One: Letter

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Teddy gurgled happily in his highchair, banging his empty bottle against the trey. After a few minutes of this, Harry pulled it away from him, summoning a plush toy to replace it.

"Watch him be something odd, like a Ravenclaw, " Harry said absentmindedly.

"Or a Gryffindor."

"Or a Slytherin, "

"I hope not, " Draco scowled. Harry snickered.

It was nice to be eating in a quiet place with Draco, Harry noticed. He didn't feel the urge to glance around and to make sure he was safe. He didn't feel the undeniable anxiety of whispers following him. Harry Potter. Harry Potter. Harry Po---

"Don't you agree?"

Harry snapped out of his daze and looked up at Draco, utterly bewildered. "Agree with what now?"

Draco was patient and repeated, "That I don't think Teddy will be anything short than amazing."

Harry nodded, trying not to turn back to his mind when it tugged at him.

After returning to Hogwarts late that night, Draco found Harry nuzzled against his chest, sobbing onto him. He had had a nightmare---a terrible one at that; it had been awful, full of death and blame as well as threats to Draco, Teddy, and everyone else he loved so dearly. Harry didn't want to fall back asleep, not wanting to give his mind the satisfaction it so desperately craved while he slept.

It wasn't a pleasant dream at all.

"It--it was so real."

"Shh, " Draco comforted. "I know. I know."

Harry sobbed again. Draco felt powerless.

"Hey, perhaps you just need a sleeping draught, yeah?"

Harry shuddered. "Mmm, "

Draco detached himself from Harry, who was now sniffling and fetched a draught from his desk. "Here, "

Harry drank it quickly, feeling his eyelids droop instantly. "Thanks, " he mumbled as Draco got under the covers with him again.

Draco kissed his forehead and the last words Draco heard before he fell asleep was, "I won't leave."


When Harry awoke, he was sad to find that Draco wasn't with him, though he could hear the shower running. Harry stretched, groaning when be stood, dressing quickly.

There were classes tomorrow. Harry wasn't excited.

Where did I put that essay? He asked himself, searching through his trunk. When his search had failed there, he decided to look on Draco's desk, opening the drawers and searching through them quickly. Though his eyes caught on a letter addressed to Draco in neat, pristine handwriting.

I have received word that you have gained the trust of the Potter boy.

It was Lucius Malfoy. Harry was confused, wondering if wizards and witches were allowed to write to relatives in Azkaban. He set that question aside and continued reading, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Though it was done in an unconventional way, I am proud of you. Now that you have him in your grasp, you can kill him. Kill him and avenge the Dark Lord. Avenge your mother and me. Be smart and make me proud, Son.

Harry clenched the letter, rage and tears filling his eyes. Of course, Draco was still a Death Eater. People didn't change in a year. He had been stupid to imagine so and he had been stupid to let Draco get in his head. Harry had planned to grab his stuff and leave before Draco could find him, but he heard a voice from behind him ask, "What are you looking for, Harry?"

Harry jumped, turning to see Draco rubbing his hair with a towel, but otherwise dressed. His eyes landed on Harry's frenzied look and travelled to the letter in his hands, his own stopping. "What have you got there?"

Harry's hands shook with rage and fear as he hissed, fighting to keep his voice steady, "If I tell you, will you kill me?"

Draco's eyes widened and his hands dropped. He took a step towards Harry, who backed away. "Harry . . ."

"Merlin, isn't this so funny, Draco?" Harry mocked cruelly. "Just like me, yeah? Just so adorable, so naïve, so fucking stupid!" Harry pulled at his hair, trying to keep his heart from breaking in half as it so desperately wanted to.

"Harry, I---"

"I should have never wanted to be around you! I shouldn't have wanted to kiss you! I lost my best mate because of you, you---auugh!"

Draco had lunged for him, his arms outstretched, and Harry, after years of closely evading danger, dodged the blonde boy.

"I should have known that a filthy, evil Death---"

"Don't say that, Harry!"

"Shove it, Malfoy, " Harry growled, wishing that Draco wasn't there with him. He wanted Draco to feel just as bad as he did, wanted him to hate living just like him. It was a cruel thing, but Malfoy's knew all about cruelty.

Harry grabbed his trunk and felt a hand close around his wrist. "Harry, you saw what they did to me! If you understood---"

"Understand what? That you and your disgusting family wish death upon me?"

Draco, full of rage, blurted, "At least I have a family!"

Harry stopped and Draco's eyes widened when he realized what he had said. "No, no Harry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean---"

"Get away, " Harry whispered, his small voice full of pain; fragile and broken at the same time. "Get away, "

Draco gripped Harry's wrist. "They're going to kill me, Harry."

Harry looked up at him, snarling, "Then let them kill you! I don't care anymore!"

Harry snatched his trunk up and ran out the door, hardly stopping when he saw Blaise and Theo making their way to Draco's dorm.

"Harry, what---"

Harry ignored Theo, tears streaming down his face. He heard Draco say, "Stop him!"

He ran faster until he made it to his Gryffindor dorm, surprised to see Ron and Hermione sitting on Ron's bed, looking at a book.

"Harry?" Hermione said when she saw him. "What's the matter?"

"Ron was right, " Harry choked on the sob that wanted to escape him. The sob that tore at his insides. "Ron was right, "

He told them everything that had happened, Ron adding in the middle, "I was gonna come talk to you today and tell you that I was a git. Harry, I'm so sorry . . ."

"Me too, " Harry said, collapsing in on himself, sobbing and clutching at his middle.

Oh, how he hated himself; for being an idiot, for not knowing danger when he was right in front of it, kissing it, loving it.

At that moment, Harry James Potter wanted to die so badly that it was no longer a foggy thought. It was in his grasp now, fueling him.

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