One: A Terrible Christmas

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When Draco woke up the next morning, he could hardly believe what he had done. He looked down at a shirtless, sleeping Harry and found himself smiling when he saw multiple hickeys on his chest and neck. How many more did he leave?

He stood and dressed in his leisure uniform and looked at his watch, which read almost none thirty, December twenty sixth. Draco heard a knock on the portrait door just as he had finished buttoning his white shirt, but he pulled it off and threw on the sweater that Molly Weasley had made for him. There was another set of knocks and he saw Harry tug the blanket over his head. When Draco finally opened the door, he was shocked and a little frightened to see Professor McGonagall standing there, a very serious expression on her face.

"Professor?" he nervously said.

"There was an . . .incident early this morning involving a group of Gryffindor boys and Theodore Nott, " Draco held his breath as she continued. "He refuses to tell me anything and Professor Slughorn does not have any Veritaserum. He told me that both you and Mr Potter would be here."

Draco nodded as he replied, "Yeah. Yeah, I'll wake him."

Draco exhaled a breath as soon as the door was shut. He looked at Harry's sleeping form under the blankets and frowned when he pulled the bit that was covering his head back. "Harry, " he said quietly in his ear. He didn't want to wake him up. He looked so peaceful. "Harry, you have to get up."

Harry groaned and put his hand over Draco's mouth. "Five more minutes, "

"You need to get up, Harry."

Harry groaned again and sat up, wincing and wrapping his arms around his torso. Draco frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Harry answered through gritted teeth, "Just a bit -ow- sore."

Draco quickly said, "Oh Merlin, I'm sorry, Harry. I must've been a bit rough with you."

"No, " he said, shaking his head. "It's fine. But my throat hurts too."

Draco ran a hand through his hair, realizing that he hadn't slicked it back yet. He reached his hand out to grab the small bottle of gel on his nightstand when Harry said, his voice a little raspy, "Your hair makes your face look softer."

Draco looked at him and Harry blushed. "Sorry . . ."

"Don't apologise, but McGonagall's standing outside the portrait door."

Harry looked up at him and asked, "Why?"

"Apparently, Theo got himself into trouble. I told her that I would wake you up so that you could get dressed. He won't tell her what happened so she thinks he'll tell us."

Harry stood quickly and almost doubled over, his arms tight around his abdomen, sharp pain stabbing at him. Draco made a move towards him but Harry gasped, "Can you just . . .ow. . .hand me my sweater and jeans?"

Harry dressed and smiled at how the sweater that Mrs Weasley made had a turtle neck that covered the hickeys on his neck. Before he could protest, Draco bent down and tied the laces of his boots, giving Harry some relief.

Draco walked out of the portrait door first, followed by Harry, and Professor McGonagall nodded at them before leading the way to the Headmistress's office. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and shoved the other in his pocket. He shivered when Draco traced the outline of a small scar on the inside of his hand. "Professor, what happened?"

"Since Mr Nott refuses to tell me what happened, I have only a few accounts of what did happen. Derek Lynch told me that Nott had attacked him and a few others but I," she glanced back at them, "don't believe that story."

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