One: Matching

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Harry held Draco's hand and frowned as they sat down in the Great Hall for breakfast. Ever since the incident at the Hogs Head, Harry was even warier around large crowds. Draco was relaxed, however. Every time someone dropped a goblet or silverware, he would flinch and try to cover his ears inconspicuously, but Draco noticed.

Theo and Blaise were amazed when Draco touched Harry's hands softly and slowly moved them, kissing Harry's cheek. Theo said, "You're together again."

Draco nodded. "I told him that I only kept the letter so that I could hand it over to the Minister."

Blaise nodded and broke into a smile when Neville sat next to him. "You two are getting along?" asked Draco.

Neville blushed a bit before nodding. "Yeah."

Harry bit the inside of his cheek as Draco smiled and added, "Getting it on?"

Neville choked on his pumpkin juice and Blaise glared. "Shut the hell up."

Theo smiled sickly and asked Draco, "Hey, haven't you and Harry---"

Harry leapt forward and clamped his hand over Theo's mouth as Ron and Hermione bobbed into view. Theo smirked as Harry asked, still bent over the table, "Hey, what's up?"

Before the two could answer, Theo licked Harry's hand, making Harry jump back and squeal, "Ew!"

Theo cackled as Harry grabbed napkins and wiped his hand. Draco snickered behind his hand and Blaise chuckled into Neville's neck.

Harry blushed a deep red and muttered, "I don't know why I'm friends with you all."

Draco chuckled as he kissed Harry's cheek, saying, "Ah, we love you."

"Mmm, love you too."


Easter came quickly and, in fashion, Draco was delivered a letter by his owl. Draco didn't really want to read the letter, but he still opened it, feeling some relief when he saw his mothers handwriting. The most it said was that it was a shame that the 'Potter boy' hadn't died.

Harry, who was half asleep, saw that Draco was sitting on the side of his bed. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist, his forearms resting on his hips and his hands on Draco's thighs. Draco, though a bit surprised, put a hand on Harry's, biting his lip when Harry nuzzled into his lower back.

"You're up."

Harry groaned, "Yeah."

Draco set the letter down and turned his head, smiling when Harry looked up at him. Draco's eyes travelled to a spot of exposed skin on Harry's shoulder and back to Harry's emerald eyes. Suddenly, Draco was very angry at the thick blanket on Harry's body.

After a few more minutes of leaning against Draco, Harry stood and stretched. Draco stood as well and held Harry's arms where they were above his head. Harry looked at him and stuck his tongue out jokingly. Draco stuck his tongue out also.

A bright, golden egg the size of a dragons caught Harry's eyes and he made his way towards it. There were two. One had a letter addressed to Harry while the other had one addressed to Draco with Mrs Weasley's minuscule handwriting.

"Here, " Harry said, handing Draco the letter.

Draco opened the letter, feeling a bit shy as he read it; he didn't know for sure if the woman that acted like Harry's own mother approved of him.

Dearest Draco Malfoy,
Though I haven't spoken to you directly (Harry didn't want to leave you alone for Christmas and thought that you would feel overwhelmed in our cramped home), I sent this letter so that you could have something positive to read. I hope you and Harry come to visit during the summer and hopefully live close by. You've been a dear. Even though Harry hasn't had the best year, I feel that you've made it better by the letters he sent me. Have a wonderful Easter, dear.
Molly Weasley

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