One: Hickey

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Harry sat down in the armchair across from Hermione as she pointed out, "It's one forty. The party ended at one."

"I know?" Harry answered but his answer sounded more like a question. Harry thought that this was a trick question. "But I couldn't see you two, so I think you just missed me when I started walking back."

Hermione gave him a look but narrowed her eyes a moment after. "What's that?"

"What's what?" Harry asked, smiling in confusion.

"Come here real quick, Harry," Ron said. Harry stood and walked over to his two friends. Once he got within a certain distance, Ron gasped, "What is that, Harry?!"

Harry asked in a bit of a panic, "What is what?"

Hermione waved her wand and summoned a mirror and held it. "Right there, " she said, pointing to a dark purple spot not quite at the base of his neck.

"What kind of girl gave you a hickey?" Ron asked.

Harry pinched the spot between his eyebrows and groaned quietly, "He's an  idiot . . ."

"He?!" Ron almost yelled. Hermione shushed him and Harry stood up.

"I need to sleep---" Harry started before Ron stopped him.

"Are you gay? Bi?"

Hermione exclaimed, "Ron!"

Harry said nothing.

Ron asked the same question again and Harry nodded wordlessly. Ron asked, "Is that why you ended it with Ginny?"

Harry looked at him wordlessly, but his expression must have given it away. "Who is it?"

Harry shook his head and stood up, walking up the stairs to the boy's dormitory. He changed and fell onto his bed, falling asleep instantly.


Harry woke up late, at noon, and groaned as he sat up. He got dressed and groggily walked downstairs with Ron and Hermione, who were waiting for him.

They walked downstairs to the Great Hall and sat down where they usually sat, but the three Slytherins that usually sat with them were nowhere to be found. Harry leaned his cheek onto his palm and closes his eyes, sleepily leaning into his hand. He could hear Hermione and Ron resume their usual bickering as his head nodded a bit.

He felt Ron nudge him and Harry opened his eyes. "Who is it?"

Harry shook his head and said, "I can't tell you. Stop asking."

"What if we guess?" Hermione asked with a grin. Harry shrugged but then nodded.

"Hufflepuff?" Ron asked.

"No, " Harry answered, "Don't ask what House they're in."

"What year?" Hermione asked.

"Our year."

Ron and Hermione thought for a while and Harry shut his eyes again, only to open them a moment later when he heard, "Tired, Potter?"

Harry fought back the goofy smile that wanted to plaster itself on his face when he saw Draco sit down next to him. Blaise and Theodore were trying to hide their smiles from their best friend.

"I stayed up too late at the party." Harry answered with a straight face.

Hermione added, "Until he left."

Draco raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, with who?"

Harry shook his head and answered, "I can't tell you that."

Draco asked, "Did they give you that little mark?"

Harry blinked and pursed his lips, replying, "Yes, but I don't know why he would do that so far up my neck when he knew I would forget about it the next day."

Draco said, "He?"

Harry nodded happily. "Yes, he."

Draco bit his lip and continued, "Did you think that---"

Ginny interjected Draco's sentence out of nowhere, saying, "Harry, what are doing today?"

"Uh, nothing. Why?"

Ginny clarified, "Because our game against Slytherin is in two weeks and we need to practice."

Harry thought for a moment before saying, "I'm not doing anything. What time?"

"Four to six."

Harry nodded in confirmation and Ginny reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, telling him, "See you later, then!" before walking away. Draco resisted the urge to smack her hand away.

Harry glanced at Draco's jealous face and almost smiled. Was be having too much fun with this? Ginny didn't even know that she was making Draco angry. Harry heard Ron ask, "Don't you think you're leading her on?"

Harry leaned forward and replied, "She's the one who came up to me and touching me."

Ron sighed. "She also doesn't know about your little . . .thing."

Harry frowned and instantly got defensive, saying, "Thing? Did you think that I'm just screwing around with people?"

Ron put his hands up defensively and said, "Woah, mate. Calm down. I never said anything like that."

Harry scoffed, "Whatever" and stood up, leaving the Great Hall. Hermione scolded Ron quietly but Draco caught a few of her sentences. ". . .and you know he isn't as happy."

"I never said anything!"

"He doesn't like being outed like that, Ron, "

Ron shook his head and said, "I say one thing . . ."

"The PTSD makes him angry sometimes."

PTSD? Draco thought to himself. Does Harry have PTSD?

Ron opened his mouth to say something else but closed it. Draco ate quickly and stood up, whispering to Blaise and Theo, "I'm gonna go find him. See you, "

Draco walked briskly, looking down every corner and checking the library first. Draco was about to leave when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Harry's dark, messy hair bent over a book. Draco made his way over to him and placed a hand on Harry's back.

"Hello, " Harry said with a bit of a forced smile. Draco gave him a small smile and sat down beside him.

"What are you reading?"

"A muggle story. You wouldn't know, " Harry added with a smile.

Draco leaned forward and caught a few words; The fear did not go away, do what she may. Her heart pounded furiously forth and would not become still. And the gold remained on her finger---

Harry shut the book and looked up at Draco, saying, "Sorry for getting so angry . . ."

Draco shook his head and said, "It's not your fault."

"It is, though, " Harry said quietly. "Everything is."

"How is anything your fault?"

Harry wrung his hands together and said, "I don't know . . . I just feel like it's all my fault. Everything, "

Harry explained how he felt that he was the ultimate cause of the War and the deaths of students, Snape, friends and family, and the Muggles. Draco noted the tears in Harry's eyes and Draco was about to console him but stopped when Harry tried to hide them. He, Draco, knew how hard it was to tell somebody that they thought something was their fault.

Maybe this year was going to be better than he thought.

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