One: Unable

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It wasn't until Draco felt the chill of what was supposed to be a hand on his shoulder that he knew he had to go. He didn't want to leave Harry like this, but somehow he knew he would be okay.

Draco felt his body relax and he suddenly found himself in the dark place that he had started, sulking at nothing in particular.

"All right there, Draco?" Remus asked.

Draco shrugged. "It's odd, seeing everything like this. How you all see it."

Sirius nodded. "It's a bit odd."

"A tad, " James laughed.

Remus pinched the spot between his eyebrows as he muttered, "I have no idea why I was friends with you."

"You still are, genius, " James growled playfully.

Remus smiled and Draco laughed silently. Even if this was a trick his mind was playing on him, it was a nice one. For how could he not love seeing his boyfriend's deceased parents, godfather, brother, and professor?

Draco's heart sank.

Could he still call Harry James Potter his boyfriend? He had said that he still loved him. Maybe all wasn't lost. Or maybe Draco's conscious knew that he was surely near death and wanted to give him something happy to think about.

Over the next few days, Draco watched as Harry sat in that dastardly chair while classes we're going on. He watched as Ron, Hermione, Theo, Blaise, and Neville came in to keep him company for a while. Harry slept in there, not wanting to leave Draco's side.

Harry didn't know what to do. For three days, Draco had not woken up. On the fourth day, Professor McGonagall came into the Hospital Wing, being followed by five angry teens.

"You can't!" Theo exploded.

Blaise pleaded, "A few more days, Professor!"

Hermione had tears running down her face as Professor McGonagall turned to face Harry, strain evident in her voice.

"Mister Potter, " said she, "I am sorry to inform you that it would be cruel to let Mister Malfoy live like this. He may never wake up."

Harry swallowed a rising lump in his throat. "What do you mean?"

McGonagall looked down at the pale Malfoy, the sole heir.

"We have to let him go."

She stepped towards him but was stopped by Harry, who had thrown his body in front of the blondes. "No, I won't let you! Just another day! One more, please!"

McGonagall looked solemn as she whispered, "One day to say your goodbyes. Tomorrow night . . ."

She left and the group of teenagers looked down at Draco.

Harry whispered painfully, "The last thing I said to him was that I hated him."

Theo and Hermione rushed over and held Harry up emotionally. "Listen, Harry, " Theo said. "Draco knows that you were just angry. He . . .he loved you . . ."

Hermione shook her head. "No, he loves you, Harry Potter. He loves you."

Blaise held Neville's hand tightly, making Neville blush, though it was more out of holding back tears.

Harry didn't fall asleep easily that night; he held tightly to Draco's limp hand and stroked his hair with the other, saying, "Draco, they're going to basically kill you. I need you to wake up. Please . . ."

And with that Harry drifted into an uneasy, unhappy sleep.

Draco opened his eyes and he stared, not at the black of the other world, but at the ceiling of the Hospital Wing. Groaning, he tried to move his head but stopped when unbearable pain ripped through his body. How did he get here again? He could feel somebody holding his hand, but he couldn't turn his head to see who it was.

Pain like no other on his arm made him clench his hands and grit his teeth. Merlin, that hurts. My arm feels as if it's on fire.

"Draco?" a familiar voice whispered. Draco saw black hair and luminous green eyes in his peripheral vision.

"Harry?" Draco whispered, his voice raw.

Draco felt arms wrap around him and Harry was sobbing into the blanket on Draco's chest. "Oh, I thought you would never---"

"Harry, "

"---wake up and I---"



Draco squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore the pain all over his body. "Did you mean what you said? I . . .I could hear you."

Harry was silent for only a second before he answered, "Yeah, yeah I meant it. Of course, I did."

Draco felt the corners of his mouth raise in a smile as Harry looked at him. "Thank Merlin."

Harry kissed Draco's forehead, asking, "Do you need anything?"

Draco tried shaking his head but stopped when there was more pain. "No, I can wait till morning."

Harry held Draco's arm close to him, loving the way he could feel Draco's heartbeat in the spot inside of his elbow. "I love you."

"I love you too, "


Madam Pomfrey gave Draco a few potions to keep his pain in check. He needed help to hold them to his mouth and he noticed that Harry never left his side the entire time.

When McGonagall came back, she told Draco that he didn't need to return to classes anytime soon, but Draco said, "I want to get to class as soon as possible."

Over the next two days, Draco was able to move around more often, finally being allowed to leave after he told Madam Pomfrey that he was no longer feeling any pain. He was lying just a bit.

Harry went back to Draco's dorm, feeling truly happy for the first time in a week. When Draco tried lifting Harry's sleeves, Harry stopped him.

"I don't want you to feel bad for me."

"I would never, "

So Harry showed him the scars. They were not nice looking, but he had gotten moving tattoos over them so that they weren't as noticeable on the first glance. Draco smiled at the tattoos, which were snakes and lions.

"Fitting, "

Harry smiled when Draco added, "We should get matching ones."

Harry could feel his heart beating as he said, "They're permanent, you know."

Draco laughed. "Yes, Harry. I know."

"And you want matching tattoos with me?"

Draco nodded, pulling Harry into a hug that seemed to last forever. Draco didn't want to tell Harry about what he saw. He knew that he wouldn't be able to handle it nicely. Instead, he said, "I could hear everything that was going on. I...I thought I had..."

Harry's hands tightened on Draco's sweater. "I missed you."

"I missed you much, much more."

"I never wanted to be with anyone else, really. Aside from Cedric."

"Diggory?!" Draco exclaimed, pulling his head away from Harry for a moment. Harry was blushing deeply.

"He was handsome . . ."

Draco laughed and kissed Harry's cheek sweetly. "I'm glad you're with me."

Harry kissed Draco's lips, smiling at how nice it felt. He sighed.

"Me too."

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