One: Apologies

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Harry looked at Ron questionably. He couldn't be completely sure if he was being honest.

"I really am, " Ron said.

Harry stuffed his hands in his pockets and asked quietly, "So you don't think he's gonna murder me? Or that this is an act?"

Ron shuffled his feet and pinched the back of his neck as he said, "Not after seeing the way he acts around you. I mean..." Ron added, ". . .I'll still be your mate, Harry. But why didn't you just tell me?"

"You went off on me after I tried telling you, " Harry pointed out.

Ron explained, "I was angrier than anything when you just didn't tell me that it was Malfoy."

Harry bowed his head in shame, saying, "I couldn't possibly tell you that I never felt anything for Ginny and then go around and tell you that I'm with the person that everyone has hated since first year."

Ron frowned while Harry peered behind him, seeing Hermione and Draco talking in whispers. He narrowed his eyes while Ron said, "I'm sorry."

Harry looked down at the ground. "I'm glad that you're talking to me again."

Ron smiled and put his hand on Harry's shoulder, saying, "Good. Let's get to Hermione and Malfoy."

Harry nodded and the two best friends went back over to Hermione and Draco, who stopped talking when they came within earshot. Draco gave Harry an odd look as Hermione said, "Oh, Harry. I missed talking to you. Ron has been so annoying."

"Hey!" Ron said.

Harry wondered aloud, "What were you two talking about?"

Draco replied with his own question. "Do you have Post Tramatic Stress Disorder, Harry?"

Harry's heart dropped as he looked at Hermione in shock. She quickly said, "I didn't tell him. He overheard."

Draco asked, "So it's true?"

Harry shook his head and stepped away from the three of them and said in the quietest, most pained voice he had ever used, "I donot . . .you're wrong."

Hermione whispered to Draco, "Has he had any night terrors?"

Harry growled angrily, "I can hear you, Hermione!"

She took a step towards him, but Draco grabbed his hands, saying, "Harry, I didn't mean to---"

Harry didn't listen to what he had to say and instead stormed away. He turned so many corners that he didn't know where he was for a moment. When he finally regained his whereabouts, he decided to go up to the Astronomy Tower.

He fumed silently as he climbed up a little ladder that he summoned with his wand. The frigid air hit his exposed skin and, when he got to the top of the tower, he summoned his coat, scarf, and gloves to keep him warm, along with a blanket.

He looked at the snow on the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and made little coloured puffs of smoke come out of his wand, only to have them be blown away in the cold wind.

Harry buried his face in his arms, taking off his glasses and wiping at his eyes. No, he wasn't crying. No, he wasn't upset. No, he couldn't be bothered if Draco knew about his 'condition' or if Draco was secretly laughing at him.

But he did care. He was bothered.

Harry lie down, looking up at the grey sky, admiring at how it matched his mood. He shivered as he heard a howl from the Forest although it was three o'clock. Harry straightened his glasses and frowned as he thought of what Draco, Ron, and Hermione could be doing together.

He glared at the sky. Talking about him? Convincing one another that he wasn't what is considered normal? How could Hermione tell him about Harry's condition, even if she didn't outright tell him?

Harry put his arms over his eyes and lie there for a very, very long time.


Draco went to go find Harry but was stopped by Granger, who said, "Let him cool down for a little while."

Draco hesitated before asking, "How . . .bad . . .is it?"

Hermione gestured for him to sit down, which he did with hesitation. Both Granger and Weasley sat across from him, Weasley crossing his arm on top of the table and Granger sitting properly. Draco leaned back slightly in his chair, frowning.

"It's pretty bad, " Hermione replied.

"Explain, " Draco said.

Hermione took a deep breath before starting. "It's more extreme because he was repressing the fear and pressure he felt for years between his aunt and uncle and the entire Voldemort thing and the War. After the War ended, Harry started having night terrors and insomnia."

"Are night terrors like a really bad nightmare?" Draco asked. "A few nights ago, he had some sort of dream where he screamed and sobbed and clawed my arm. All in his sleep."

Hermione nodded. "Sometimes, some are much worse. He used to have them every night after the Battle of Hogwarts but I think they died down a bit, but not much."

Draco nodded and motioned for Hermione to continue.

"He's much more anxious and jittery now. That's why he always looks around when there are a lot of people around."

"Like in the Great Hall?" Draco asked another question.

Ron nodded and Draco added, "He was walking very close to me when we were going to Hogsmeade and he looked very . . .nervous."

"I think he feels very safe with you, Harry does, " Ron said. "He's almost always close to you."

Draco looked at Ron. "Yeah. So?"

"What I mean is, " Ron resumed, "he's very close to you despite my mistake."

Hermione maintained some sort of peace between the two by stopping their silent, but loud, argument by continuing her explanation. "Usually, if he goes somewhere something happened, he has a very vivid flashback that may make him forget where he is for a moment or two. And he's gotten very good at masking his emotions and covering those emotions with others."

Draco nodded and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something before closing it again, rubbing and biting his lip in thought. Ron said, "He really is sweet and all, but he is way too hard on himself."

Hermione nodded in agreement. Draco rubbed the back of his neck and leaned forward heavily resting his arms on the table. After a little while, Draco thanked them and left quickly to find Harry.

He knew exactly what to do to make it up to Harry . . .

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