One: Ultimatum

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Harry didn't want to listen to their theories anymore, and, unable to contain this, he almost shouted.

"Draco would never do that! He's so kind and funny. He's really funny. All he does is worry about me and it was sweet when I told him I was allergic to strawberries. It was as if the strawberries were a disease!"

Ginny glared at Harry as he was speaking. "He's a Death Eater."

"Ginny!" Dean warned. Ron glared.

"She's right. And I don't care if he stood on our side; he didn't fight with us. He turned on your back twice, Harry!"

"So what, Ron?!" Harry cried, unable to retain his evident anger. "Everything changed after the War and we should be able to put it behind us!"

Ron suddenly shoved Harry, shocking them both, but only for a second. "He has to be doing something to you besides fucking you."

"Ronald!" Seamus, Dean, and Hermione cried. Harry shrank.

Seamus said in his usual calm voice, "Ron, maybe just listen to him. Harry seems to enjoy Malfoy's company and he has to love him."

Harry perked up instantly, remembering what happened earlier that night. "Oh, he does! He told me, " Harry held his cheeks as his smile grew and grew. "Draco told me that he loves me a few hours ago . . .at least, I think it was a few hours ago."

"That's great, Harry!" Hermione said, coming towards him and hugging him. "What did you tell him? Did you tell him that you---"

"Yeah! I did!" Harry bounced with excitement.

Ron swiftly popped the bubble, saying, "Dammit, Harry! He's using you!"

"Shut up, Ron!" Dean yelled.

Harry balled his hands into fists as angry tears filled his eyes. His voice shook as he said, "I don't care what you think, Ron. He's my boyfriend and I love him. I love him . . ."

"Harry, Malfoy is taking advantage of how your mind isn't in the best place right now, " Ginny coaxed. Harry pressed the heels of his hands against his forehead, trying and failing to keep his emotions in check.

"That's enough, Ginny, " Dean said sternly. He placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and quietly said to him, "You look tired and we're tired. Let's go upstairs and sleep, okay?"

Harry nodded, not moving his hands but opening his eyes. Hermione whispered in his ear, "Goodnight, Harry."

"Either you end it with him and I'll be your mate, or you stay with him and I won't ever speak to you."

Harry stopped while the others urged him up. "You're giving me an ultimatum?"

Ron crossed his arms and said nothing as he pushed past his best friend to his bed.

Harry couldn't breathe. He couldn't do that to Draco. He couldn't lose his best friend.

Harry didn't realize that he was walking up the stairs and didn't realize that he was in his four-poster bed until he reached for the string that held up the curtains. When they dropped, he cast a silencing charm and buried himself in the covers.

Desperately, he willed sleep to come and to never wake him up, but it never did.


Draco yawned into his arm at breakfast. He was certain that Blaise and Theo had broken their backs sleeping on those dastardly things called beds in the dorms. He had never been happy to call himself a Malfoy, but now he was.

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