One: The Truth

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". . .Malfoy?! Seriously?!" Ron shouted at a very restrained Harry.

"Ron, it isn't that bad, " Hermione said with an eye roll.

"So?" Ron yelled. "He's the one who just kissed Malfoy. Malfoy!"

Harry rolled his eyes and Ron pulled at his ginger hair in frustration. "Do you care to explain this to us?"

Harry replied with crossed arms and defiance written on his face, "During the Halloween party, he led me . . .somewhere---"

"His bed?" Ron scoffed. Harry and Hermione ignored him.

"---and he . . .kissed me. So I kissed him back." Harry smiled as he added, "And I liked it. A lot."

Hermione smiled and Ron scowled in disgust, asking, "He gave you that hickey, didn't he?"

Harry looked him straight in the eye and answered, "Yeah, he did."

Ron acted like he was gagging and went upstairs to the dorm they shared and Harry couldn't help but feel tears sting his eyes as he heard Ron say, "Disgusting, "

Harry watched him go as Hermione told him, "Don't listen to what he says. I think it's rather cute."

Harry nodded, not really listening to what she had to say. Harry heard from behind him, "Mister Potter, "

Harry and Hermione both turned around and saw the Fat Lady in her pink dress in a portrait. She looked mildly annoyed and continued, "There is a blonde boy that wishes to see you. He says that it is urgent."

Harry said without hesitation, "Can you tell him that I'll be right there?"

The Fat Lady nodded and Harry heard her muttering to herself, "These children never sleep, "

Harry went upstairs to the dorm he shared with Ron, seeing that he had put the curtains down, blocking him from Harry's view. Harry shook his head and grabbed a small bag, putting a few sets of clothes in it. Harry left the room and returned to the common room, where Hermione asked him, "Are you staying the night with him?"

Harry nodded and explained, "I don't want to stay in the same room as Ron right now. I'll see you later."

Hermione said goodbye to him and Harry walked out of the portrait door, seeing Draco leaning against the wall with a sour face, but that quickly vanished when he saw Harry. "Hi, "

"Hey, " Harry said.

Draco saw his bag and asked, "What happened?"

Harry's shoulders slumped as he told Draco exactly what happened just a few moments ago as they walked down the corridors. When he was finished, Draco asked, "You want to stay with me for the night? Or two?"

Harry looked up at him and said, "Only if you'll let me. If not, I can always go back."

Draco reached out and held tightly to Harry's hand, absolutely loving the warm feeling it gave him in his chest. Harry felt the same lovely feeling.

"You can stay with me as long as you want to, Harry, " he said with one of his rare smiles.

Harry smiled and tried to hide his blush. He squeezed Draco's hand in a silent thank you, feeling delighted when Draco squeezed back.

Draco led Harry up a few sets of stairs and, finally, saw the sleeping portrait of Salazar Slytherin. Draco said, "Professor Slytherin?"

The skinny, bearded man blinked awake and frowned at Draco, saying, "I didn't notice you leave, Mister Malfoy."

Draco nodded and said, "Sorry, sir."

Slytherin's black eyes traveled to Harry and said, "Harry Potter?"

Harry nodded.

The man broke into a smile, saying, "I have heard much about you. You are in Gryffindor House, correct?"

Harry nodded again and Salazar Slytherin continued, "Godric and I used to be the best of friends. There has been tension between our two Houses for hundreds of years ever since I made the mistake to create the Chamber . . ."

Harry said, "I believe some of the tension is dying down, sir."

"I am happy to both see and hear that good news. It is good to see that, although we did not get along before our deaths, our pupils are getting along."

Draco and Harry both smiled widely. The man in the portrait smiled as he swung back and let the two enter without the use of a password. Draco told Harry, "You can have the bed, "

Harry shook his head and looked around the large room, which had a large desk and chair, a bed a little bit larger than Harry was accustomed to, and a small couch and armchair, complete with the Slytherin crest and motto on the floor; Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness . . .

"You can have it, " Harry argued. "This is your dormitory."

Draco frowned, "And you're my boyfriend. Sleep in the damn bed."

Harry grinned and leaned against Draco, "You sleep in the damn bed."

Draco grabbed Harry's arm and suggested, "Or we can both sleep in the damn bed."

Harry nodded and buried himself in Draco's covers, feeling a happy sensation in his stomach when Draco's masculine, but sweet, cologne filled his senses. Harry took off his glasses and set them down on the nightstand next to Draco's bed and rubbed his temples.

Draco felt his heartbeat as fast as it could go when Harry immediately snuggled up against him when he got into his bed. Harry loved the scent of Draco's cologne and how Draco's strong arms wrapped around him, making him feel the safest he had in almost a year.

Harry closed his eyes and leaned into Draco's chest, sighing in content, falling asleep quickly.

Draco, on the other hand, was hyperaware of the way Harry's stomach and chest touched him with every breath. The way his hands were curled into loose fists under his chin. The way his face looked so much younger and boyish.

Draco's breath hitched when Harry's eyebrows furrowed slightly but, a moment later, his body curved into Draco's and let out a breath. Draco bit his lip and stayed as still as possible, not wanting to accidentally wake Harry up.

Eventually, Draco fell into a deep sleep with a smile.

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