One: Blames

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This chapter mentions the sensitive topic of cutting oneself. *** will be placed at the beginning and end for those who want to skip.

Theo gave Harry an odd look when he saw that Harry had already drunk two bottles of Firewhiskey and was working on his third when Theo met atop the Astronomy Tower. "That's a lot in your system, " he said when Harry exhaled colourful smoke.

"Oh well, " Harry shrugged. "I don't care that much."

"Was your day that bad?"

Harry shrugged and replied with, "I had a spat with a few people. Then my friends wanted to tell me about my mental health and how some things I'm doing isn't healthy."

"What things? Well, besides this?"

Harry grinned. "Theo, I don't know if you want to know."

Theo was taken aback. "Theo? Who's. . .who's that?"

"You don't have to play dumb. Hermione and Ron told me."

Theo wilted and said, "Draco just wanted me to check on you, but we thought you wouldn't want to talk to any of us."

Harry shrugged yet again. "I don't care for him anymore."

Theo was silent as Harry drank bitterly. When he was done, Theo asked, "Why don't you just . . .I dunno, talk to him?"

"Cuz then I'll want to kiss him and then I'll forget why I was there in the first place."

"Well, I want you two to make up, " Theo pleaded slightly. "Before the next Quidditch match between us."

Harry laughed, "Why? So that you two can beat me?"

Theo and he laughed at the joke, Harry saying quietly, "I can't believe I almost kissed you."

"Me either, " Theo agreed with a scrunched up face. Harry smiled.

This isn't so bad, Theo thought as Harry continued to talk to him, seemingly unfazed by the fact the person he was talking to basically reported back to his ex every night. He's actually funny. Maybe that's why Draco likes him so much.

Draco tugged at his tie as he waited for Theo. He felt lonely without Harry, but he tried not to dwell on it. It was an odd feeling.

When Theo finally returned, Draco got rid of the Glamour that changes his appearance as he said, "Harry knows it was me."

Draco stopped. "What? How?"

Theo shrugged. "He just told me that he knew."

Draco frowned and asked, "What did he say?"

"He told me that he didn't care what I tell you, just so long as he doesn't have to talk to you."

Draco crossed his arms and gave Blaise a sidelong glance. "Okay, "

Theo took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. When he grasped them in his mind, he let loose: "Well, he was drinking quite a lot and smoking marijuana, the wizarding kind. And he said that he's feeling very frustrated which, I guess, is why he lost it at you, Neville. He told me that he couldn't sleep very well, but that he hopes Hermione and Ron didn't know. And he . . ."


"And he what?" Draco asked softly, seeing the troubled look on his friends face.

"His . . .this is hard to say . . ."

Blaise grabbed Neville's hand, which was shaking slightly. He was terrified of what Theo was going to say.

"His wrists . . .aren't in the best of places?" he said like a question, rubbing his neck nervously.

Draco felt bile rise in his throat as he asked, "His wrists? You mean he cuts himself?"

Theo nodded with his eyes shut.


Draco put his head in his hands as Theo added, "He's depressed, Draco."

"I know, Theodore, " he growled. He felt helpless knowing that Harry was hurting in multiple ways. "Do you think he would listen to me?"

Theo thought for a moment before answering, "Maybe."

Blaise suggested, "Maybe we could go? Neville and I?"

Draco looked back at them, sitting close together, Neville looking at his thighs. "If you two really want to."

Blaise looked at Neville and added, "I can do it myself."

Neville's head shot up and he said, "I can go, too."

Blaise looked at him for a bit, then looked away. "Okay, "

Draco, meanwhile, frowned and wrung his hands. Could Harry refuse to talk to Blaise and Neville, especially giving the fact that Harry yelled at Neville earlier?

How could he do that? Of courses, he was frustrated, but would that cause Harry to lose it?

Pulling on his tie, Draco muttered, "That's fine, Theo. Thank you very much."

Theo nodded and they found their cue to leave, all of them giving Draco an encouraging pat on the back.

Tomorrow, Draco would try to talk to Harry. By any means necessary.

Sorry for the super short chapter! Get ready for the next one! It may take a few days though. Get ready for some DrAmA!!!!

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