One: Not Okay

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Harry didn't want to dwell on Malfoy too much. He busied himself with the school work that he had put aside at the desk in his dorm. Hermione, Ron, Dean, and Seamus close by to help him. Secretly, they were waiting for him to say something. Anything.

Neville, not being in the dorm, was most likely with Blaise. He asked Ron and Hermione when he set his quill down, taking a break, "Can you two come with me to the Owlery?"

"Sure, Harry, " Ron answered slowly, looking at Hermione.

Harry turned again and wrote on a piece of parchment, doing his best not to rip the paper with the tip of his quill, which was pressing against the parchment so hard that the ink didn't dry quickly.

To whom it may concern,
Never come near me again. You're lucky I don't tell Professor McGonagall about your little plan or about your father contacting you. Don't talk to me. Don't sit with me. Don't even think about me.

Harry folded the letter and stood. Hermione and Ron followed him, looking at each other. "Uh, Harry?" Hermione started. "Don't you want to, I don't know, slow down?"

"No, I want to find Ginny after I send this."

Ron added, "Are you sure it was from Malfoy? I mean---"

"You hated him before this. Now I can hate him with you."

Hermione looked at Ronald, her brown eyes sad. "You don't hate him, Harry. You can't."

Harry's pace didn't slow as he said, "Yes, yes I do. He . . .he wants me dead."


Harry whipped around, his jaw set in anger and his lips curled into a snarl. "You're supposed to be my friends and support me. On second thought, " Harry snarled, "I don't need you two."

Hermione reached out and put a hand on Harry's shoulder, saying, "You don't mean that, do you?"

Harry shoved Hermione's hand away and glared. "I do."

And he turned, walking away from his two best friends. When he finally made it to the Owlery, he saw a familiar blonde head. "Hello, Luna."

"Hi, Harry, " Luna said in her dreamlike voice, her eyes shining. "How are you?"

"Good, " Harry lied easily and with a smile. "You?"

"Oh, you know, " she replied, trying a letter to the eagle owl in her possession. "Trying to get the Knargles on my good side."

Harry nodded, searching for an owl that wanted to be used. He found one and tied the letter to its leg, patting its head before it flew through the open window. Luna looked at him for a long time before asking, "How are you and Draco?"

Harry seemed to pause before saying, "We're not together. I hate him."

Luna said nothing for a while and Harry heard the door behind him open and Luna said, "Hi, Ginny."

Harry looked behind him, smiling at the familiar redhead. He remembered when he had told Malfoy that he wasn't in love with her, but he stopped himself. Get over it.

"Hey, Gin."

"Harry? Hermione told me that Malfoy had---"

"We aren't together."

Ginny nodded and asked, "Want to come with me to the library?"

Harry smiled and nodded. Maybe he could convince himself that he was in love with Ginny. Yes.

The two walked, Harry glancing at Ginny every once in a while. It wasn't funny when Ginny said, "Malfoy must have used some sort of potion, " but he laughed all the same.

Harry grabbed her hand and led her to the corner of the library, pressing her against the wall and kissing her lips; they weren't like Malfoy's at all. They weren't the warmest or the softest. The hair that he had in his fingers wasn't blonde and when he kissed her neck, he smelled strawberries and not cologne.

She kissed back and Harry tried not to think of Malfoy when her hands were in his hair. He didn't want to kiss her, he didn't want to.

He heard the familiar voice of Blaise say, "It's your fault, really. You should have told him---"

"Shut up, Blaise, " he heard Malfoy growl. Suddenly, Harry was filled with angry fire and he continued to kiss Ginny, feeling some satisfaction when the voices stopped and he heard Malfoy say quietly, "Let's leave."

Ginny shoved Harry off of her. "You don't love me, "


"This is a sad invention. It's not real, what you feel for me."


"You're in love with someone else, "

She left, leaving Harry alone.

Harry found himself in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, alone except for his thoughts, telling just how useless and stupid he is. How he had messed everything up with Ginny, how he was a mess. He didn't look in the mirror, not wanting to look at himself. He couldn't let anything go aside from the blood that was steadily drilling down from his wrist and down his arm to the basin of one of the many broken sinks, ignoring the way he knew Myrtle was watching him.

He pretended that there was something there and not the empty shell of the person he was. He plastered a smile on his face and tried to convince himself that he wasn't the broken mess he was.

But he was and nothing could change that, not even a wonderful boyfriend that turned out to be just as fake as the smile he had on his own face was.

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