One: Gift

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Draco glanced at Harry every once in a while, only to see his pink lips set in a sad frown, a small crinkle of skin that met between his eyebrows. With one hand, Harry straightened his glasses.

Draco couldn't get what Harry had said earlier out of his head, a constant train of the same words; This is all my fault. This is all my fault. This is all my fault.

"Hey, " Draco said, bumping his shoulder into Harry's lightly. "You're very quiet."

Harry shrugged. "Sorry, I'm just a little tired."

"It's okay. You don't have to say sorry all the time."

Harry was silent. Draco squeezed his hand and says, much quieter than he had said the previous statement, "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me? Before next term starts?"

"With Theo and Blaise? Neville?" Harry asked after a few moments of thought.

"Not unless you want them to come. I thought that maybe we could, " Draco answered softly, fully expecting Harry to shrink away, "go by ourselves. Drink a bit. Go to Honeydukes. Don't you have family that works at the...what's it called? The Weasley . . .Wizard's Wheezes?"

Harry said, "They aren't even related to me."

"They seem like you would call them your brothers or sisters. Mum, Dad. That sort of thing."

"It'd be weird if I dated my sister, huh?" Harry giggled behind his hand, making the corner of Draco's mouth turn upward. "And I'm pretty sure George and Charlie don't know that I'm gay."

"You don't have to tell them, Harry."

Harry shook his head, determination set in the faint lines of grief in his face. "No, I want them to know."

Draco and Harry continued on their way to the library, both of their minds wondering slightly; Draco wondering if Harry was really alright and Harry wondering if he was really okay. Both didn't know. They didn't know.

When they finally made it to the library, they sat in the back, getting a few stares from younger students who knew of both boys from either terrifying or glory-giving stories. Most were in the front with Madam Pince keeping a watchful eye on them. She nodded in Harry's direction and he nodded back.

They chose a small round table in the very back of the library, near the Restricted Section, quietly pulling two chairs back. Harry slumped a bit, glowering at a scratch on the table. Draco opened his mouth, but quickly closed it when Harry said, "Merlin, I'm tired of this."

"Of what?" Draco asked, leaning his arm onto the tabletop, feeling a pang in his stomach. He had forgotten to eat.

"Of Lynch and his mates, " Harry finished with an angry growl. Draco didn't know if he liked seeing Harry this angry. Was it because of what Theo had said before he was left? Or was it something more?

Draco, again, opened his mouth to say something, anything, when Harry stood and looked at the spines of the books, eyebrows furrowing occasionally. Draco watched him for a moment before standing and wrapping his arms around Harry's small torso. "Hmm." Harry hummed in thought, doing his best to forget about his surroundings and focus on only the scent of Draco's cologne.

He turned around and faced him, Draco's arms still around him. "I'm not sure if I'm okay, Draco, " he admitted quietly, shutting his eyes as if he could block out everything that way.

"That's completely fine, " Draco said in a sort of a whisper that sounded both happy and angry. "We don't ever have to worry about what others say. As long as you're with me, I'm fine, " he kissed the spot just below his boyfriend's ear. "We're fine, " he kissed Harry's jaw. "You're fine."

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck and pressed his lips to his. Maybe, he thought to himself. I can just. . .forget. Just for a moment.

Draco pressed his hand to Harry's cheek, loving the way Harry leaned into him. "Harry, " he started when Harry pulled away just enough to get air. Draco's lips brushed Harry's when he spoke. As he opened his eyes a bit, Harry's were still closed, his lips parted slightly. "Harry, I---"

"Eww, get a room."

Draco lifted his head, frowning at Theo, who was smiling. The spell was broken and Harry turned in Draco's arms, his back now pressed against his chest. Solid. Firm.

Theo smacked Harry's arm lightly and Harry gave him a giggle. He, Harry, quickly put the mask of happiness on his face, hoping that it fools Draco. And, judging by how Draco held his hand somewhat loosely, fooling him was easy.

As Theo started to speak, Harry stood quickly and said, "I'll be right back, " before leaving the library quickly.

Draco watched him leave, the way his hips swung gently. The way his arms were stiff at his sides, his hands in his pockets. "How was sleeping with Harry yesterday?"


"You really think I'm stupid, don't you?" Theo asked, mildly furious that Draco didn't seem to be listening. "I know that you two didn't 'sleep' like you say." Theo put air quotes in the air as he said sleep.

Draco felt his cheeks warm with blush. "Did you tell him about the letter?"

"What letter?"

"The letter that I know you know what I'm talking about."

Draco glared menacingly as he quietly warned Theo. "If you tell him about that letter, I will personally see that you are hexed to have a pig's head."

Theo was irate. "You have to tell him eventually, Draco. You can't have him thinking that you---"

"I was trying to tell him how I felt before you so rudely interrupted us. And besides, " Draco drops his glare and his tone turns serious. "He isn't . . . handling this well. He's so fed up with Lynch that I don't know what he'll do."

"Theo!" They both heard, making their heads turn. Harry had returned, carrying a wrapped package. "This is for you."

"What? Why?"

Harry smiled shyly. It was very adorable on him, making his long lashes curl, hiding the evident fear in his eyes, the hands that were usually so still were being wrung nervously. "Well, Mrs Weasley made Draco's so I asked if it would be too much of a bother to make another two. So she did."

Theo opened the present and held the sweater out in front of him; the material was a wonderful cream colour with a T in fancy script, small vine like designs were on the cuffs of the sleeves.

He stared at the gift for what seemed like forever. Finally, he spoke, his voice unusually soft, gentle, and warm. "I've never gotten a real Christmas present before. My parents believed in getting me something that I could use. Like a desk set or robes."

Harry hastily babbled, "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. I'm sure---"

"I like it, " Theo quickly interjected. Harry smiled again, his lips closed tightly and Draco chuckled as Theo tore off his button up and replaced it with the sweater. The cream colour made his tan skin look darker and Draco envied it.

"Let's get some lunch. I'm absolutely starving!" Theo exclaimed, making Harry laugh. Draco suddenly wanted to hear Harry laugh again. There was no explaining why. He just did.

Draco walked behind Harry and Theo, who were both talking about nonsense. Draco wasn't listening.

If you ruin this, he told himself. Harry will hate you. Neville will hate you. Hell, even Weasley and Granger will detest you with every ounce of their beings.

He just didn't understand why it hurt so much to think about Harry. Wait, I know . . .

I love him. I'm in love with Harry Potter.

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