One: Library

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Draco sat in the library during the first of the back to back free periods and sat down in the Potions section, opening a book and reading about the Elixir to Induce Euphoria. He found side effects and effects, looking at how to make it. It really was a difficult potion.

"You could have told me that you were here."

Draco didn't need to look up to know who it was. He only did when he heard Harry pull the chair across from him back far enough to sit down. Harry smiled when Draco looked at him, though Draco looked more like he had a sour candy in his mouth.

"Why would I tell you that I'm here?"

"Because, " Harry answered. "we're partners."

"I already told you that I can't be your partner."

"Can't or won't?"

Draco looked back down at his book and replied, "Won't, then."

Harry smiled widely, revealing pearly white teeth. "Then I won't leave you alone."

Draco took a deep breath before shaking his head and flipping through the book he was using to research the elixir. Harry pulled a book from the shelf and started flipping through it to find the information that he wanted. Draco looked up briefly and saw that Harry was reading a Potions textbook for third years.

"Wrong book, Potter."

Harry turned red from embarrassment and put the book back on the shelf, biting his lip thoughtfully as he looked at the spines of the books. From where he was sitting, Draco could see the right book. He sighed as he stood and reached over Harry, pulling the book from the shelf and handing it to him.

"Oh, " Harry said, very embarrassed now. He sat down across from his new partner and flipped through the pages, his expression laced with confusion. He didn't understand most of the words and instructions.

"You really should be with Longbottom."

Harry looked up at Draco and replied, "Neville is partners with Hannah Abbott."

Draco shrugged and added to his previous comment, "You're going to be hopeless at this."

"Not if you help me."

Draco kept his eyes on his page, feeling Harry's emerald eyes on him. Maybe Harry was being genuine, but Draco doubted it. Maybe he and his friends wanted to get close to Draco to find out some embarrassing secret to spread around. Only, too bad for them, he wasn't going to give them that satisfaction. Two can play at that.

"Fine, " Draco replied, moving to the chair right next to Harry and pointing at a section of the book. "What do you know about the potion?"

Harry thought for a moment before telling him, "It's yellow."

Draco rolled his eyes and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his eyes. "A first-year could tell me that, Potter."

"A first-year won't ask me that question, " Harry countered. Draco scowled.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be getting smart-mouthed with me, Potter."

Harry crossed his arms as he gave Draco an angry frown. A moment later, Harry snorted, which quickly turned into quiet laughter. Draco blinked and asked, very confused and angry, "Why are you laughing?"

Harry answered, "You look funny when you're angry."

Draco's scowl deepened, but it was soon replaced with a chuckle. He covered his mouth with his hand a moment later and Harry said, "You should do that more often."

"Do what?"

"Smile, " Harry answered with one his own. Draco frowned and dropped his hand, picking his book up and staring blankly at a page, not really reading anything. Harry opened his mouth to say something reassuring when he heard, "Harry!"

He turned around and saw Ginny Weasley walking toward him with a smile. Harry smiled and waved to her. "Hi, Gin, " he said when she came close to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Working on our Potions project, " Harry explained.

Ginny's face twisted in disgust when she saw Draco sitting beside Harry. "You can always work with Neville, " she said.

"That's what I said, " Draco mumbled, only loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Well, I thought of doing something different this year."

Ginny asked, "You want to be Potion partners with Malfoy?"

Harry nodded. "Is there a reason you were looking for me?"

Ginny answered, "I wanted to let you know that Quidditch tryouts are next Friday. You're still trying out, right?"

Harry nodded and Ginny replied, "Great! See you!"

"See you, " Harry responded as she walked away. He asked Draco, "Are you still trying out?"

Draco shrugged. "I guess."

"You should. I need a challenge."

Draco smiled and asked, "You're very confident in your abilities."

Harry laughed, "Haha, well, I think we'll make the teams."

Draco's smile faded and he stood up and set the books back on the shelf. Before he left, Harry asked, "Same time tomorrow?"

Draco stopped and turned around. "Sure, Potter."

Harry walked over to him and held out his hand. "Harry. Harry Potter."

Draco glanced down at Harry's hand before extending his own and shaking Harry's hand, saying with a smile, "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

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