One: The Potions Exam

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A few days before the start of Christmas break, the Eighth Years had to make the Elixir to Induce Euphoria in Potions. Draco and Harry enjoyed listening to Blaise and Theo's hushed arguments while they worked almost silently.

Partners were supposed to work with their potion in the same cauldron, which worked almost perfectly until Harry accidentally added Infusion of Wormwood to the currently blue potion, making it explode a bit and turn a grey colour.

Draco, who was already stressed out from the fumes, steam, and insults coming from Lynch, pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

Ron expected Malfoy to lose it and yell at Harry but was surprised when Malfoy put something in the cauldron to return the potion to its original state.

"See?" Hermione whispered to him. "He's so kind to Harry."

Ron narrowed his eyes in thought as he watched Malfoy whisper something to Harry, making him laugh quietly. Hermione asked him, "Are you going to apologize anytime soon?"

Ron pointed out, "He's cross at you too."

Hermione added porcupine quills to their potion as she said, "Unlike you, I actually tried to apologize. He would still be on speaking terms with us if you hadn't called him disgusting after the Quidditch match."

Ron suggested, "We could catch him after classes are over."

Hermione nodded.

Harry asked Draco, "Is this the right one?"

Draco merely glanced at the small vial in Harry's hand before answering, "Yes. Add a bit at a time until the potion turns pink."

Harry slowly added the shrivelfig until the potion turned pink, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Draco read aloud to him, looking at the book, "Now we just have to let it simmer until it turns orange."

Harry peered into the cauldron and Draco leaned cheek against his palm, setting his elbow on the table, looking at Harry. He noticed that as Harry concentrated on the colour of the potion, the tip of his pink tongue poked delicately through his lips.

Harry asked, "How long until the potion turns orange?"

Draco shrugged a shoulder and muttered, "Depends."

Harry groaned and leaned his head on his fists, complaining, "I don't like the steam."

Draco said in a kind-hearted mocking sort of way, "Oh, are your glasses too much to handle?"

Harry shoved his shoulder playfully. "Shut up, "

Draco smiled and noticed that the elixir was now orange. He added wormwood to it until the elixir turned sunshine yellow. He put his arm up and caught Professor Slughorn's attention. He took a vial and filled it with the elixir, saying, "This is excellent, boys. Thank you very much."

Harry asked, "Are we the first one's done?"

Slughorn nodded before walking away. Harry held his hand up for a high-five and Draco smirked, lightly hitting Harry's forehead. He shoved Draco and was glad to receive a laugh from Draco.

In front of them, Blaise and Theo's potion exploded, but, unlike Harry's mistake, their potion exploded all over the two of them. Blaise put his hands in his hair and pulled from frustration.

"What the hell did you do?" Harry asked.

Blaise turned his head and angrily said, "Well, Theodore thought it would be a good idea to add wormwood before the elixir turned orange."

Harry snickered while Theo laughed aloud. Blaise punched him and both Harry and Draco jumped over their table to hold Blaise back, which was a hard enough job for Harry.

"He messed up the entire elixir!" Blaise said, fighting to get to Theo and finish the job.

"Blaise, calm down!" Draco said. "You're causing a scene."

"He ruined the---"

Harry interrupted quietly, "You can have a bit of ours."

Blaise started, "No, I want to---"

Theo interjected, "Got it."

After the entire class finished, Slughorn told them, "Now, to test the after-effects of the elixir and to see if you made it correctly, one of your partners must swallow a small amount of the Elixir to Induce Euphoria."

Harry said, "I'll try it."

Draco hesitated before handing Harry a vial filled with the elixir. Harry parted his lips and tipped his head back, frowning at the thick, syrupy feeling the potion had in his mouth and tasting a bit of peppermint.

Harry, after he swallowed, smiled and told Draco, "Isn't today a lovely day?"

"You've been inside, " Draco said. Harry continued to talk about nonsense and smiling broadly while Draco blinked.


After classes ended, Harry and Draco walked together to the library to hang out hand in hand, both very happy. Harry even more so, the effects of the Elixir to Induce Euphoria still in his system, though it was wearing off.

Draco and Harry found their way to the back of the library, Harry stretching his arm to reach a textbook that he needed for Herbology, his white, button-up leisurely uniform showing a bit of his tanned back and hips.

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, biting his lip and swaying slightly. Harry said his name in a quiet, soft way that made Draco smile. Draco leaned his head over Harry's shoulder and kissed Harry's jaw, making him giggle.

"Harry?" they heard. They both looked up and saw Weasley and Granger standing with somewhat awkward expressions. Harry said nothing but pressed against Draco's chest.

"Harry, can I talk to you?" Ron asked and added, "Alone?"

Harry swallowed an unexpected lump in his throat and looked up at Draco, who whispered in his ear, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

Harry nodded but told him, "I'll be right back."

Draco nodded, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead and telling him, "I'll wait for you, "


Harry detached himself from Draco and said, "Hermione?"

"I'll talk to you in a minute. I just want to talk to Draco."

Harry nodded and Ron led him a few aisles away from the two. They stood awkwardly until Ron said, "I'm sorry."

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