One: Strong

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Naturally, Draco told her almost everything, leaving only the parts out that only he and Harry knew about. Andromeda listened intently, nodding and sipping her wine. Draco was really amazed at how similar she looked to Bellatrix Lestrange; they both had the same long, black hair, both had black eyes and the same hooked nose. But Andromeda's hair was much neater, her eyes had an undeniable twinkle, making her seem nicer than his aunt.

"And how is Harry? Really?" she asked.

Draco grasped for the right words to say. "He, in my opinion, isn't doing very well. I'm not sure if he slept at all last night and he didn't eat much yesterday. He and Weasley--Ron--had a fight and . . .I'm not sure what was said. Every time I try to bring it up, he ignores it and starts babbling nonsense."

Andromeda nodded. "He loves to do that; its as if he just doesn't want anybody to know. Poor dear, " she added with a sad frown, "he hid what he was feeling for so long and replaced it with what he thought he should have felt. Dreadful, "

Draco nodded.

"He's such a dear, though. Always wanting to help with Teddy and to make him happy. Harry is a sweetheart."

Draco couldn't hold back a smile as he agreed. "Yes, he really is."

Andromeda took another sip of her wine, glancing at Draco from over the rim of her glass. "And you too, Draco. Don't think he doesn't write to me about you, " she added when Draco blushed and shook his head. "You're good for him."

Draco was silent. Harry wrote to his godson's grandmother about him? Draco only had Blaise and Theo to talk to about Harry, that was how it had been since third year when they found him, a thirteen year old, crying in the bathroom. He couldn't tell his parents how he really felt with one being in Azkaban and the other mourning his father as if he were already dead, both blaming Harry Potter for everything.

"Draco, " Andromeda said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "I have to leave now, but please make sure Harry eats something here. You two can have whatever is in the pantry."

She Disapparated.

Draco heard a crash from upstairs and Teddy let out a banshee-like screech. Draco felt for his wand as he ran up the stairs, listening to Teddy's screeching until he opened a door and saw Harry trying to hold Teddy and trying to grab his wand to fix a broken vase that laid on the floor. Draco muttered, "Reparo."

"Thank you, " Harry said breathlessly as he tried to calm the baby. "Shhh, Teddy. Shhh, "

Draco asked when Teddy still cried, the roots of his hair turning a very vibrant red colour, "May I?"

Harry carefully handed Draco the fussing baby and was amazed when all Draco did was hold him right against his chest and bounced him up and down slightly. He's wonderful, Harry thought. He's an excellent boyfriend. He could be an excellent father---no. Stop that, you're both eighteen. Eighteen.

Teddy stopped fussing as he sucked idly on his thumb, the roots of his hair turning pale green. "Wow, " Harry said in awe. "You're really good with him."

"I like him. Can we keep him?"

Harry laughed, "No, Dray."

Draco stuck his bottom lip out in a mock pout. "Fine, "

Harry led the way to the kitchen and told Draco to put Teddy in his highchair, which was an easier feat than getting him to drink from the bottle that Harry had heated. Harry sighed, "Teddy, please just drink it. Then you can do whatever you want. Sounds good, yeah?"

The small boy turned his nose up and scrunched up his face, the roots of his hair turning burgundy. "Teddy, " Harry warned.

Draco chuckled when the boy still refused the bottle. "Shut up, Draco."

"Make me, Potter."

Harry ignored him and said in an authorized voice, "Edward Remus Lupin, you will drink the bottle or you won't stay up later than Andromeda lets you."

Teddy opened his eyes, frowning at Harry, his eyes changing from hazel to pale green. He didn't budge.

"Teddy, " Harry groaned. He tried to force the bottle into his hands but instantly stopped when Teddy let out a shriek.

Draco took a few steps, now standing next to Harry. He wrapped his arm around him, loving when Harry leaned into him. It was a nice feeling when Draco rested his hand on Harry's hip, loving when Harry made a "Hmm" noise.

"Teddy, please drink the bottle, " Harry pleaded. Teddy held his arms up, wanting to be held close. Harry groaned again but lifted the child up, saying when his chubby baby arms wrapped around his neck, "You are very spoiled, little man."

Harry paced around the kitchen with the thumb sucking Teddy, stopping every once in a while to nudge the bottle in his face, frowning when Teddy shook his head furiously. Draco, meanwhile, dug around in the pantry and cooler, trying to find something to cook; both boys had missed supper in the Great Hall.

Draco finally found the ingredients to make steak and nodded when he found carrots and brussels sprouts. "Are you up for some food?"

"Sure, " Harry sighed as Teddy kicked his legs and Harry set him on the floor. The baby happily squealed and crawled across the floor, Harry following close behind. Draco, who had decided to busy himself with making dinner, was surprised when he felt Teddy's hands on the backs of his legs, gripping at the jeans he was wearing. He looked down, chuckling when Teddy smiled up at him, his eyes turning a pleasant pink and the roots of his hair doing the same.

Teddy used the chance to pull himself into a standing position, small hands gripping Draco's jeans tightly and Harry watched, smiling when Draco smiled.

"He's a devil, but he's cute, " said Draco. Harry nodded fervently.

Draco rolled up his sleeves past his elbows, turning the sizzling steaks over and stirring the vegetables, grinning when Teddy jumped, still holding on. Draco leaned down, scooping him up in his arms, making Harry laugh as well as Teddy.

Draco held him high in the air, tossing him and catching him. Teddy laughed and Draco felt delighted, making funny faces at the baby and crossing his eyes to hear the laugh again. It was almost as addicting as Harry's.

Harry was leaning against the counter, looking out of the window, remembering when he and Hagrid had crashed there last year. The same night that Mad-Eye had died as well as George losing his ear. He felt a strong arm wrap around his shoulders and give him a squeeze.

"What are you thinking about, Harry?

Harry shook his head and lied easily, "Nothing. Just how you handle Teddy so well."

Draco laughed and set the child back on the ground, happy when he held a fistful of both of their jeans, standing and jumping. "Well, you know, "

"Know what?"

Draco pushed on the spot that Harry's dimple was. "That he likes you more."

"I'd rather act as he does; carefree, happy. Just for a little bit."

Draco frowned.

"Sorry, that was . . ." he trailed off when Draco slowly kissed him, his lips warm and soft.

"You can tell me anything at any time."

Harry nodded. But how could he tell Draco what was bothering him most? How he was terrified because of it? How there was no way he could sleep because of it and the way he wished it was never true?

He couldn't.

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