One: Dead

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Harry scowled at the afternoon sun shining through the window in his dorm. He yanked his blanket up and groaned. He didn't want to get up, for he was too tired.

It was Saturday, the time was near lunchtime and he heard his stomach growl loudly. Harry stretched as he sat up, yawning and rubbing his face. Harry heard the shuffle of paper and turned his head slowly, seeing Neville, his quill in hand and his hand moving furiously.

He didn't notice that Harry was looking at him or even awake until Harry said quietly, "Hey, "

Neville stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Hey, Harry. Feeling alright?"

Harry nodded slowly. "Yeah. I'm . . .sorry. About yesterday. I was just so, so very stressed and I didn't mean it at all, N---"

"It's fine, Harry. Please, don't worry."

Harry stood and dressed quickly, speaking as he did so and his voice was muffled in some places. "Hey, don't you think that we should go to Hogsmeade? We don't have to, but Ron was saying how he wanted to go to Honey Dukes and to his brother's shop. You don't have to, though . . ."

Neville thought for a moment before suggesting, "Can Blaise and Theo come with us? I'm sure Theo isn't doing anything."

Harry was silent for a bit before clarifying, "Only them, though, right? No one else?"

"No, " Neville answered, "nobody else."

Harry nodded silently. "Okay, then. That's fine . . ."

Neville nodded and returned to what he was writing, Harry digging in his trunk for his favourite sweater. When he didn't find it, he swore angrily, his hands shaking slightly. "What is it, Harry?"

"I think, " said Harry slowly "that I left my sweater at . . ."

To turn his thoughts away from the idea and he rummaged under his bed and in his drawers, unsatisfied when nothing turned up. He gave up on it, feeling defeated.

He settled for a sweatshirt, pulling the hood around his neck and wore a leather jacket over it. It was warm in the castle, but he knew that it would be cold outside, the January air still crisp.

Neville, who was already dressed, waited patiently for Harry before walking down to the common rooms and catching Ron and Hermione.

The four trudged down to the kitchens, Hermione tickling the pear. As they walked in, house-elves surrounded them, begging to be of service.

"Mister Harry Potter!" they squeaked. "Mister Potter!"

Harry asked one of them for a few sandwiches and a glass of water. The house-elf gave it to him almost immediately and Kreacher hobbled into view, mumbling to himself. "Hello, Master Harry. I hope you are well."

Harry nodded and smiled. "Yes, thank you very much, Kreacher."

Winky bobbled into view, her large ears flapping. "Hello, Harry Potter!" she squeaked. "How is you? Is you alright? Is you hungry? Winky is getting you a pumpkin pasty, so do not worrys, sir!"

Before Harry could tell her not to, Winky got him a pasty with a smile. "Uh, thank you, Winky."

She smiled widely and they left. Neville asked, "The elves know you, Harry?"

Harry shrugged. "Only Winky and Kreacher. I don't know the other ones personally."

Neville nodded and they walked, following Neville, who was showing them to the way to the Slytherin common room. ". . .and he asked me the other day if I were sick only because I sneezed once."

Harry was silent and fell behind the group, not wanting to talk about anything. Instead, he ate his sandwich and drank his pumpkin juice. Harry felt an odd sensation come over him, a feeling that he only ever got when doing something dangerous; his chest hurt and his heart pounded.

He asked Ron, "Want my sandwich?"

Ron complied and frowned at the look Hermione was giving him. "What?"

She shook her head and asked Harry, "Do you want to go to the Hogs Head? I'm sure Aberforth and Mundungus would like to see all of us."

"Sure . . ."

Hermione turned and whispered to Ron, "He's a bit out."

Ron nodded and looked back at Harry, who had his hands stuffed in his pockets and his hood over his head. "Yes, yes he is."

Neville spoke the password to a patch of bare wall, motioning for the others to follow. Harry muttered, "I'm gonna stay out here. I'll wait, "

Hermione opened her mouth but Ron interjected quickly. "Let's go, Hermione. We'll only be a second."

Hermione looked unsure but stopped when Harry leaned against the wall. He watched them go in and sighed. Admittedly, he was just nervous of Blaise, honestly. He had never felt that close to him in the first place, and now that he had ended it with Malfoy, he felt that Blaise would want him dead too.


Theo walked with Harry, smiling and speaking to him about rubbish. Sadly, Harry had nobody to walk closely to when he thought he heard and saw figures in the treeline of the Forest. Theo tried to ease his mind, talking about how Harry's mind was playing tricks on him, which wasn't helping at all.

When they finally made it to the Hogs Head, Harry said hello to the old friends and sat down for a few drinks, trying not to notice the two witches and a wizard giving him sidelong glances.

After a while, the door opened and a tall, pale figure walked through the door, looking very dishevelled. He looked over at the witches and wizard and narrowed his eyes a bit. Draco thought that he recognized one . . .

Pulling his wand from his pocket slowly, as not to be noticed, one of the witches said, "Draco."

"Protego!" Draco said, causing the witches and wizard to bounce back, but the charm didn't last long. "Harry, run!"

But Harry was frozen in place, not moving and with a terrified look on his face. His breath was quick, but not as quick as his heartbeat; a loud, throbbing sound. Ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump . . .

One witch, a very pretty one, screamed, "Kill Potter! He's the reason the Dark Lord is dead!"

There were curses flying everywhere, some causing deep cut upon a person's body, some causing them to drop, some causing them to scream.

Jinxes and hexes we're flying from their side, a good portion of the tenants of the Hogs Head defending Harry, but there was a bit firing at him. But there was a blonde boy firing at his fellow Death Eaters.

"Harry--get--out--of--here!" he yelled. But Harry didn't. He stood where he was, terrified.

"Avada Kedavra!" the wizard yelled, pointing his wand directly at Harry James Potter. Harry heard Hermione scream as the curse soared towards him.

Draco raced to Harry and jumped in front of him, falling to the ground as Harry screamed, a terrible, hurt, animalistic cry.

Draco couldn't hear or feel anything. The last thing he saw was Harry and he hoped desperately that he forgave him.

That Theo would be okay.

That Blaise would not kill anyone.

That Hermione and Ron and Neville kept Harry safe and made sure that he ate and slept.

That Harry loved him in his final moments.

And then, just as Draco hit the floor, all the saw was black and felt a burning sensation in his arm. Draco Lucius Malfoy was dead.

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