One: First Names

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Over the course of a week and a half, Draco and Harry met in the library almost every day to research the Elixir to Induce Euphoria. Harry mostly tried to make Draco laugh while Draco mostly tried to get Harry to do some research.

The next Friday, after the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts were over, Harry saw the Slytherins come out. The only Eighth Years he saw were Draco and Theodore Nott. He waved to them as he left, smiling shyly when Draco waved back.

After changing back into his Hogwarts robes, Harry met Ron and Hermione on the stands. Ron made to leave when Harry said, "I want to see how Draco does."

Ron groaned, "I don't know why you insist on calling him by his first name."

Harry ignored him and sat down next to Hermione. Harry placed his hands on either side of his face and watched as Draco and a Fifth Year, very burly boy, mounted their brooms. The captain reached down and pulled the tiny, Golden Snitch from the suitcase. Harry squinted when he let the Snitch go. A minute later, both flew up in the air, Draco much quicker than the Fifth Year.

Harry watched as Draco scanned the pitch with determination all over his face. The Fifth Year was watching Draco out of the corner of his eye, which Hermione pointed out. Draco, seeing this, sped off in one direction, the boy followed. Draco quickly and swiftly spun around and raced to the opposite side of the pitch. His pale fingers wrapped around the golden, walnut-sized ball.

Harry stood up and said, "That's all."

Ron rolled his eyes and the three made their way off of the bleachers. Hermione observed, "That was a pretty smart move."

Harry shook his head and replied, "He didn't dive. He could have and it would've made it more difficult for that fifth year to catch up to him. It would have been easier for Draco to get the Snitch if that Fifth Year was smaller."

"What an idiot, " Ron sniggered. Harry made a face at him and Ron stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe he knew you were watching and didn't show his actual abilities." Hermione pointed out.

Harry shook his head. "He looked sick when he went high in the air to catch the Snitch and almost fell off of his broom."

Hermione thought for a moment before adding, "He did look a little nervous."

Harry nodded and Ron said, "Maybe he's afraid of heights."

Harry frowned and turned to go inside of Hogwarts, the three of them walking the corridors. Harry listened to Ron and Hermione bicker about nothing important while he let his thoughts run. They sat down in the library, Ron and Hermione still bickering, but now over the potion that they were researching.

Harry pulled a book from the shelf and flipped through the thick pages. He leaned his head in his hand and wrote down the side effects of the Elixir on a piece of parchment.

"Scared, Potter?" Malfoy whispered quietly so that Lockhart or Snape could not hear.

"You wish, "

"Right, Harry?" Ron said.

Harry looked up and asked, "What's right?"

Ron rolled his eyes and Hermione kicked him from under the table. Ron winced and clarified, "I mean: am I right about how the potion is orange?"

"Yellow, " Harry answered. "Sunshine yellow."

Ron frowned and slumped over his textbook as Hermione said, "I told you."

Harry heard a voice from behind him say, "If you do something wrong, you can make it orange like your hair, Weasley."

Harry turned around and smiled at Draco, who smiled back. Ron, on the other hand, scowled at Draco's comment.

"Hello, Draco, " Hermione said with a wave.

"Hello, " he replied, leaning over Harry's shoulder to look at what he wrote down, making his breath hitch slightly when he got a whiff of Draco's cologne. "Steam coming out of your ears for hours after swallowing is the Pepperup potion."

Harry crossed out what he wrote as Draco sat down beside him. Draco's hand was shaking slightly as he picked up his quill and wrote down some of the positive effects on his parchment.

Harry said, "We watched your tryout."

Draco smirked. "Oh? Did I look good in my robes?"

Harry made a disgusted face on the outside but blushed on the inside. "No, " Harry answered. "But why didn't you dive?"

Draco shrugged and looked down at his book. "I didn't feel like it."

Harry nodded and left it at that, but Ron took another step. "Scared of heights, Malfoy?"

Draco scowled and countered, "I didn't see you trying out. Scared of failing? I know that the Weaseltte is the Gryffindor captain. Surely you're guaranteed a spot."

Ron opened his mouth and started to speak, but Hermione quickly spoke over him. "That Fifth Year was pretty slow. I'm sure you'll make it."

"It's a fifty-fifty chance, " Draco pointed out. "Whereas Potter tried out against five of you attention seekers."

Harry smiled to cover up Draco's look and said, "But the Weaseltte basically guaranteed me a spot on the team as Seeker."

"Don't call my sister that, " Ron said.

"It was a joke, Ron," Harry and Hermione clarified. Draco snickered behind his hand. Ron glared at him and Draco stopped and dropped his hand.

"Just because you want to hang around Malfoy doesn't mean that you can be an ass, " Ron said.

Harry frowned and said, "You don't have to be . . .where are you going?"

Draco had stood up and put his parchment, ink, and quill away. He stood up and put his bag over his shoulders and replied, "I don't wanna intrude. I'll see you later, " and left before Harry could reply.

Draco didn't want to start an argument between the three friends over Quidditch. He walked quickly through the hallway by himself and ran into a group of other returning Gryffindors. One of them shoved Draco roughly and spat in his face before saying, "Get out of my way, Malfoy."

Draco tried stepping to the side but another one pushed him into the first. Draco stayed silent as the Gryffindors shoved him so hard that he fell onto the ground. He only said, "Don't touch my arm, you asshole, " when one of the bigger ones grabbed his left arm and tried to pull up the sleeve.

"You don't wanna show off that Mark? I thought you Malfoy's were prideful." one said with a smirk. "How about you get a little lesson? Then you can get the hell out of here."

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