One: Summer

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It was a warm day whenever students were leaving to enjoy their summer off. The students changed into Muggle clothes on the train and tried to avoid talking about Hogwarts if they could help it.

Hermione, however, said sadly, "I'll miss this place."

Ron said, "Speak for yourself."

Blaise grinned as Neville held his hand. "You three are lucky to be coming back."

Neville had been offered the spot of being the Herbology professor since Professor Sprout was retiring as well. All three were proud to have been chosen for the spots.

"You can still come to Hogsmeade on the weekends, " Neville suggested to Blaise, Theo, Hermione, and Ron. "It's not like the town is reserved for students."

"Okay, Professor Longbottom, " Theo teased. Neville blushed.

Draco felt Harry lean his head onto his shoulder and he mumbled, his voice muffled from the fabric of Draco's shirt, "Merlin, I'm excited. I don't think I'd be good at planning lessons, though."

With her voice full of reassurance, Hermione said, "I'm sure you'll do wonderful, Harry. Just do what you feel is right for the years you're teaching."

"I'm doing all seven."

Ron gulped. "Well, good luck then, mate."

Harry laughed. "I don't think they'll give me much trouble. I am the Boy Who Lived Twice, for crying out loud."

"Yes, get cocky, " Draco muttered, feigning annoyance.

Harry looked at him and added sweetly, "They'll eat you alive, darling."

Draco crossed his arms and said, "No, they will not. Not if they don't want House points deducted." He added after Ron snickered, "Especially Gryffindor House points."

"Unfair, " Neville coughed.

"Draco's stupid, " Theo coughed.

Draco stood abruptly and held a fist up. "Shove it, Theodore."

"But Neville did it too!"

"I like Neville more than you."

"What the hell?" Theo cried, throwing his arms up.

Everyone laughed and everything was alright.


When the Hogwarts Express stopped and the whistle let out a mournful moan, the students left, glad for summer to have finally come. Blaise went with Neville to meet his grandmother. Hermione had gone to find her parents. Theo Disapparated. Only Ron, Harry, and Draco remained.

Ron, being the tallest by only a hair, searched for his family, muttering to himself. "They should be around here . . ."

Draco suddenly felt very self-conscious standing there, holding hands with Harry as if he had done it for years. People stared and whispered behind their hands and Draco felt relief when Harry glared at them.

"Hey, don't worry."

Draco nodded just as Molly and Arthur Weasley came into view. "Hello, Harry, dear."

"Hello, Mrs Weasley."

"It's nice to see you again, Draco, " she told him.

Draco nodded silently and bit his lip. He was very nervous.

"Well, " Harry said, trying to break the tension. "Draco and I have some very good news to share."

Arthur smiled brightly, his hazel eyes twinkling. "Ah, why don't you tell us at supper tonight. I assume Draco has a place set up for the two of you?"

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