One: The Quidditch Match

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Harry dressed in his Quidditch robes, feeling very excited as he felt the supple material against his skin. He stuck his wand on the waistband of his pants and put on his leather gloves. He swung his Firebolt over his shoulder and said, in his best Oliver Wood impression, "Everyone, this is the team of the year. I know that we'll win against Slytherin. Let's bring that Quidditch cup to all the little Gryffindors!"

The team let out a rallying cry and, still hyped up, swaggered out of the changing room and onto the Quidditch Pitch. Ginny leading, the two large Beaters, Harry the Seeker, the Keeper, and the two other chasers all joking around and jostling each other roughly. Harry heard Luna Lovegood's dreamy and lofty voice over the magic megaphone, saying, "Oh, and the Gryffindor Quidditch team is here and being led by Ginny Weasley. It looks like Ronald is no longer on the team. That's too bad. Maybe the knargles got him."

"Luna, " McGonagall warned.

Luna continued, "And here comes the Slytherin team led by Zenith Marks. With Beaters Zenith and Jared Allen . . ." Luna continued to list off the members of the Slytherin Quidditch team and then Gryffindor.

The captains shook hands and the team took their places. Draco gave Harry a quick wink and Harry gave him a determined, yet adorable, smirk. Madam Hooch let the Golden Snitch go and Luna said, "And they're off!" as all fourteen players launched themselves in the air.

Harry felt a laugh bubble up from his chest and escape through his mouth as he flew high above the rest of the players, feeling the exhilarating effect that flying had on him. Harry looked down at the Pitch, seeing the Chasers throwing the Quaffle around, the Beaters beating the Bludgers, and Draco scanning the pitch for the Snitch.

"Forty - twenty, Gryffindor, " Luna said. "It looks like Harry is getting a bigger image by getting higher in the air than Draco Malfoy."

Harry smirked, his mind full of mischief. Time to have some fun.

Draco kept Harry in his sight. Instead of tagging him upright, Draco made sure that Harry wasn't moving too quickly. Draco didn't want to get too high up.

Suddenly, Draco saw Harry speeding in a downward path toward him. Draco swerved out of the way and heard Luna Lovegood saying, "Has Harry already found the Snitch? Looks like Gryffindor might get an early victory."

Draco sped after Harry as fast as he could, but Harry pulled up right before he hit the ground. He spun around and gave Draco a smile, zooming across the Pitch.

"Looks like Harry hasn't found the Golden Snitch, but is, instead, seeing if Draco will follow him."

Draco scowled at Harry and reared up. His anger got the better of him and he zoomed to Harry and whisper-shouted, "Are you trying to make me look like an idiot?"

Harry smirked and answered, "I'm just playing Quidditch. Maybe you should try it."

Draco heard Luna say, "And now the Seekers seem to be arguing about something. I heard that the two are friends now. Maybe they're sharing secrets."

"Harry!" Ginny yelled. "Focus!"

Harry nodded and zoomed away from Draco, who glared in Harry's direction.

"One hundred - forty. Gryffindor!"

Draco exhaled and scanned the Pitch again. His eyes working furiously to catch even a glint of gold. He flew around and kept his eyes on Harry, trying to set aside his emotions so that he could beat Harry, but kiss him later. Draco chuckled to himself as he circled the Pitch.

He noticed Harry barely miss a Bludger that was sent his way and almost raced toward him.

Harry flew up almost vertically to get out of the way of all of the other players and frowned as he scanned the field. He adjusted his gloves and frowned in determination, giving Draco no mind. He was in the zone.

"Both Seekers seem to be looking very hard for the Snitch." Luna pointed out.

Harry glanced over at Draco, who, he noticed, was looking all around him. Harry smiled to himself and stretched his hand out, racing across the Pitch, acting as if he were about to grab the Snitch. The Gryffindors cheered the loudest and the Slytherins shouted at Draco, who chased after Harry.

Harry jerked himself to a stop and pulled his hand back, smiling sweetly at Draco, who swerved to avoid ramming into his captain. He yelled at Draco, who yelled right back. The captain, being too distracted by Draco, didn't see a Bludger racing toward him and hitting him on the back.

Harry bit his knuckle and flew away. The captain turned out to be fine but yelled at Draco, "Go catch the damned Snitch!"

Harry saw a glint of gold across the pitch and flattened himself against the handle of his broom and flew right in front of Draco, who looked at where Harry was flying to, seeing the gold ball. Draco caught up to Harry quickly, stretching his arm out.

Harry and Draco were parallel to the ground and, without thinking, Harry stood on his broom and dived for the Golden Snitch, hearing the screaming of the crowd. Harry rolled onto the ground, feeling the fluttering of the Snitch's wings against his fingers. His team quickly swallowed him up in a tangle of limbs.

Ginny made to kiss him, but Harry pushed her away. Harry heard one of the younger players groan quietly, "Malfoy's coming over."

Harry detached himself from the team and saw Draco walking toward him. Harry met him halfway and apologized, "I'm sorry that I faked you out multiple times."

Draco shrugged and smiled shyly, making him look boyish. "It was fun. You totally beat my ass."

Harry laughed and Draco leaned down and whispered in Harry's ear when he saw Hermione and Ronald walk onto the Quidditch Pitch and look in their direction, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for wh---" Harry started but was cut off by Draco's lips pressing against his own. Harry was only shocked for a moment before he was yanked away from Draco by Ginny, who shouted at Draco. "Stop it, Ginny!"

Ginny looked at Harry and asked angrily, her hazel eyes flashing fiercely, "Stop what? Shouting at a Death Eater because he decided to force himself on you?"

"Ginny!" Harry said. "It's more . . .complicated . . .than that."

Draco took that chance to slip away and join his friends, feeling very embarrassed.

"Cute, " Theodore snickered, leaning against Draco's shoulder.

I screwed up . . .

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