One: Elixir to Induce Euphoria

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked to the Potions classroom, smiling at Professor Slughorn as he greeted the three by first name. They sat together and he and Ron talked loudly and shamelessly. When Draco and his friends walked in, Harry waved and smiled at Draco, then Zabini and Nott. Blaise waved back and nudged Draco, making him shove his hand away.

Harry's smile faltered before he turned away and shoved Ron's shoulder.

"Why are you being so friendly with him?" Ron asked.

Harry shrugged and answered, "Maybe we should be nicer to them. You saw how people spit at him at Kings Cross."

Ron crossed his arms. "He deserved it."

Hermione reached over Ronald and whispered to Harry, "He's trying to get your attention."

Harry turned his head and saw Draco crumpling a piece of parchment and made to throw it when he noticed that Harry was looking at him with an amused smile. Draco waved back with a small, almost non-existent, smile. Harry smiled and turned away, hearing Draco sputter something and Theo laughing at him.

Hermione told the other two to be quiet when Professor Slughorn closed the door and made his way to the front of the class. He welcomed the students and said, "This year, we will be making the Elixir to Induce Euphoria. You will be working in pairs of two with whomever you please."

Draco raised his hand and asked, "Are we able to work by ourselves?"

From behind him, Harry heard, "Yeah, he doesn't have anyone else to work with."

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Draco's face turn pink and a round of laughter from the rest of the classroom.

Professor Slughorn started, "Uh, well . . .I suppose you---"

Harry raised his hand and interjected, loud enough for the entire class to hear, "I'll be Malfoy's partner!"

The class went silent. Harry looked straight forward at Slughorn, his gaze was unwavering. "That's fine."

Slughorn continued talking about the project. "You and your partner will be researching the Elixir for a few months and then make it for your term exam."

The class nodded, a few groans here and there. Harry realized how bad he was at Potions. He wished he had kept Snape's book . . .

Harry remembered the snake lashing out and biting the black-haired man on his pale neck, him reaching for his neck and blood staining his fingers, leaking through. The man he had hated for years was dying right in front of him and---

"Harry, " Ron interrupted his brief flashback, shaking him slightly. "Mate?"

Harry snapped up and looked at his best friend. "Yeah?"

"Just . . .making sure you're okay."

Harry nodded and looked down at the table, seeing Draco argue in whispers and gestures with both Blaise and Theodore. The bell rang and the three friends left the classroom, slowly making their way to Astronomy.


Harry turned around and saw Draco storming towards him with Zabini and Nott trying to catch up to him through the crowded halls. Harry nervously clutched the strap of his bag. "Uh, hello M---"

Draco shoved him so hard that Harry almost fell down. Weasley said, "Oi!"

Draco growled, "Don't take pity on me, Potter. You of all people don't get to pity me."

Harry stuttered, "I--I just wanted to . . .to be---"

"I don't care, " Draco sneered. "Go be partners with that screw-up Longbottom. You'll be perfect partners together."

Draco turned to walk away when Harry said, "No."

Draco stopped.

"I wanna be your partner."

Draco took a deep breath and told Harry, "You'll be made fun of. Just find another partner."

And before Harry could say anything else, Draco walked away towards the doors to go outside to Herbology. Blaise and Theo kept asking him what he said to Potter and he didn't tell them.

He hoped that Potter would just switch partners and just not talk to him. But he somehow knew that Potter would not leave him alone.

Draco heard a couple of Hufflepuffs talking loudly behind him about him. It took all of his willpower to not turn around and hex them.


At lunch, Harry came and sat down next to Draco with determination written all over his confident face. Draco said nothing but moved to the other side of Blaise and away from Harry. He said nothing but left when Harry, Ron, Dean, and Seamus started throwing a paper back and forth between them.

He walked the corridors until the bell rang and then made his way outside to go to Care of Magical Creatures. Blaise and Theo came up to him and tried talking sense to him, but he didn't listen.

Draco didn't know what to do . . .

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