One: Nightly Terrors

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That night, after supper, Harry told Draco what he had overheard, though he didn't mention sobbing in an empty classroom.

Draco hugged Harry tightly and wondered aloud, "Why would they think that I want to have you dead?"

Harry shrugged against Draco's chest and said, "I'm not sure. Would you kill me?"

Draco, shocked, pulled his head away. "No!"

Harry smiled. "I just wanted to make sure."

Draco laughed and Harry whispered against him, "I like your laugh."

"I like yours too, Potter."

Harry grinned up at Draco, who leaned down and whispered, his lips brushing pleasurably against his jaw, "Harry, I . . ."

Harry bit the inside of his bottom lip and searched Draco's face for any sign of uneasiness.

Draco closed his eyes and pulled Harry close to him, whispering in his ear, "I like you, "

Harry smiled against Draco's neck and said, "I like you too." He laughed whenever Draco sighed heavily out of relief.

"Don't laugh at my fear, " Draco said, but through a laugh, so it didn't sound very serious. Harry laughed harder, making Draco laugh too.

When the two finally lie down to go to sleep, Harry snuggled up against Draco, feeling very happy despite earlier events of that day. Draco smiled softly and said, "Don't you want to talk to them? I'm sure they don't want you angry at them."

Harry turned, facing the wall, and closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Draco."

Draco frowned but didn't elaborate further. He wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and listen to his breathing slowly grow even. He, Draco, closed his eyes and fell asleep too.


Harry couldn't see a thing. He thought that he didn't have his glasses on, but, after bringing his hand to his face, he felt his glasses. Which was strange because he didn't fall asleep with his glasses on. But he never did. So why was it so strange?

Harry heard a click to his left and saw a light out of the corner of his eye. He turned and saw a silhouette standing under a lightbulb on a chain. Cautiously, he stepped forward, jumping when he heard something moving across the ground behind him.

He didn't see a thing.

He continued to walk towards whoever the person was and when he was close enough, he saw the one person he had not seen in a dream since last summer.

"Professor Dumbledore, "

Dumbledore smiled. "Hello, Harry."

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked with a smile, very happy despite his current situation. He noticed how Dumbledore's usually calm demeanour was replaced by a nervous one. He was looking around as if he were about to be pulled away by an invisible force. Another sound from behind him, this time a large thump.

Harry spun around and looked around frantically, hearing Dumbledore say, "Stand in the light, Harry."

Harry backed slowly into the small stream of light and felt his heart beating in his chest, hearing it's beating in his ears.

"Why are you here?"

Professor Dumbledore replied, "I wanted to tell you---"

The light clicked off and Harry waved his hand above him, trying to find the light bulb to no avail. Panicking, he waved his arms where Dumbledore was just standing, but only felt air.

He heard another click and turned to his right, seeing another figure, this one a little taller than the first he had seen. He walked quickly, hearing thumps and shuffling behind him. When Harry finally made it close enough to see who it was, his heart dropped.

"Harry, oh Merlin!" the skinny, long-haired man cried out, pulling Harry into a hug. Harry hugged the man back, feeling a burning sensation behind his eyes.

"Sirius, " Harry choked out. "Why---"

The light clicked off and the strong arms that were around him suddenly vanished, leaving Harry cold and alone. Harry brought his knees to his chest and pressed his palms against his eyes, listening to the sounds around him until a woman's voice broke through to him, followed by a man's. "Harry!"

Harry jumped up and looked around, seeing two people in front of him, a man that looked exactly like him, minus the eyes, and a woman with green eyes like his. He jumped into their outstretched arms and started, "I'm v---"

He stopped when he heard the now familiar click and was engulfed in darkness yet again. He pressed his head against his legs and put the heels of his hands against his ears and felt as if he was being crushed from the inside out.

He heard the deceased people that he was ultimately responsible for calling out to him: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, his parents, Colin Creevey, Fred, and dozens more. The clicking. The thumps and slithers. The silence. All at the same time.

"Wake up, " he whispered to himself. "Just wake up . . ."


Draco felt something sharp digging into the skin on his arm, causing him to wake up in the middle of the night. He groggily opened his eyes and winced when he felt his another sharp pain in his upper arm. He sat up and looked down at Harry's hand, which was lodged in his bicep.

He dislodged Harry's hand and let out a pained breath through his teeth when Harry accidentally did it again.

Draco's eyes narrowed in concern when he noticed how Harry was clenching whatever could fit in his hands, which, as of now, was Draco's right forearm. Draco whispered, "Potter, " to see if he would wake up, which he didn't.

Draco shook Harry's shoulder lightly, not wanting to startle him awake. Draco felt an odd sense of fear when Harry pressed his hands over his eyes and then his ears as if he were blocking off his senses. Harry started to breathe heavily, shiver, and sob. He started to scream a very blood-chilling scream and thrashing around wildly.

Draco, in a desperate attempt, shook him again, a bit more vigorously to wake him up. Harry's head shot up and he looked around in a panic, waking up in a cold sweat, hitting his head and elbow against the stone wall when he saw Draco, still feeling intense fear and anxiety.

Draco put his hands out and whispered calmly to a terrified Harry, "Hey, Harry. Calm down, "

Harry looked around the dark room and whispered in a scared to death voice, "T-Turn on the . . .the light."

Draco was about to ask why but stopped when he saw how scared Harry looked. He pulled the cord of the nearby lamp and glanced at Harry, who seized up out of fear. He said to Harry, "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Harry shook his head but shakily stood up, making his way to the bathroom, splashing water on his face and jumping at every sound he accidentally made. He tried to calm his racing heart by squeezing his hands and rubbing his eyes.

Draco came over to him and wrapped his arms around Harry's chest, giving him a good squeeze. Harry tried to swallow a rising lump in his throat and held Draco's strong arms against him.

After another few minutes, Harry and Draco went back to his bed, though Harry couldn't fall back asleep. He did relax against Draco's touch as he ran his pale fingers through Harry's inky hair and how his arms enclosed Harry's body against his own but quickly fell back asleep, leaving Harry alone in the dark room.

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