One: The Two of Them

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Draco felt very alone without Harry at his side. He nervously fiddled with the bracelet on his right wrist, listening to Theo rant about how much of a pussy Draco was being.

"Just tell him and get it over with!"

"It doesn't work like that, " Draco muttered absentmindedly. "He's Harry. I can't just walk up to him and say 'Hey, Harry. I love you. How's that school work going?' "

Blaise nodded. "He's right."

Theo frowned and crossed his arms. "Well, I still think you should get on with it."

When Draco saw Harry walking towards him, Weasley and Granger in his wake, his heart soared. His mouth set itself into a genuine smile as he came closer. He had to stop himself from running and settled on a strange gait and hugged Harry tightly.

"It was only a few hours, Draco!" Harry giggled into his ear.

"It felt like ages."

Harry giggled again as Draco kissed Harry's forehead and grabbed his hand, the bracelets jingling when they touched even slightly. Draco found himself smiling more and Harry said, "You have a dimple."

Draco frowned.

"It's cute, " Harry added sweetly.

Draco looked him up and down and asked, just to make it seem like he had a reason to look at Harry, "Are you sure you're dressed warmly? It's snowing."

Harry nodded and bounced on the balls of his feet. "Yes, Dray, I'm dressed warmly now can we please go?"

Draco twisted his face into a look and muttered, "Only because I like you."

"What was that? You liiiiike me?" Harry teased.

Draco felt his cheeks warm and was about to respond when Theo yelled, "Can we go yet?"

Harry smiled and shrugged at Draco, who was still trying to form three words in his mouth. Harry tugged on his arm and he began to walk, Draco's lips forming a smile. The group walked out of the castle and into the snow, Harry practically skipping and swinging his arm so that the bracelets clanged together.

Granger and Weasley, both holding hands, walked beside Harry, quietly talking about the events mentioned in the Daily Prophet; a group of Death Eaters out scaring people.

Harry's skip slowed to a sluggish walk as Draco watched him listening in. He started to walk closer to Draco, occasionally making him trip. "Sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry, Draco." he would whisper, his green eyes now alert and wide.

"It's alright."

Draco watched Harry for a while, noticing that he glanced at the treeline every once in a while and that he was now walking almost on top of Draco, making them both stumble. "Here, how about you walk with Neville for a bit?"

He walked ahead of Draco and his lips moved like he was talking, but it must have been quiet.

Draco walked closer to Granger and Weasley, saying, "Do you two think you could maybe not talk about Death Eaters around him?"

"Who asked you?" Weasley asked rudely.

"Why?" Hermione asked, ignoring the redhead next to her.

"You didn't see him? He was fine until you mentioned the Death Eaters. He started to walk almost on me and he keeps looking over at the forest. How do you not notice?" He was trying his best to stay calm. But it was difficult.

"He's fine, " Ron said.

Draco took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I just...he...I'm no good at this. Rubbish."

He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked over at Hermione, the owner of this said hand. "You are. Truly."

Draco swallowed. "No, I just wanted you two to know so that he wouldn't be nervous. I don't like it when he's like this. It just makes me remember that it's mostly my fault."

Hermione opened her mouth to argue but Draco stopped her before she could start. "Don't say it isn't true, " he said with a sad smile. "I know it is. I get that. I just didn't want him to be afraid. It's really hard to see him like that."

Hermione nodded while Ron narrowed his eyes. Draco looked at him; they were almost the same height. Draco was just the tiniest bit shorter than him.

Draco came up behind Harry, ruffling his hair and smiling. Merlin, he must have looked like a doofus. Who in the hell smiles this much?

"Draco, " Blaise whispered. "Those Death Eaters...they'll surely come to fetch Harry. Do you think this is safe?"

"It's more than safe, Blaise."

Harry didn't hear them. Draco let out a breath when he acknowledged this.


The Hog's Head was unusually loud. Harry and Neville said hello to Aberforth Dumbledore while they ordered a round for drinks for everyone. There was a group of four wizards and a witch that glanced over at Draco and Harry every few moments, but Draco paid them no mind.

Harry sat close to Draco, his hand idly resting on Draco's knee. He and Ron played a game that Draco didn't understand or care about, but he pretended that he was interested.

I love you. I love you. Yeah, yeah. Sounds great. Wonderful. Brilliant.

"Dray, are you okay? You look a bit ill." Harry pointed out. His hand found its way into Draco's blonde hair, which soothed him somewhat.

"Yeah, I'm okay, " Draco mumbled, bringing Harry's hand to his mouth and kissing it lightly. Harry blushed and tried to hide his smile.

"Merlin, " Theo groaned. "You two are unbearable."

"You wanted to come and dragged Blaise and Neville along. This was supposed to be a double date but then you came along."

Blaise grinned. "Maybe it could be a triple date."

Neville choked on his Chocolate Liqueur, turning bright red in the process. "Blaise, " he warned.

Blaise looked at him. "What? You said that you wanted to tell them eventually."

"Tell us what?" Ron asked in an accusatory tone.

"Come on, Neville, " Blaise said, slurring his words. He was drunk. "Don't you want to be out?"

He reached for Neville's face, making Neville suck in a breath. When Blaise leaned in to kiss him, Neville shoved him away roughly, shocking him. "I'll be on my way now, goodnight."

Neville left without another word. Blaise watched him leave in confusion. "But, he said..." he mumbled to himself. "He said that he wanted to be..."

They were silent.

Was this just the alcohol that Blaise consumed? Were Blaise and Neville really a couple, or was Blaise just shit-faced drunk?

Only Harry and Draco knew.

"Blaise, " Harry started. "Blaise are you okay?"

Blaise didn't look at him when he responded. "I just fucked everything up. Oh, Merlin..." Tears fell down his face quickly, faster than Draco knew possible. "He told me that he wanted to be out and so I -- I ---"

"Blaise, Blaise. It's not the end of the world, " Harry said, hoping to please Blaise somehow.

"Shut the hell up, Potter."

Harry was shocked, but not hurt. Blaise had never used strong language or said anything rude to him. Harry caught the glimpse of Blaise that was broken and raw.

Was everyone broken in such a way that made it impossible to forget? Were they all broken in more than one way?

Draco whispered in Harry's ear, "I'm going to take him back to the castle. Are you staying here? I'll be right back, "

Harry nodded and Draco stood, saying quietly to Blaise, "Let's go back to the castle."

One of his best friends stood up, wiping at his cheeks.

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