One: Teddy

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That night, after supper in the Great Hall, Harry told Draco that he would meet him back at his dorm. Draco had pouted while Harry turned away.

Now, Harry James Potter wished that he wasn't alone. The whispers from the portraits followed him, threatening to swallow him whole. He did his best to ignore them, but the constant murmur of his name kept his attention in the most unpleasant way.

When he saw Minerva McGonagall striding down the corridor, he called her name and she turned around curious look on her face.

"Yes, Potter?"

Harry smiled and asked, "Would it be alright if I were to visit Teddy tomorrow? For the day and come back at night? Teddy Lupin?"

McGonagall knew all about Teddy Remus Lupin. The entire Wizarding world did, for it was an honour to be named Harry Potter's godson. "You have to take at least one other person with you."

"Would it be alright if Draco Malfoy were to tag along?"

McGonagall nodded and Harry thanked her quickly before making his way to the dorm. He forgot almost everything as he thought of Teddy; Andromeda had written to him, telling him that Teddy had just loved the colour teal, which, he read, was his hair colour most of the time. She had said that he loved to have hazel eyes.

Harry skipped into the dorm, giving Draco, who had busied himself with a book, a kiss on the cheek. "Missed you!"

"It was, " Draco said, "at most fifteen minutes."

"You acted like it was forever when I left."

Draco's cheeks turned a delicate pink as he stood, making his way towards Harry. "Shut up, Potter."

Harry blushed and stuck out his tongue like a child. "Make me, Malfoy."

Draco smirked, leaning down close to Harry's lips, though, when Harry leaned in to meet him, Draco pulled away. His grin was cruel. "Hey!"

Draco gave him an innocent expression and asked, "Whatever is the matter, Baby?"

Harry blushed more at that last word and stuttered, "I---uh, you are . . .so terribly annoying."

Draco gave Harry a pat on the head as if he were a well-behaved dog. "Aw, well, you're so terribly amazing. How is that?"

"Now I feel bad for calling you annoying, " Harry giggled. "Bloody bad."

"I'm not hurt. It's quite funny to see you flustered, "

Harry turned away, sitting on an armchair and rested his head, thinking of little Teddy Lupin.


Draco yawned as Harry explained that they would drive in a Muggle car to and from Hogsmeade and Andromeda's house.

"Why can't we Apparate?"

"Can you?"

Draco shook his head and Harry added, "I can't anymore, so the safest thing to do is drive. I'll drive."

"And I suppose you have a Muggle car in your pocket?"

Harry grinned, placing his hand in his pocket and pulled out a toy-sized black car. "I shrunk it."

Draco laughed.

They walked to Hogsmeade, catching Blaise and Neville in a passionate kiss. "Hey, " Draco interrupted them with no shame. Harry hit his arm.

Blaise was the one to pull away with a scowl while Neville looked a bit embarrassed. "What was important enough to interrupt me, Draco?"

"Make sure you keep Theo company. He might not say it, but he needs it badly, " Draco added when Blaise gave him a look, "and Harry and I will be gone all day."

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