One: Trip to Hogsmeade

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Draco felt happiness coursing through his veins and felt his cheeks and muscles in his face grow sore from smiling so much. He admired how Harry kept the never-ending conversation flowing, though it didn't have much of a subject.

He loved the way that Harry's hand fit perfectly in his. He loved the way that Harry's body curved perfectly into his when he slept. He loved the way that Harry's smiled. He loved the way that Harry pushed up his glasses slightly when he was explaining something. Draco could write an entire book on all of the things he loved about Harry. And he wondered if Harry could do the same.

Draco pressed his thumb against Harry's palm and noticed how he bit the inside of his cheek when he did that. Another added to the list.

Draco looked over his shoulder and saw Ron and Hermione. He glared at them both and Neville made the move to go to them when Blaise grabbed his hand and said, " You don't have to go."

Neville looked at him. Then he looked at Ron and shook his head. Ron made a strangling motion and stalked away.

Harry let out a breath that fogged in front of him and Draco did too. Blaise quickly released Neville's hand and Theo asked, "Can Draco go and punch them? The way he did you?"

Harry laughed but said, "No, "

Theo suggested, "Can we go get some drinks?"

Draco snorted and pulled out a black pouch with the Malfoy Crest on it, saying, "I'm paying."

Theo excitedly asked, "For all of us? I'm in order."

Draco said, "Not you, the rest of us; yes."

Theo groaned while Neville said, "I'll pay too."

Draco waved his free hand in a nonchalant sort of way. "Nonsense, Longbottom. If you can get Blaise to willingly touch somebody, you deserve a few drinks."

Theo leaned on Blaise and said, "Blaisey loves being touched."

"For the last time, Theodore. Do not touch me."

While the two were bickering, a past time by now, Harry saw Neville's face, a little red from what seemed like jealousy. Harry caught his eye and lightly touched the tip of his nose with his finger and winked. Neville blushed a deeper shade and looked away.

When the group made it to the Three Broomsticks, Madam Rosmerta greeted Harry and Neville by name, giving the three Slytherins an odd look until Harry said, "Thanks to my help, Professor McGonagall allowed some of the Slytherin students to come back and get an education. The ones that stood by Albus Dumbledore's beliefs."

Madam Rosmerta glanced down at Harry and Draco's intertwined hands and gave them all a very kind, warm smile. "Sit wherever you like."

They sat down at a round table and spoke loudly and Draco ordered them all butterbeers while Theo complained, "We're allowed to drink, you know. We could get some firewhiskey, some brandy, bourbon, Chocolate Liqueur, or---"

Draco stopped his train of verbal thought by saying, "You have money. You can get whatever you want and I'll get whatever I want."

"What does Draco want?" Blaise asked.

Draco raised a pale eyebrow. "Draco wants what he wants."

Harry asked, beaming with roguery, "Does Draco want to get some Chocolate Liqueurs with Harry's money?"

"Or Blaise's money, " Theodore suggested. Blaise narrowed his eyes at him.

Draco said, "Or Draco can use Theo's money to buy the drinks."

Neville got accustomed to the Slytherins and spoke openly with them. They got louder, all five of them talking over each other and drinking. Theo eventually bought everyone a bottle of Dragon Barrel Brandy as the day wore on.

Halfway through his bottle, Harry suggested, "Can we go to the Hog's Head?"

Draco almost spit out his drink while Theo asked, "Why would you want to go there? That's where all the shady people hang around."

Neville replied, "We have a friend there. Possibly two."

"Mundungus has to be there, " Harry added to Neville. "He's always doing his dodgy trades."

Neville nodded while Blaise said, "They have better drinks there."

"Better if you want to get blackout wasted, " Theo added with a smirk.

They did walk to the Hog's Head Inn and Neville and Harry both said hello to Aberforth Dumbledore and ordered strong drinks that they didn't know the name of. Harry paid while Theo almost passed out twice in the span of three hours.

At nine o'clock, they finally left. Harry jumped onto Draco's back and laughed when Draco almost slipped. Theo, meanwhile, had to be dragged by the arms by Blaise and Neville.

Funnily enough, Neville and Blaise were laughing at nothing in particular, which was the most emotion he had seen from Blaise. Draco put his arms under the inside of Harry's knees and felt Harry bury his face in the back of his neck. Draco almost dropped him twice, making Harry tighten his arms around Draco's neck.

He asked Neville, "Can you help Blaise get Theo to their dorm?"

Neville looked at Blaise and nodded, smiling slightly. Blaise gave Draco a look that said I will murder you and Draco gave him a smirk.

Theo groaned, "Blaisey . . .Draco . . .I have a secret. . ."

"What is it?" They both asked, a little crossly.

Theo smiled faintly and whispered, "We're stupid."

"Yeah..." Harry mumbled, a vibrating, tingly sensation spreading from the spot where Harry's mouth was to his chest. "Did you know about . . .about the snow?"

"Snow?" Theo asked. He looked around and exclaimed, "There is snow!"

Draco mentally shook his head at the drunken conversation his friend and boyfriend were having.

"Yeah, " Harry continued. "There's lots'a snow."

"You're not drinking as much next time, " Draco said to Harry.

His hands tightened, gripping the front of Draco's coat, his words slurring slightly, "You can't tell me what to do. You're not the boss of me."

Draco noticed Theo chuckle and said, "I don't think you two know how far you both are."

Theo giggled, "We're not far."

"Yeah . . ." Harry added. "We're very close, " And he pressed himself harder against Draco's back. Draco blushed.

"I'll drop you. Then you'll be far."

Harry cried, "No! Don't drop me."

Blaise fanned the flame by asking, "Why not?"

"Cuz it's mean, "

Theo laughed while Draco told him to shut up. Before they made it to the castle doors, Harry had fallen asleep against Draco. They waltzed in, Harry upon Draco's back and Neville and Blaise propping Theo up.

He set Harry on his (their?) bed and fell asleep almost instantly and the one thought before he fell asleep was, We should do this more often . . .

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