, "I'm sor---"

"Save it, Potter, " Draco growled and continued on his way, walking faster than Harry and losing him down a staircase to go to the Slytherin common room to see Blaise and Theo. Draco felt a little bad about leaving Harry, but he couldn't imagine the Golden Boy thinking that he wanted to start something with burly Gryffindors. Undeniably, Draco did start a lot of stuff in all of his other years at Hogwarts, but he always felt a little bad after it happened.

Draco spoke the password to a patch of bare stone wall and instantly found Blaise reading by the fireplace and Theo yawning in an armchair.

"Hey, Draco," Blaise said without looking up from his book.

Theo, just noticing Draco, smirked and asked, "Were you studying with Potter?"

"Yes, " Draco answered but saw no point in telling the two about his run-in with those Gryffindor meatheads. "Until Weasley decided to mouth off."

Blaise clicked his tongue and Theo snorted unhappily, "What'd Potter do?"

Draco sat down on the armchair in between them and answered, "Nothing, "

Blaise looked up at them as he turned his page and questioned, "Did you bring it up?"

"Not before Weasley got mouthy and asked about me 'being scared of heights'. So I got an attitude with him right back, " Draco replied. "I made a joke and he got pissed."

Theo laughed and Blaise looked over at them. "Did you tell him?"

Draco replied, "No."

"Did something happen?"

Draco bit the inside of his cheek and answered, "Nothing more than a small predicament with some Gryffindors. He asked if I provoked them."

Theo questioned, "What'd you say? You lose it?"

"I asked him why I would provoke those imbeciles and I answered honestly; why would I provoke some jerks? I left."

Blaise glanced up at him but looked back down at his book, wondering aloud, "You left?"

Draco nodded as Theo muttered loudly, "I heard that he and that Weasley girl are still a thing."

Draco frowned and Blaise threw his book at Theo, saying, "Theodore, shut your mouth!"

Theo covered his head with his arms and cried out, "I was kidding!"

Draco growled, "Didn't seem like it."

Blaise calmed Draco down and laughed when Theo and Draco got into an argument about Potions.

Draco laughed too, forgetting about Harry . . . but not completely.

Or at all.

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