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Q: How many chapters do you plan on writing? (ConstantLaughter)

A: So far, to include every bit of heartbreak and love and all the details I want to include, 35 are planned, but there may be a few more or less.

Q: How often do you update?

A: I try to update at least once a week, but that can vary based on how busy or not I am.

Q: How long are each of your chapters?

A: I try to keep all of my chapters below 2,500 words. Oddly, my most recent chapters are a bit more than. 2,000.

Q: Who is your most challenging character to write?

A: This is a difficult question to answer. I would have to say Blaise, mostly because I want to implement his relationship with Neville in a few chapters, but I also have to remember that him, Theo and Draco are former Death Eaters. Obviously, there are going to be some conflicts that arise because of this.

Q: Do you have a favourite character to write? Why?

A: Theo and Harry have to be my favourites. Theo is very fun and carefree in this fanfiction and it's fun to imagine how he looks and moves while doing the stuff he does. Harry is a different story. Though he is very nervous and careful, it's been a real journey to research different things that could happen to him later based on the effects of his mental disorders.

Q: Blaise, in the beginning, is very much like Theo. Now he's very serious and sometimes rude. Explain. (My sister)

A: Blaise, as I mentioned earlier, is a difficult character since we don't know much about him from the books or movies. As the school year at Hogwarts wore on, Blaise got bullied a lot, not to anybody's knowledge, though. After hooking up with Neville on Halloween, he became quite serious, but I would never imagine him as rude. Maybe he's just hiding some things...

Q: I thought that Draco told Harry in the Halloween chapter that both Blaise and Theo went to "make out with some girls", which was why he was alone.

A: Ah, see, that's where Draco knew that Blaise was gay. Theo, being completely straight, went to go and have fun with a girl in the bathroom while Draco found his other bestie getting it on with Neville. So, he was the first to know this about the two. Theo had no clue.

Q: Do you plan out your chapters or just wing it?

A: I have all chapters mapped out on a sheet of paper, but because I don't want to make the chapters too long or too short, I have to add some extra details. The update from the other day was only about 500 words because I couldn't think of anything to fill in the extra space so that I could save it for the next chapter. 

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