One: Secret Spot

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Harry tried to catch snowflakes in his mouth as the snow started to fall. He absolutely loved the cold weather, grinning at how Ron and Hermione shivered, their teeth chattering and their noses and cheeks a delicate pink.

Harry heard a familiar voice call out his name in some sort of a panic. He turned around but before he knew what was happening, a towheaded figure collided with him, knocking him to the ground. "Hi, Draco!"

Draco put his hand to Harry's side on the snowy pavement, only to have it swept out from under him by the ice. Harry grunted when Draco's face smashed into his chest hard. "Blimey, sorry, Harry!"

When Draco regained his footing, he reached his hand out to help Harry up, but he noticed that it was Draco's right arm. Harry grabbed it and let Draco bear most of his weight. "Did you intend for that to happen or did Theo come back and shove you?"

"It was the ice, Harry. Theo left?"

Harry nodded.

"This ice is going to be the death of me."

Harry giggled, "Poor you."

Draco smiled and Harry loved it. He wanted to grab Draco's face right now and kiss him roughly. It didn't matter that they were in the middle of an ice-covered pavement or if Ron and Hermione were there; he just wanted Draco. Draco, Draco, Draco.

"Hey, Harry?" Hermione said, snapping Harry away from his boyfriend. "We're going to get on. Curfew is in a half-hour."

"Okay, 'Mione, " Harry replied. He watched his friends go and when they were out of earshot, he said to Draco, "Merlin, I want to kiss you."

"Wait, " Draco said. It was quiet and soft like he didn't want it to be broken. "Follow me, Harry."

Harry kept a hold on his hand as Draco carefully made his way back to the castle but they turned a corner to the Lake. Harry, getting quite nervous, asked Draco when they began walking in the treeline of the Forbidden Forest, "Where are we going?"

Draco held a finger to his lips, gesturing for Harry to be calm. "Somewhere that even Blaise and Theo don't know about, " he whispered almost silently. He gave Harry's hand a small, reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry. Trust me. You do, don't you, Harry?"

Harry had a tingling feeling in his stomach when Draco said his name. How was it possible to love it when one person said your name in that specific way? How could you fall in love with the way two syllables come together to form one simple name?

Harry answered honestly, "I trust you, Draco."

I trust you more than anybody else. Even Ron and Hermione. Harry finished in his head.

He felt a goofy smile form itself on his face when Draco kissed his nose lightly. When Draco continued to lead Harry, it was almost unbelievable just how silent he could be. After hearing his voice for weeks on end, Harry felt odd not hearing it. He didn't feel as safe, even though his hand was pressed into his own, Harry could hardly feel it.

Harry's mind started to carry him to places he didn't want to be; seeing shapes in the shadows and swearing he heard voices hissing his name. He stumbled over every step, not paying much attention to where he put his feet, all too occupied with his mind hopefully playing tricks on him.

Harry hoped that Draco didn't notice his blundering, but Harry knew that he noticed since the beginning when he stopped and turned around, wrapping his strong arms around Harry's waist. He whispered, "We're almost there, if that helps any."

Harry swallowed and nodded. "Why do we have to be quiet? Will something hear us?"

Harry regretted saying the word something as soon as the statement left his mouth. It made him sound like a child who was in need of confirmation that there were no monsters under his bed three times a night.

Draco shook his head and explained simply, "Because I don't want to scare you away."

"Scare me a---"

"I'll explain when we get there. Then we don't have to whisper so softly."

Harry nodded again and tried to keep pace with Draco, which was much easier now because he was walking a bit slower.

A few minutes passed and Draco stopped. Harry looked around, his emerald eyes taking in every single detail; they were in a small clearing that was free of snow, it gave off a pleasant amount of heat, just enough to warm him from where he stood, small strings of fairy lights gave off just enough light to see from as the occasional firefly flew through, hoping to get just a bit warm by landing on the blanket on the ground.

"How long did it take you to do this?"

"Not long, " Draco lied. "I come here a lot to think. Mostly during third year."

"Why third year?"

Draco said nothing but led Harry into the small space, sighing into the warmth. Harry detached himself from Draco and looked around curiously. Draco said his name in that quiet way and Harry turned his head, his body following soon after. Draco had one hand out and a small grin playing on his lips, one corner of his mouth tilted upwards a bit more than the other.

"I realized that we never danced together on Halloween. So . . .?"

Harry couldn't stop himself from smiling like a fool. He grabbed Draco's hand, loving the warm feeling he got in the pit of his gut. He pressed his body against the blonde's and they swayed and spun, Harry getting too excited at times and moving much quicker than Draco, who was accustomed life at a slower tempo. He quickened his rhythm to match Harry's but he was moving too quickly to give Draco a chance.

With anybody else, Draco would have been furious. You imbecile! He would yell at them. Keep my pace, not yours!

But he couldn't be angry at Harry. He shouldn't be angry at Harry, especially over something as small as a dance.

Every once in a while, he would lean down just enough to whisper against Harry's ear a few words of nothingness that didn't feel like nothing.

"You're great, Baby, " he whispered, breathlessly, though he knew that he shouldn't have been. "Wonderful, Harry. Wonderful, amazing, great, and beautiful Harry . . ."

"Draco . . ." Harry breathed against him, his eyes closed. He stopped and so did Draco. Running his thumb across Harry's cheekbones, Harry breathed again, exhaling Draco's name into the empty December air.

And Draco loved it more than he really should have.

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