One: Talk

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Harry was sitting at the Eighth Year tables and spooned scalding porridge into his mouth, blowing on a spoonful every other bite. He heard Theo speaking about everyday nonsense to Blaise and Draco, but he wasn't really listening. Their voices melded together into white noise, a constant chatter.

He saw Draco glance at him and his heart started to pound in his chest in a way that he was sure Draco could detect. How was he supposed to be calm around him when they were in Hogsmeade this afternoon?

"Want some strawberries to go with that?" Draco asked, motioning to Harry's porridge with a small bowl of perfectly sliced strawberries.

Harry shook his head. "I'm allergic to strawberries." He smiled when Draco's eyes went wide and he hurried the bowl of the red fruit away from Harry as if it was a bomb. "I just can't eat them, Dray. They can be close to me."

Draco stopped and looked at him oddly. "What did you call me?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and replayed the quick comment in his mind and turned red with realization. "I--I mean Draco! Draco. Draco's such an odd name, isn't it?" Harry stuttered, chuckling nervously and turning his attention to his breakfast again.

Harry internally swore at himself. Oh, Merlin, I'm the biggest idiot in the world . . .

Draco leaned his cheek onto his cheek and said casually, "Aw, c'mon, Baby. Dray is a cute nickname."

With a spoon, Harry added a large spoonful of brown sugar to his porridge, crimson in the face. "Shut up, " he murmured. Draco leaned in quickly and bit the lobe of Harry's ear, making Harry shove him and say, "I don't like that!"

Draco smirked in a devilish way that made Harry blush and turn his head. He bit his lower lip in thought, not realizing that Ron and Hermione slid into the seats next to him. They only got his attention when they said, "Hi, Harry!"


"Wanna hang out with us today?" Ron asked, making sure to only look at Harry and not the Slytherin boys. Blaise sent a glare his way as he lifted his glass of water.

"Uhm, only for a bit. Draco and I were going to Hogsmeade this afternoon, " Harry replied, glancing at Draco, who was now speaking with Theo, Blaise, and Neville about anything.

Hermione declared quickly, "Oh, we could go together. As a double date!"

"But---" Ron started but was elbowed in the ribs by Hermione. Harry saw and folded in on himself a little. "I mean . . .yeah. We should go together."

Harry turned to Draco. "Draco?"

"Yes, Baby?" Draco responded with a smile.

"Uh, " Harry stumbled over his words. "I, uh, can Ron and Hermione come to Hogsmeade? With us? As a double date?"

"I wanna come!" Theo exclaimed. "So does Blaisy and Neville!"

"Why do we want to come? We'll just be intruding." Blaise added, "We aren't even a couple."

Neville bobbed his head. Draco noticed that Harry had his head down. "If you want, " he whispered. "we can bring everyone and I might have something planned afterwards."

Harry looked up at him and the corner of his mouth twitched when he saw Draco's silver eyes full of love. Or maybe he was imagining it. "Afterwards?"

"Yeah, " Draco smiled, holding onto Harry's hand under the table. "If you don't mind."

"Guess we're all going, " Harry announced with a chuckle.

Ron asked quietly, "Can you come to the Gryffindor common room after breakfast. We kinda want to . . .talk to you about something."

Harry nodded his head and bit at Draco's ear, making the blonde jump. "What was that for?"

"For biting mine first."

Draco narrowed his eyes and muttered only loud enough for Harry to hear, "You know if you want me to kiss you right here, I'll gladly do so."

Harry giggled and kissed Draco's cheek. "Not right now, Dray."

Draco bit back the words that desperately wanted to escape his mouth.


Harry explained after breakfast and in Draco's dorm that he was going to Gryffindor Tower for a while and Draco sulked.

"Who am I supposed to flirt with?"

"Theo is always an option, " Harry shrugged. Draco continued to sulk. "Can I have a hug?"

Draco held his arms out and Harry gladly walked into them. "You don't have to ask, " Draco mumbled into Harry's neck as he ran his fingers through Harry's midnight coloured hair.

"I just . . .kind of wanted to."


Harry gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and laughed at how Draco pouted.

Harry walked quickly to Gryffindor Tower by himself, his emerald eyes scanning every part of the corridors. Ever since the War ended, he was always nervous. He was never at peace.

"Took you long enough. What were you doing, making out with Malfoy?" Ron asked when Harry finally made it through the portrait door, out of breath and slightly red in the cheeks.

"Why are you panting?" Hermione asked.

"I . . .ran . . ."

Hermione glanced at Ron. Harry saw it and snapped, "Just because I'm fucked in the head doesn't mean that I can't see you, Hermione."

"Well don't get mad at her, " Ron snipped. "Calm down, mate."

Harry sucked in air and held it. Why was he so angry at Hermione and Ron? He almost never felt angry.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Harry finally asked, sitting down in the armchair opposite of the two.

"We just wanted to know how you and Malfoy are, " Ron answered.

"Draco and I are fine. Why?"

"Because it's exciting, isn't it?"

Harry shrugged. "I guess so."

Hermione looked at Harry and her eyes fell on his left wrist. "Did he get you that bracelet?"

Harry smiled a true smile, one that was rare from him now. "He got us matching ones. This one has a blue stone and the other, the one that he wears, has a green stone. He said that it was like a Muggle promise ring. It's a Christmas present and he wasn't confident about it and told me...sorry. I'm rabbling. Sorry."

"That's so sweet!" Hermione gushed. "Ron doesn't even wear the shirt I got him."

"I do too. You just never see it."

The three continued to talk about everything and anything as Harry Potter's heart flooded with emotion.

"Merlin, I really love him. Like, a lot, " he blurted.

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