The Decision

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Love. An intense feeling of deep affection towards another. An intimate relationship between two people. It is said that if you find someone that you love in your life, then cherish it and the love you share will last forever. I used to believe this. But the truth is, deep down, it's all for show.
I grew up with two happily married parents. They kissed and hugged and said that they loved each other. I wished that when I grew up, I'd find someone and be as happy as they were. But the truth is they weren't really happy, when I wasn't there they'd fight and threaten each other and say how the other one should pack up and leave.

As I got older, they fought more. Sometimes whilst I was there. I knew that something was off, but I carried on as if everything was fine. Dreading what I knew was to come. I knew that one day, one of them would leave. But I tried to ignore it.

It wasn't until October 2016, that I had to make a decision. My mum said she was leaving. And I had to choose whether I stayed or left with her. If I stayed I'd probably have to deal with my alcohol-obsessed dad and I'd probably get bullied more frequently due to my parents divorce. So I left. My mum said it would be a fresh start. But I wasn't too sure about it.
We decided to move to a small apartment, whilst we got back on our feet, financially. So we moved into an apartment near the centre of London.

 So we moved into an apartment near the centre of London

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I knew that with dad gone it would be harder, which meant I'd have to start pulling my weight more

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I knew that with dad gone it would be harder, which meant I'd have to start pulling my weight more. So I started working part time at a local Starbucks. At first I was nervous. But now I'm glad I chose to take the job.  Because if hadn't, I wouldn't have met Mikey or his friend... Brooklyn Wyatt...

 Brooklyn Wyatt

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