One: The End

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Draco didn't sleep too well that night. Between Harry running away from him and seeing Harry kissing the Weasley girl, he had no energy left, but he still couldn't get comfortable in his bed. It seemed far too big and very, very cold.

Both Blaise and Theo offered to stay with him for the night, but Draco wanted to be alone.

If only he had shown Harry the letter and maybe he would have understood and still be with him. Of course, Draco would have never wanted Harry to be dead, especially by his hands. He would never have done it.

He felt so alone in the cold room.

The letter that Harry had sent showed how much he disliked Draco, but he didn't see it like that. He thought that he could convince Harry that he would never harm him in any way, but when he saw Harry pressed against Weasley, his heart had crumbled.

Bitterly, he groaned. His mind was churning too much for him to sleep. Was nothing really okay? They were happy, weren't they? Maybe not.

Draco really wanted to believe that Harry saw the good in him. He wanted to believe that he wasn't so broken or such a mess. Nobody aside from Theo and Blaise knew about the worst of him. Something to say, something to do, but no matter what he was always the bad guy. The Boy Who Made All of the Wrong Choices.

Nothing could make sense of what Draco was feeling in his chest, words failing. Could it have just been an elaborate wish? A dream that had no chance of coming true?

Draco grabbed his wand and thought of a happy memory. Any memory. One that invoked Harry, whom he loved and who didn't love him.

"Expecto Patronum!" he said in a small voice, but he knew it had worked when a small, silvery bat flew around his room, fluttering by his head before evaporating into thin air. He frowned.

Harry wasn't here.

Sleep-deprived and wishing that Theo would shut up, Draco yawned to his plate of eggs and sausage. Neville was sitting close to Blaise, bleary-eyed from sleep. He glanced up every once in awhile, hoping that Harry would come to sit with him.

He saw Hermione and Ron walk in alone, their eyes searching the Great Hall and landing on Draco. He tried to sink lower in his seat, but they came over to him briskly. Hermione sat next to him while Ron sat on the opposite side of his girlfriend.

"Draco, please tell me about that letter, "

Draco scowled. "What makes you think I want to tell you anything? Surely, Harry already---"

Ron interjected, "If you want us to believe that you wanted to harm Harry, you wouldn't tell us anything. He doesn't want us around and---"

"I don't want to hear about your problems, Weasley, " Draco countered. "I tried hard to make you like me but you insist---"

"Only because I'm a prat!"

Draco deflated. "Sorry, "

Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder, saying kindly, "I know that you're a good person, Draco. I don't believe that you want to hurt Harry."

Draco's heart swelled as he explained everything to Hermione; how his father sent the letter but that he hadn't replied or wanted to take action. She listened intently, nodding and patting Draco's arm in sisterly fondness.

Just as he had finished, he saw the familiar head of messy black hair and almost waved, but his heart sank when Harry sat down with a group of Hufflepuff boys, laughing at something one of them said, leaning against one that Draco recognized as Oliver Wolff, the boy that had tried flirting with Harry on Halloween.

He scowled and he heard Hermione say, "He never came back to Gryffindor Tower last night."

Draco asked, "He hates me, doesn't he?"

Nobody answered him.

The day went by slowly, Draco doing his best to not think of Harry. Frowning when he did. He saw Harry making out with Oliver Wolff in what could have been a secluded corner id not for himself and left quickly, not wanting to see anymore.

But at lunch, he was sitting with a group of Ravenclaw boys, obviously flirting with them. Draco asked Hermione and Ron, who had both noticed also, "Is he. . ."

"I think so, " Ron answered solemnly. Draco's thoughts were confirmed; Harry was going around and getting with anyone he could, but not for a long time.

Maybe this was the end of them. He was sure of it when he saw Harry grab a Ravenclaw boys hand and lead him away from the clamour of the Great Hall.

Draco clenched his fists and said, "Maybe you could get back with him and . . .I dunno, tell me what he says?"

Ron frowned. "He won't listen to us."

Theo suggested, "I can do it, " though no one paid him any mind.

"I can, " Neville said.

Blaise shook his head. "He won't talk to you if you're with me. I'm sure of it."

Theo said again, gaining the group's attention. "I'll do it."

They were silent only for a moment before they all disagreed with the ridiculous plan.

"No, it won't work---"

"Maybe we could---"

"Not if we---"

Blaise suggested loudly, "We could use magic, you idiots!"

All other conversation stopped as they listened to Blaise describe his plan. "Theo could be Transfigured or we could use Glamour to disguise him as another student. Maybe snag some other House robes?"

"That . . .might actually work!" Hermione exclaimed. "That's brilliant!"

Blaise's cheeks turned the slightest bit pink as he took a sip from his glass of pumpkin juice. "Thank you, Hermione."

And so, the plan was in action. This could work, Draco thought as the rest of them started to go over plans. Maybe this wasn't the end? What if it was only a bump in the road? A major bump, but a bump all the same.

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Scared you with the title, didn't I?

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