One: Surprise

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Harry frowned when Ron asked, "So your plan is to tell him when he's asleep?"

"Yes, " Harry answered with a proud smile. "Then I won't have to get rejected."

"He won't reject you, Harry, " Hermione assured him. "He absolutely adores you. It's sickening sometimes."

Harry didn't smile. He felt sick.

"Mate, " Ron added. "I'm sure he feels the same way. If not, I'll hex him for you."

Harry swirled his drink around in circles, watching the whiskey slosh around. He stood and said, "I'll be right back."

"Wait, " Hermione pleaded. "We'll come with you."

Harry looked at her and Ron before nodding with a smile. The three friends walked outside, feeling the harsh bite of snow on their skin. Harry led them to a brand new shop called the Wizard and Warrior, a tattoo parlour.

Harry grabbed the handle as Hermione asked, "Are you sure you want to go in there?"

"Yeah, " Harry murmured.

The owner, a stout man with an eye patch, said, "Mr Potter, welcome back!"

Harry smirked and replied with, "Good afternoon Mister Murgon."

The man's black hair was tied back and in his dark eyes, there was a mischievous glint. "Come for another?"

Harry nodded and Ron asked, "Another what?"

"Tattoo, obviously."

Ron looked at Harry, dumbfounded. Harry sat down in a chair and removed his scarf, telling Murgon exactly where he wanted the wizarding tattoo: "On the back of my neck so that it only just shows."


Draco walked silently with Blaise, not knowing exactly what to say.

"He told me that he didn't want to keep it a secret forever."

Draco glanced at him and said, "Maybe he didn't want to be out at this moment."

Blaise glared at him. "What would you know? The only thing you have to worry about is your father hearing about you and Harry in Azkaban. And we already knew you were gay."

Draco scowled. "Harry wanted to keep it a secret for a bit, too. I was stupid and ruined it."

"Maybe we're just idiots."

"Maybe, " Draco agreed with a nod. He wasn't the best person to give relationship advice.

I'm no good at this. Hell, I can barely tell Harry how I feel. How I feel . . .

"Do you think that I could stay in your dorm? I don't want to talk to Theo."

Draco replied, "Sure."

Blaise muttered loudly, "Y'know, I'm kinda happy that you and Harry are together. You look so much happier . . ."

"Don't get too choked up, Blaise."

How I feel . . .how I feel . . . Draco repeated to himself, the same words forming a mantra in his head. I feel warmth when he's lying beside me, his breaths even and slow. I want him to sleep with me always. The way his smile is shy and boyish when he catches me staring at him is adorable.

I can't tell him.

You can, a small but strong voice told him.

He won't feel the same way.

He will.

He's wonderful.

He is.

Sorry for the short chapter. I am currently preparing the next chapter, which may be a bit longer than usual. But before that is published, I wanted to do an Interactive Q and A, where you ask me questions in this comment section or DM me if you do not want to be referenced when I publish what I hope you be the Q and A. I will answer the questions to the best of my ability, but I will not answer any spoilers!!!

All inappropriate comments will be taken down immediately.

Ask away!

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