One: Punch

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Not many Eighth Years took the chance to go to Hogsmeade, mostly because they weren't used to the freedom that they were now being given.

One Saturday in mid-November, Harry suggested that he, Draco, Theo, and Blaise go to Hogsmeade for the day at breakfast. Blaise raised an eyebrow and turned the page of his copy of the Prophet.

"It's snowing."

Harry shrugged. Draco asked, "Are any other Eighth Years going?"

Harry shrugged again and replied, "I'm not sure. But wouldn't it be fun if we all go for a while. We are allowed to until curfew."

Theo thought for a moment before saying, "It would be fun, Blaisey."

Blaise scowled. "Don't call me that."

Harry giggled while Draco gave a very, very small smile. "Don't you two want to go or not?"

Theo dramatically gasped and asked, "Who said that I wasn't coming?" It was Draco's turn to shrug.

"Nobody said that, " Blaise told him. Then he smirked and said, "Draco wants to act like a badass in front of Harry."

Draco's cheeks flushed a deep, rich pink colour. "I do not, "

Harry smiled and rested his chin on Draco's shoulder. "He already is a badass, "

Draco smirked and started, "See? I'm alr---"

"But he's a bit of a sweet badass, " Harry interrupted with a shameless smile. Both Theo and Blaise laughed heavily and Draco returned to his pink colour. Harry smiled and nipped at Draco's ear as he wrapped his arms around his neck.

Theo did the same to Blaise, who punched him in the face. "Blaise!" Theo cried, holding his nose. "What was that for?"

Blaise replied, "Don't touch me like that, Theo."

Harry laughed and so did Draco, though his was much quieter.

"Hi, Harry." a familiar voice said from behind him. Harry turned his head and saw Neville standing there with a smile. He had really thinned out during the summer and last year, but he was still Neville.

"Hi, Neville, " Harry said. "Would you like to sit down? Or will Ron beat you up?" Harry added the last bit a little venomously.

"Ah, no, " Neville said as he sat down beside Harry. "I'm not really speaking to him at the moment."

He glanced at Blaise, who hid his face behind his glass. Harry noticed and asked, "What are your plans for today?"

"Nothing. Why?"

Harry said, "We're all going to Hogsmeade for a while. Why don't you come with us?"

Blaise interjected, "I never said that I was going."

Harry frowned and Theo said, pointing to Harry and Draco, "You can't leave me alone with these two. They'll be all over each other. Hell, they're already all over each other."

Draco scowled. "Weren't you all over Blaise a moment ago?"

"He punched me in the face!"

Blaise smirked and Theo clenched his hand into a fist. "You shall never defeat me, Blaisey."

Blaise threw down his paper and said, "I already told you to stop calling me that."

Harry, ignoring the two, asked Neville, "Would you like to come?"

Neville thought for a moment and answered, "Sure."

The five Eighth Year boys had to tell one of their Professors that they were going to be gone for the day. Harry, still being a target for uncaptured Death Eaters, had to tell McGonagall. He found her in the Transfiguration classroom, poking his head in and saying, "Professor?"

"Yes, Potter?"

"Professor Slughorn told me to tell you that I and some other Eighth Years are going to Hogsmeade."

McGonagall asked him, "What other Eighth Years? Weasley and Granger?"

Harry shook his head and Theodore pushed his head in under Harry's arm and said, "Hello, Professor, "

"Hello, Nott. And Zabini and Malfoy, I'm assuming?"

Harry nodded and added, "Neville too."

McGonagall nodded and said, "Be back by curfew."

Harry smiled and thanked her before leaving with the three Slytherins and his fellow Gryffindor. They were dressed warmly, with coats and winter boots, and noticed a few other groups of Eighth Years behind them.

Harry would glance around and would think he was seeing shadows of people in the tree line, making him walk so close to Draco that he almost tripped. He was angry and asked hotly, "Theo, did you trip me?"

Harry quickly said, "Sorry. That was my bad."

Draco's anger died down and he said kindly, "Sorry. I must have tripped myself."

Harry looked amused as he asked, "What if Theo did that?"

"To you? I'd punch him, "

Theo asked loudly, "Why am I the punching bag of the group?"

Harry giggled, "You can hit me if you want."

Theo reared his hand back and almost hit Harry before Draco put his arm out. "No, " he said, "you're not going to hit him."

Harry giggled again and told Draco, "Don't be a baby."

Draco said, "I'm not going to hit you, Potter."

Harry biffed Draco on the shoulder lightly and said, "You're very uptight."

Draco, taking that as a backhanded compliment, replied with, "You are very dangerous, Potter."

"Hit my shoulder and stop whining," Harry said.

Theo chanted "Hit him, hit him, hit him" while Blaise rolled his eyes and pumped his fist in the air and Neville smiled at how the four interacted together.

Draco biffed Harry's shoulder lightly, but Harry, deciding to mess with him, said, "That actually hurt! Why'd you do it so hard?"

Draco, instantly feeling very sorry, said, "I didn't mean for it to be---"

"I'm kidding, " Harry said with a satisfied smile. Draco frowned at him and Harry held Draco's hand tightly, receiving a smile and kiss from Draco.

Theo said, "Okay, lovies. Let's get a move on."

Draco laughed and the group continued on their way, all feeling very happy and talking loudly, all of them jumping over the other's words and even Blaise was smiling from ear to ear.

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