One: Run

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Harry awoke, frantic. His hand flew to his hair, running his fingers through it to free some of the knots. He shivered and wrapped his coat around him and, with a jolt, realized that the fairy lights that gave off the main source of light what seemed like a minute ago were off.

Frantically, he felt around for his wand, desperately needing light. Finally, he found it and muttered "Lumos" and felt relief when there was light, though it wasn't a lot. He cast a Tempus charm and swore when the time read 1:37 am.

He looked over at Draco, who was still asleep and hated to wake him. "Dray, " he whispered in an all too quiet voice. He was panicking and he didn't want to, but he was all the same. "Dray, "

Draco groaned in his sleep.

"Draco, you need to wake up . . ."

Another groan. Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed Draco's arm, shaking it roughly. Draco blinked awake and sat up. "What? What's'a matter, Harry?"

Harry explained as he stood up, hurrying to get his coat and shirt on, the fabric occasionally muffling his voice as he spoke. "It's way past curfew and we've gotta---gotta get back!"

"What? Harry I---"

"We have to get back, Draco! I don't even remember where we are and it's--it's dark and---"


"I don't like the dark, Draco!"


Harry whipped around, pain that shouldn't exist in a person evident in his eyes. They were wide but instead of the usually large pupils, they were dilated, making Draco realize that he looked like a terrified animal. "What? What, Draco?"

"Let me get my coat on and we'll get on."

Harry nodded, muttering an apology and buttoning his coat with his wand in his teeth. Draco pulled his jumper on, groaning slightly, fatigue still making his limbs like lead. He yawned as Harry looked into the forest behind him. How was he sure that nothing was there?

"Are you done?" He asked Draco impatiently.

"Yeah, let me . . .ah, here it is, " he said to himself, patting the ground and lifting his wand. "Lumos."

Harry let Draco lead, fighting the urge to look over his shoulder every few seconds. Draco told him that they weren't too far from the castle, but Harry suspected otherwise because he couldn't see the lights from the castle through the trees.

Not long after they began their trek, there was a howl and a wail from some sort of creature that Harry suspected to be a werewolf. His surroundings faded.

Professor Lupin was screaming in pain, his body contorting and hair sprouting all over his body. He could hear Sirius said in a panic, "Harry, you and your friends away. As fast as you can. Hurry! What is---


Harry snapped out of his daze, looking up at Draco, hoping to not show him how absolutely terrified he was.

But then, a branch snapped and Harry whipped around, surely causing damage to his neck. He couldn't stop a small whimper from escaping his lips and he inwardly swore. Quietly, Draco whispered in his ear, "Keep your wand out and hold tight."

Harry nodded wordlessly and grabbed Draco's hand, holding on tightly as if he would be ripped away. His heart was hammering in his throat and he wanted to shut his eyes, but he knew that he had to walk.

"Y'know, " Draco said, wanting to keep Harry's mind off of the Forest. "My third-year self really wanted this to happen."

"W--wanted what?"

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