One: False

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Draco and Harry walked with Theo down to Draco's dorm, Theo talking the entire way about nonsense. Harry shuffled silently behind Draco, who had taken the task of entertaining Theodore.

He was trying to think of the best way to handle his current situation without telling Draco every detail. He wasn't paying attention when he ran straight into a moving suit of armour. With a grunt, he fell onto his behind, turning red with embarrassment when both Theo and Draco stopped and turned around.

"Sorry, " he muttered. Draco came over and helped him up with an encouraging smile, one corner of his mouth tipped farther up than the other, showing his dimple. He held onto Harry's hand, squeezing lightly.

"Why don't you walk with us?" he asked kindly. "It's odd having you behind me."

Theo sniggered, "Oh really, Draco? Are you usually behind him?"

Draco ignored him, his pale cheeks turning the faintest shade of pink. Meanwhile, Harry felt his neck burn. Silently, he scratched it.

Theo stuck his tongue out in disgust, telling them both how terrible they are. Draco grinned and pushed Harry up against the wall, much to Theodore's dismay.

Harry, his face bright red, stuttered, "Uh, huh, Draco . . .uh, what?"

Draco gave him a quick peck on his lips before turning away, leaving Harry very flustered. "Draco!"

Draco turned his head and gave Harry a cocky grin. "Yes, Harry dear?"

"I--shut up!"

Draco patted Harry on the head as if he were a puppy. "I'm funny, admit it."

Harry grumbled and Draco laughed a light, airy laugh. Harry loved it. Harry suggested, "We have a couple of days before term starts. Maybe we could go to Hogsmeade."

"That sounds wonderful, Harry, " Draco cooed, giving Harry's cheek a pinch. Harry pushed the hand away.

"Great idea, " Theo added.

Harry fell silent again as they walked through the portrait door, Theo throwing himself onto the couch, taking up all of the space. Draco, still holding Harry's hand, made his way to one of the two armchairs.

Harry stood awkwardly before sitting on the opposite armchair, not really listening to their conversation, nodding along with either Draco or Theo. Instead, he had the chance to remember everything:

Sirius, the godfather he had known for only two years, dying right in front of him. His throat burned from the force of the scream he was holding back. Dumbledore getting hit by the Killing Curse, his frail body falling as if it weighed nothing.

Cedric falling next to him and him looking down, eyes that once shone now lifeless and dull. The look of fear on his face. The false determination. Fred's name that tasted like bile as he said it right after his death.

Collin Creevey telling him hello every chance he had. Snape telling him to take his memories, the only thing that he valued before he died, his hand slack as he clutched Harry's. Lavender Brown smiling when she helped him with Divination homework.

There was no way he could have saved them all, but, at the same time, he was the one responsible for all of those deaths. He couldn't have saved them, but he should have. If he had died instead of Cedric that night, there wouldn't have been any unnecessary deaths.

He should have died, should have died and never come back. That's what should have h---

"Harry?" Draco said in a sort of panicky voice. Arms out towards the broken raven-haired boy, he asked, "Want to come sit with me?"

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