One: The Mark

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Draco went around the entire interior of the castle, looking for Harry. When he couldn't find him anywhere, he went outside to the Quidditch Pitch and looked around, half expecting to see Harry flying around and half knowing that Harry wouldn't be there.

When his suspicion was proved correct, he started to make his way inside, his winter boots crunching in the ankle-deep snow when a small cloud of coloured smoke caught his eye.

Frowning, he craned his neck to get a better look, seeing a small figure lying down on the top of the Astronomy Tower, using their wand to make the coloured smoke appear in front of him.

That was the one spot that Draco hadn't thought of. Draco walked quickly, summoning his cloak and coat so as to keep warm. He practically ran up the stairs of the Tower and almost fell down the rope ladder multiple times.

When he made it up the ladder and hoisted himself up, he put on his coat, shivering slightly in the cold. He quietly tiptoed to where Harry was and sat down beside where Harry was lying down with his arms over his gemstone eyes.

"Harry?" Draco said in a quiet voice after a little while. He sat up quickly and looked over at Draco. Draco noticed Harry shivering despite the coat and blanket on him. Draco took the blanket from him and gave him his cloak, wrapping it around his chest and saying, "Here, it'll keep you warm."

Harry ran his fingers through the silver fur on the inside and felt Draco wrap his right arm around Harry's shoulders, pulling him close. Harry remained silent, still making the coloured smoke clouds.

"My dad used to do this when I was little. I used to try to catch the smoke." Harry said quietly. Draco nodded stupidly.

Harry also said, "I'm not mad."

"I never said that you were, "

"You were thinking about it, " Harry mumbled, resting his chin on his arms.

Draco frowned. "No, I wasn't. And I wouldn't care if you were mad."

Harry said nothing but kept his eyes on the treeline. Draco held his left arm out in front of Harry's eyes. Harry turned his head and looked at him questionably, saying, "You never let me touch your arm."

"I know, " Draco said. "I just . . .never want you to touch my Mark."

"But . . ."

Draco rolled his sleeve up to his elbow, exposing the indented and burnt skin to Harry. He put his hand out to hold Draco's shaking arm, which Draco allowed. He looked at the Mark, which was jet black. "I thought that they were only black when Voldemort was in full power."

Draco replied, "I tried getting rid of it. That's why it's so dark. Theo's, and others with the Mark, is faded and red."

Harry ran his index finger and middle finger down from Draco's inner elbow and around the Mark. His hand skimmed the mouth of the snake, his surroundings faded and he saw the inside of a very neat room. He quickly lifted his hand and looked around in shock.

Draco gave him a peculiar look and asked, "What happened?"

Harry shook his head. "I'm not sure . . .but when I touched your Mark, I saw a room."

Draco's hand tightened into a fist and said, "How was the room organized?"

"Very neat, "

Draco nodded and told Harry, "Go ahead. I don't know how scars work."

Harry thought that he saw tears in Draco's eyes, but looked away when Draco thrust his arm in Harry's direction. Harry pressed his palm against the Mark and closed his eyes.


Harry stood in a very neat and organized room, looking around and admiring the cleanliness of the room. He turned when he heard a quiet sigh. A sigh of boredom. And hurt.

He saw Draco sitting on what must be his bed reading a thick book, his back leaning against the headboard with a pillow separating the two and his ankles crossed. Harry saw him look up from his book and glance at the door but quickly looked back down at his book, turning the page.

Harry saw that his sleeves were rolled up past his elbows, showing no Mark. The summer before Sixth Year? Harry asked himself. Draco did look a bit younger and his hair a little short with no Mark.

Harry heard muffled voices through the door, looking at Draco to see if he noticed. He didn't.

Harry walked through the door and downstairs, where the memory became desaturated whereas the part of the memory in Draco's room had more colour.

"We have to give him a Mark, " he heard Lucius Malfoy say to his wife, who was shaking her head.

She said, "He will not have the Mark. What if something happens and he is sent to Azkaban for the rest of his life, Lucius."

Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy's sister and Draco's aunt, let out a cackle followed by, "You doubt the Dark Lord, Cissy?"

Narcissa said nothing but silently pleaded with her husband silently, her eyes pleading. Harry felt something solid against his forehead but, when he put his hand out, he touched nothing. Odd . . .

"The Dark Lord requested me to give Draco the Mark, " Lucius told his wife coldly. Bellatrix cackled again and Harry scowled. "He won't object."

Bellatrix smirked. "He will, Lucius. He doesn't trust the Dark Lord."

Lucius thought for a moment and Narcissa pleaded with her husband, telling him, "Lucius, his life will be ruined! Don't give him the Ma---"

"He needs the Mark, Cissy, " Bellatrix said. "It's the only way that our Lord will know his allegiance!"

"Bellatrix, follow me, " Lucius told her. He pulled out his wand, giving Bellatrix to do the same. "If you're not going to help, stay out of the way, " he said to Narcissa.

He and Bellatrix walked up the stairs and Harry went quickly up to Draco's room, where he was still reading his book peacefully. Harry felt his heart crack when both Draco's father and aunt burst through the door, startling him.

He set down his book and asked with his signature scowl, "What do you two want?"

Bellatrix yelled, "Crucio!" pointing her wand at Draco. He screamed and writhed in pain until, finally, he collapsed in a heap on the ground. Harry covered his mouth as Lucius Malfoy held his son down and Bellatrix held his left arm tightly, using her wand to brand the teenager.

Draco's pale eyes widened and his pupils dilated from pain and shock. His father held his jaw shut, muffling his scream.

Harry, instinctively wanting to stop Draco's evident pain, reached out and tried to grab Draco, feeling helpless as his hand went right through him.


Harry lifted his hand from Draco's forearm and lifted his gaze, seeing tears flowing steadily down Draco's pale cheeks. He wiped at his eyes and didn't know that Harry was watching him until he felt one of his hands on his cheek while he used the end of his sleeve to wipe his tears away.

Draco smiled at him and held Harry's hand against his face, happy to see Harry smiling and buried his face in the spot between his neck and shoulder, loving the way that Harry's cologne was sweet and fruity.

He smiled against Harry's neck as he wrapped his arm around Draco's neck, pulling himself closer to Draco. Smiling despite all that had happened.

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