One: Last Week

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Harry woke up before Draco for one of the only times. He could feel Draco's breaths against him and his arms were wrapped around him. He nestled against the blonde and breathe deeply, not wanting to get up. He felt Draco's arms tighten a bit and Harry thought about everything that had ever happened to him here and he bit back tears.

This was the place where he had finally been freed of the Durselys and their ridicule. Hogwarts was the place where he had his first crush. It was the place where he had found his first friends. This was the place where he had gotten a boyfriend who loved him enough to save his life.

Draco stirred a bit and groaned and he leaned on his elbow. Harry, with his eyes still closed, heard Draco taking his shirt off, most likely to get dressed for the day. Harry grabbed Draco by the waistband of his sweatpants and said, "Why don't you and I just lie here? It's not like we have any more classes

Draco looked down at Harry, saying, "Yeah, okay."

He slowly got back under the covers, his shirt still off. He traced Harry's jawline and kissed his forehead. Harry sighed.

"You're very cute, you know?"

"No, I didn't, " Harry laughed. "It's not like you tell me every other day."

Draco pursed his lips and said, "Fine, then. I won't tell you ever again."

He turned so that his back was facing Harry and bit back a laugh when Harry cried, "No, no I'm just saying!"

He draped himself over Draco's upper body, groaning from the sudden movement. "Draco . . ."

Draco turned so that he was now on his back, the cool material of Harry's shirt making the skin on his chest shiver. "Apology accepted."

Harry giggled and leaned heavily on Draco, who put his fingers in Harry's raven hair, mumbling, "You're adorable."

"So I've been told."

Draco smiled, his dimple prominent. "You're very cocky this morning."

Harry leaned on top of Draco, kissing him sweetly, touching his chest and running his hands to Draco's waist, where they rested. Draco groaned into the kiss, his hands travelling to Harry's hips, gripping roughly as he moved so that he was on Harry.

"You're cocky when you get your way, Dray."

Draco smiled against Harry's lips, asking quietly, "Is that okay, baby?"

Harry nodded, his hands now in Draco's white locks. "More than okay, Dray."


It wasn't until they ate lunch in the Great Hall that Draco knew that he and Harry were missed. Ron asked, "Hey, mate. Where were you?"

"Sleeping, " Harry answered absentmindedly.

Ron added, "You look exhausted."

Theo sputtered on his pumpkin juice and looked at Draco, who looked unabashed and at Harry, who had a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Yeah, " Harry muttered sheepishly, "it's not that big of a deal."

Draco batted his eyes and put a hand on his chest, saying in a concerned voice, "Oh, Harry. Have you not slept well? You do look pretty tired."

Harry smiled, but it was hard. "You don't look that tired, Dray."

Draco grinned and threatened, "If you don't have a better attitude for the next few days, I will eat strawberries every day for every meal."

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