One: Acquaintances

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Harry, Ron, Dean, Neville, and Seamus still shared the same dormitory that they had for years but the sign now said 'Eighth Years' when they found it. Ron flopped onto his bed and started snoring as soon as he made contact with the pillows. Harry, however, lie on his back and didn't fall asleep for a long time.

He couldn't explain what he was feeling, but it felt peculiar enough to make him feel as if he were eleven years old again.

Draco leaned his forehead against the stone wall of his private dorm and remember that he wasn't home. He had friends here. He had people to talk to without them scowling or spitting at him. Sighing, he thought of how much he was going to be disliked this year. Not like it was anything new.

Surely this year would be the worst yet.


The next morning, Harry practically skipped to breakfast. Hermione and Ron walked hand in hand down the corridors and staircases to the Great Hall, laughing once in a while at Harry's unusual but fun behaviour, especially knowing what a hard year he had been having.

Harry's messily tied tie was crooked and his glasses slid down his nose a bit as he caught himself from falling down the stairs. He laughed to himself when he saw Nearly Headless Nick float up to him and greet him elegantly.

"Hello, Mister Potter. Miss Granger. Mister Weasley. It is good to see you three again."

"It's good to see you too, Nick." They each said. Harry smiled and Ron grumbled under his breath, "Can we go? I'm hungry."

Nick narrowed his eyes and said, "I can hear you, you know. Just because my head is cut off doesn't mean that my ears are cut off too."

Ron tilted his head upwards and asked, "You're nearly headless. And if your head was cut off, wouldn't your ears technically be cut off too?"

Nearly Headless Nicholas huffed and floated away. Harry couldn't help but laugh at Hermione's angry face. The three friends continued their trek to the Hall as they talked and laughed.

Draco poked at his porridge and leaned his face in his hand.

Blaise said, "Eat something, Draco."

Draco shook his head and replied, "I'm not that hungry."

"I'm sure Potter would want you to eat your porridge." Theodore Nott added with a straight face.

Draco muttered, "Piss off, " and took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"You think he's going to come over to sit next to you again?" Blaise asked before he took a bite of his toast.

Draco answered, "Not if he's smart. If he still sits over here, it's no wonder he came back."

As if he was summoned, Draco saw Harry walk into the Great Hall with a large grin on his face as he took a deep breath. He looked around the Great Hall and found Draco. He motioned for Granger and the Weasel to follow him as he made his way to where the handful of Slytherins sat.

Harry politely asked if the seats next to them were free again although they obviously were. They sat down when Blaise gave them a nod. A moment later, Dean, Seamus, and Neville sat with them, causing all six to talk over each other and with great volume. Draco pinched the bridge of his nose and Blaise, who mouthed from behind his hand, "Join the conversation, "

Draco shook his head and glowered at one of his only friends. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Harry throwing some sort of food into Ron's mouth, occasionally missing, but laughing all the while. Draco pushed his porridge away and scanned his term schedule, frowning on occasion.

Ron was now throwing food, earning a headshake from Hermione, and missed almost every time. One of the throws went too far to the left and hit Draco's cheek, startling him but he didn't do anything. Ron threw again and a breadcrumb flew towards Draco and he pulled out his wand and made it stop in mid-air as he glared at the two Gryffindor boys.

"Stop throwing food, " he said. Blaise snickered and Draco pointed his wand at him and added, "I'll hex you, Blaise. Keep your mind."

The breadcrumb dropped and Ron grumbled, "You aren't the boss of me."

Draco heard him and asked innocently, "What was that, Weasley?"

Ron's ears turned red as he fought back a smart retort. "Nothing, Malfoy."

"Ron, " Harry warned. The first bell rang and Draco, Blaise, and Theo left the Great Hall with their bags quickly, not giving time to the other students.

Blaise laughed, "Was that your idea of flirting?"

Draco rolled his eyes and replied, "I don't flirt nor would I ever. Especially with Potter."

Blaise wagged his finger and Draco threatened, "I'll turn your finger into sausage if you don't get it out of my face."

Theodore snickered but it turned into a snort when Draco glared at him. The three walked into Professor Flitwick's classroom, being greeted by name. Draco shook the short man's hand and was relieved when he saw that they had their first class with the Ravenclaws that came back.

Draco glared at any Ravenclaw that even glanced his way. Probably not the best thing to do, especially because most of the students believed that he, and most other Slytherins, didn't belong here.

One male student even spit at him and Theo glared at him. Draco shook his head.

Harry happily waved at some Hufflepuffs, giving them smiles. Hermione spoke in Ron's ear, making sure to whisper when Harry spoke to Hannah Abbot with Neville, "Do you think that he'll be better here?"

Ron nodded. "Yeah. Maybe he'll get a girlfriend."

Hermione nodded, though she suspected differently.

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