Extra: Blaise and Neville

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Blaise didn't touch Neville as they walked in complete silence to wherever Neville was taking him. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets and watched Neville's feet, not really looking up a bit also not technically looking down.

I'm an idiot.

Blaise bit his lip in thought, trying not to imagine the worst. He was sure that Neville would deliver that news in due time. There was no way he could break the boy's heart like that.

Neville looked back at a glance and caught Blaise's deep brown eyes, looking away quickly. He was supposed to be angry at him, but he couldn't.

How could he be angry at one of the only people who loved him? How could he be angry at the one whom he could confide in? The answer was, he couldn't.

To the Forest, Neville led Blaise. Neville gained confidence after the War and wasn't afraid of the Forest anymore. He had seen much, much worse.

"Those, " he began, pointing to a dark blue plant that seemed to give off just a bit of light in the dark overcast of the trees, "are called 'Twilight Silkweed' or Crepusculum sericum. It's supposed to be some sort of a cure for some Muggle diseases, but some people are immune to it. It's weird like that."


"Don't touch that one, though, " he added, pointing to a rather menacing plant that was bright red with yellow spots. "It'll melt your skin."


"But that's not the weirdest one. There's this one that moves around and bonds with whoever planted it, but I'm not sure where it---"

"I'm sorry."

Neville looked back. "What?"

"I didn't know what I was doing, " Blaise said, his hands in his hair and his face full of shame. He paced back and forth, his favourite nervous habit. "I was drunk, and it wasn't ever supposed to happen like that! I'm so, so sorry. I get it if you don't---"

"Blaise, it's fine."

"It's not though, Neville!" Blaise exploded. "I fucked up so bad! I don't even deserve you at all. A dirty Slytherin---"

"You're not a---"

"---that was with Death Eaters---"

"Death Eaters were around everyone!" Neville pleaded.

"---one that doesn't deserve to be around the boy who killed a Horcrux to help Harry Potter---"

"Blaise!" Neville cried desperately, trying to reach Blaise somehow.

Blaise kicked a tree as tears filled his eyes, he pressed his hands against his eyes, not wanting to cry. He never did, so why should he start now? He wasn't supposed to cry, he was supposed to keep his emotions in check.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and tensed. Blaise didn't want to imagine that it was who it always was, but he was relieved when it was Neville's voice and not. . .

"Blaise, I'm not mad. The only thing I don't understand is when you ask me whatever the matter is and I tell you everything, but when I ask, you change the subject."

Blaise replied defensively, "I just want you to tell me what bothers you."

"Well, what's bothering you?"

Blaise said nothing.

Neville shook his head. "That's what I mean. How can I trust that you love me when you can't tell me what's upsetting you?"

"I just . . .don't want to make you worry or feel weird."

Neville looked up at him, love full in his hazel eyes. Blaise deflated when he said in that quiet way, "Blaise, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

Blaise looked at him, chewing the inside of his cheek. "I just don't want you to look at me like I'm a mess."

"I would never, "

Blaise swallowed. "I never really had anyone who listened to me. My dad died when I was young and Mother raised me with my sisters. My father's brother was a Death Eater with a Mark and everything. I guess he knew that I'm gay from the start. He would try to get it out of my with Unforgivable Curses, but I guess it didn't work." He spoke slowly, not wanting to overwhelm Neville.

"Is that why you don't ever cry?"

Blaise nodded. "Merlin, Nev, I'm so fucking broken. Maybe I'm not supposed to do this. Maybe I can't do anything."

Neville was quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say. Finally, he found the six words to say. "We're all broken in some way. I don't ever get a good night's sleep anymore. Hell, I think I'm scared of snakes now. The animal, " he added with a wink at the taller boy, making him chuckle.

Neville pulled him into a hug, wrapping his arms around Blaise's torso, resting his head over his heart. His heart swelled when Blaise's arms enveloped him, tugging him closer. "Y'know, you can tell me anything, right?"

Blaise answered, "Yeah. Yeah, I know."

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