One: Christmas

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At breakfast the next day, Harry and Draco were talking about staying at Hogwarts for Christmas, which was going great until Theo said, "I wanna stay with you two."

Draco stopped and looked at Theo. "I think I might actually go to France."

Harry giggled, which made Draco smile. Theo mocked him, making Harry's giggle turn cold. Draco reached over and hit the side of Theo's head. Neville, who was sitting next to Blaise, hid his chuckle behind his hand. The corner of Blaise's mouth turned upward and Theo looked at him.

"What are you smiling about?'

Blaise shook his head, his frown returning. "I'm not, " he said. "And don't be an ass to Harry."

Theo smiled at Harry. "Sorry, I guess that was out of order."

"It's fine, " Harry said with a smile of his own. Draco bent down and leaned his forehead against Harry's neck, biting his lip and smiling at how Harry's hand tightened on Draco's hand.

"Tease, " he muttered.

Draco bit the nape of Harry's neck, feeling a sense of satisfaction when Harry tried to push him away, saying, "I don't like that!"

Draco leaned in against Harry's hands and whispered in his ear, "You liked it whenever I gave you that hickey."

Harry opened and closed his mouth multiple times, blushing profusely. "Shut up, " he mumbled. Draco smirked. He cleared his throat and asked Blaise and Neville, "What are you two doing for Christmas?"

Neville shrugged. "I've gotta go check in with my grandmother."

Blaise answered, "I wanted to see my mother."

"What are you two gonna do?" Theo asked, leaning his cheek onto his fist.

Draco started, "Give Harry some more hi---" before Harry put his hand over his mouth, replying while glaring at Draco, "Nothing hopefully."

Draco muttered, "I was kidding."

Harry whispered, "I hope you weren't."

He ignored Draco's smirk and asked Ron, who was sitting beside him and asked, "Are you two going to your parent's, Hermione?"

She nodded and smiled. "Ron won't survive."

"Aren't your parents Muggles?" Theo asked her and received a look from Ron.

Hermione nodded again, replying, "And I have family that doesn't know about Hogwarts, so Ron won't be able to do anything without magic."

Harry laughed and Ron turned red. "I just don't understand you two."

Harry laughed harder, feeling very happy when he felt Draco lay his hand on Harry's lower back.


Harry convinced Theo to distract Draco while he went into Hogsmeade to get Draco's gift. Draco asked Theo to do the same for Harry, but, him being very oblivious, didn't realize this.

Draco had to wrap Harry's present while he slept, quietly and carefully as to not wake Harry. Harry, meanwhile, kept Draco's present in his Gryffindor dormitory. Both were satisfied with the presents that they got their significant other but were also nervous that the other wouldn't like it.

Neville came back a few days before Christmas and Harry took advantage of his presence by having him help wrap Draco's presents. He had told Harry that he wanted to spend Christmas with friends rather than his family, but Harry knew why he really came back. "How are you and Blaise?"

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