Two: Rain

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Harry awoke, groaning and turning over onto his stomach in the soft bed. He didn't want to get up at all. "Draco . . .go put the curtains . . .down."

When Harry didn't feel or hear Draco stir, he groaned and lifted his head a bit, just enough to see that Draco wasn't even in bed with him. He sat up, frowning.

He stood, straightening his hood. The drawstrings were tangled and he opened the door to their bedroom, looking in both directions before slipping out. Harry didn't really remember how he got to their room. All he knew was that there were stairs involved.

Harry walked silently, looking at the portraits on the wall. There weren't many. They all moved, though; all of them following his movements as if he were a specimen in a zoo. He smiled and waved at them.

"Which way to the parlour?"

An old witch with black hair asked, "Which one?"

Harry thought for a moment. "The one with the main entrance?"

The witch nodded as she led him down a set of stairs, saying, "There you go."

Harry instinctively tried to tame his untidy hair, but it remained as messy as sin. Silently as possible, Harry trotted down the stairs, his socks slipping on the hardwood floors.

Draco was busy burning toast and scorching eggs in a pan when Harry snuck up on him. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist. "Get lost?"


Draco looked over his shoulder and asked, "Want some . . .toast? Or eggs?"

Harry grinned. "Not if you made them, Draco."

Draco grinned and said, "Fair enough. What do you say we drop by Diagon Alley? We can drop off our old school robes and get new ones?"

Harry shrugged. "Sure."


Madam Malkin smiled as Harry handed her the sealed package with his and Draco's used robes. "These are in wonderful condition, Mister Potter. Mister Malfoy."

"It would have been a waste to throw them out, " Draco smiled. "And we need robes for the next start of term."

Madam Malkin smiled and nodded. "Ah, yes. Minerva mentioned that she gave the two of you jobs."

Harry nodded proudly and Madam Malkin continued, "What colours would you want, dears?"

Draco looked at Harry, who answered, "Black, of course. Dark green and dark purple, too. Navy blue, also."

Draco said, "Light blue, dark grey, black. Uhm, yes that's it."

Madam Malkin nodded and took their measurements, saying that their robes would be ready in about an hour or so. Harry and Draco left, dripping off their used textbooks at Flourish and Blotts while also purchasing planners that screamed at you if you forgot to do something that you had written down.

When they stepped outside, hand in hand, a familiar blonde woman with ruby-encrusted glasses and two-inch-long pink fingernails stopped them.

"Rita, " Harry said curtly. "Do you need something?"

Rita Skeeter opened her crocodile skinned handbag and her Quick Quotes Quill popped out along with a piece of parchment. "I fixed it, " she said when Harry glared at it. "I wanted to ask a few . . .questions."

Harry groaned and Draco said, "No."

"No?" Rita said with a sickly smile. The Quick Quotes Quill was moving wildly.

"What is it?" Harry asked impatiently.

Rita grinned. "I've heard you've gotten yourself a job at Hogwarts."

"Yes, both of us, " Harry answered, eying the Quill.

Rita said, "Are you two a couple, hm?"

Both of them nodded.

"How long?"

"Since Halloween."

Rita continued to ask the two of them questions, all in a variety of topics. When she finally released them, Harry tugged Draco in the direction of where Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour used to be, but the sign now read Flora Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

They got ice cream sundaes, a wonderful way to quench their thirst. Harry had giggled when Draco got chocolate syrup on his cheek and Draco promptly stopped him with a kiss. Harry, meanwhile, blushed furiously.

It wasn't until the summer sun was blocked by thick, almost black rain clouds and thunder rumbled above them that they thought about leaving. And it wasn't until large raindrops pelted their heads did they finally decide to Apparate home.

The rain was so loud that Draco could hardly hear the splashing of their feet as they ran down the street. Harry, who had his cloak over his head, his arms feeling sore from holding them up for so long, suddenly stopped. Draco looked back at him just as lightning forked in the sky, followed by a deafening clap of thunder.

"Harry! Hurry up!"

Harry yelled over the weather, "I've never been kissed in the rain!"

"What?" Draco yelled over the commotion. He heard nothing that Harry had said.

"The rain!" Harry yelled when Draco was very close. "I've never been kissed in the rain!"

Draco leaned down and asked Harry, "You've never been yessed in the rain?!"

Harry rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to Draco's. Draco, though surprised, kissed Harry back as if he were being paid a great sum of money to do so; his tongue ran along the roof of Harry's mouth, making Harry shiver and press his chilled body against Draco's.

Draco's hands slipped from their spot on his shoulders and wrapped around Harry's hips, gripping him tightly. Harry moaned when Draco broke their lips apart, only to say, "Merlin . . .you're amazing."

Harry chortled as Draco resumed his hungry attack on Harry's lips. He bit Harry's bottom lip hard and he pulled quickly away when Harry whimpered.

"Sorry, " Draco mumbled, his lips close to Harry's ear.

" 'S okay."

Draco grabbed his hand and they resumed their trek to their home, throwing open the door as Draco yelled, "Tilly, would you get a fire started?"

Tilly did so as Kreacher made French onion soup. Harry, who had changed and was now snug and warm in a thick blanket, smiled when Draco sat next to him, saying, "Budge up, baby."

Harry opened the blanket a bit and Draco grabbed it, securing it on himself. "You know, " said Harry, "if you leave me alone in that bed again, I'll make you sleep on the couch."

"Oh wow. Already taking charge?"

Harry grinned and sipped his soup, which tasted delicious. "Yep, "

Draco laughed as Harry pinched his cheek. It wasn't until Harry yawned that Draco proposed, "Maybe it's time for bed."

Harry leaned against Draco, groaning, "I'm too tired to walk. Carry me, why don't you?"

Draco smiled and lived Harry up, adoring the way his head rested on his shoulder. Draco held Harry tightly, tossing him onto their bed, chuckling when Harry buried himself in the covers instantly.

When Harry woke up the next morning, Draco was right next to him and Harry smiled, for he had known Draco was awake for at least a half hour, but he stayed. He stayed for Harry James Potter.

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