One: Tension

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The four walked into the Great Hall laughing and poking fun. Harry noticed how every student looked over at him and the blonde Slytherin boy holding hands and leaning into each other. He suddenly felt very self-conscious and would glance around every once in a while, only pulling his eyes away from the rest of Hogwarts when Draco noticed and asked him an out of place question.

The two sat down side by side, Harry releasing Draco's hand and watched as they shook with nerves, feeling as if every Hogwarts student was looking at him. Judging him.

"Hey, babe. Are you alright?" Theo asked Harry.

After a moment Harry lifted his head and plastered a smile on his face, answering, "Yeah. I'm just . . .tired."

Harry looked around and Theo opened his mouth again to say something else, but only stopped when Blaise elbowed his ribs. Draco said quietly in Harry's ear, "Do you want to leave or---"

Harry shook his head and replied, his voice shaking slightly, "No, I'm fine."

Draco placed a hand on Harry's knee and said, "If you want to leave, you can."

"I don't know what Ron'll do."

"Weasley?" Blaise asked. "I thought you two were best mates."

Harry answered, a little desperately, "We -- We are! He just . . .doesn't really . . ."

Blaise said quickly when he saw tears fill his shamrock coloured eyes, "I understand."

Harry crossed his arms, looking back down at his legs, and held tightly to his opposite arms, feeling his nails dig into his skin through his long-sleeved, white-collar shirt. "I thought he would too . . ." he replied in a pained whisper.

Draco promptly removed Harry's hands from his arms and said quietly, "I'm sure Weasley will . . .come around."

Theo told him, "I don't see him around."

Harry lifted his head and looked around again, unable to stop himself from his compulsion. He rubbed his eyes and leaned heavily against Draco's shoulder, doing his best to ignore the rest of the school.

Draco frowned when his owl flew down from one of the open windows and brought him a letter with his name written on it in his mother's handwriting. Both Blaise and Theo got letters from their parents, though Theo had one from only his mother.

Harry remembered that Theodore's father was a Death Eater and in Azkaban with Lucius Malfoy. He also remembered that Blaise had only his mother and half-sisters to write him letters.

Theo frowned as he read his letter before scoffing and crumbling it into a ball. Blaise smiled slightly as he read and Draco put his in the inside pocket of his cloak to read later. He glanced at Harry, who was placing a knut in the pouch of a delivery owl that gave him a copy of the Prophet.

Draco asked him, "What are you looking for?" as Harry flipped through the pages.

"Any news on uncaptured Death Eaters . . ."
He trailed off when he remembered that two of the three people he was talking to had Dark Marks and his face flushed.

"Is there any?" Theodore asked.

Harry answered, "Not really."

Draco read over his shoulder and smiled at how much Harry became flustered when his lips brushed against his skin. "Draco . . ."

"Potter, "

Harry shook his head and continued to read. Draco ate some fruit and tapped Harry's knee with his index finger. He was tempted to ask why his boyfriend continued to look around the room every once in a while when he saw Harry's eyes land on something and stay there.

Draco followed his eyes and saw Weasley talking to Granger with a scowl placed on his face while she looked annoyed.

Blaise and Theodore regained his attention by starting a false argument about something unimportant. Theo took it a step too far and threw a spoonful of jam at his face, hitting his cheek and making Blaise shove him roughly. Draco shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose as Theo said, "Blaise, calm down! I didn't---"

"You got jam all over me, Theo!"

Harry laughed quietly at the two as they continued to fume at each other and laughed as Draco groaned kindly. Draco smiled when Harry laughed and bit softly at Harry's neck, causing him to giggle and push at Draco.

Theo slammed his hand on the table loudly, making Harry, Draco, and even Blaise jump a little. Blaise wiped at the sticky jam on his face and scowled at Theodore. Harry glanced around and noticed that almost every student was looking their way, including Ron and Hermione.

"How dare you bite my boyfriend's neck, " he dramatically said, leaning his head back and resting the back of his hand on his forehead.

Harry stood and clutched at his chest, asking, "How could you do this to me?!"

Theo and Harry erupted with laughter as Draco and Blaise laughed light-heartedly. Harry, wiping happy tears from his eyes, saw Ron glaring in his direction and Hermione telling him something behind her hand.

Draco could feel the tension between Harry and the annoying redhead as Harry quieted down. He grinned when Harry looked up at him, his emerald eyes still a little wet. He wiped a tear away with his thumb and cooed, "Isn't little Harry Potter so cute when he laughs?"

Harry blushed and smiled, but it was soon replaced by a vehement look when Theo answered in a blissful voice, "He did when we were in love."

Draco almost hexed Theodore before he felt Harry's hand rest on his ribs, startling Draco slightly. "Isn't little Draco Malfoy so cute when he gets scared?"

"I don't get scared, " Draco denied.

"You almost wet yourself when I threatened to tell him how you wanted to---" Theo started before he was interrupted.

Draco kicked at him from under the table, making Theodore wince and groan. Harry pursed his lips and Draco grinned sentimentally. He kissed Harry's forehead and Theo leaned against Blaise, saying, "Blaise, I can't see this. Hug me, "

Blaise shoved him. "Get off of me, "

Theo complained as Draco fed off of the nasty look that Weasley was giving him.

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