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I'd said it, I had actually told Rye how I felt and he hadn't told me to get lost.
I was thinking hard about what to wear. Something skimpy? Something cosy? I had the perfect outfit, I pulled on my red skinny jeans and my black polo neck. Throwing on my leather jacket and my high heeled Chelsea boots I was ready to leave.

My phone chimed with the messenger tone, disappointment coloured my mood when I saw Brooks name there,

Brook: Hey babe. Just a heads up. I think Ryan is coming to yours. I know you know he likes you so I just wanted to warn you. I know it's not great, but he'll get the message eventually.

Oh My God. The nerve and the arrogance astounded me. My reply was swift and dismissive,

Me: I dont know what you're talking about Brooklyn. I don't need your help, screw you.

I tucked my phone into my red shoulder bag and set off into the crisp evening, in 15 minutes I get to see Ryan.

Rye's pov:

I waited outside the cafe as Ashley walked up to me. I held the door open as she walked past me and into the building. I pulled a chair out for her and she kissed my cheek, taking a seat.

She was so shy all of a sudden. Blushing and avoiding eye contact. I waited a couple seconds before breaking the silence.

"So... What's up? You did invite me here. But you seem so timid all of a sudden."

"Sorry. I just don't want to make a fool of myself. I mean... I seem to be doing that a lot lately."

"Ashley. You have not made a fool of yourself. Now, tell me, what's wrong?"

"I...It's just..."

She let out a breath, before continueing.

"I've been thinking. And I think, I may have feelings for you too. These feelings seem to have existed before I even knew about them. I guess, what I'm trying to say...is I didn't want to accept the fact I could be in love with you, when I was meant to be in love with Brooklyn. But, now, as I think about the past, I've realised that most of the memories I have of me and Brook, involve you. You were there playing in the snow with me, You were the one that ran after me when Brook didn't, You were the one that stayed up and talked to me when everyone else had gone to sleep... I thought I was in love with Brooklyn. But I think, all along, I was really in love with y-"

I stopped her. I couldn't believe I was doing this. After everything she had just said.

"Ashley, don't. I know what you're going to say. Please know that this is the hardest thing i have ever had to do. But, we can't. It's not fair. You and Brook might not be together, but what if your feelings change? What if you really do love him? What would happen to me?"

"Where is this coming from?" Ashley said, trying to hide the tears forming in her eyes. " A couple hours ago, you were saying how much you loved me and wished you'd got me first. And now this? Why? Why would you let me make a fool of myself. Again?!"

I exhaled and pulled my phone from my pocket. I called Brook and put him on speakerphone. I asked him to repeat what he had said to me earlier. All about Ashley and how he had said to stay away from her because he might still love her. His sharp confused tone did him no favours. Ashley tutted and shook her head slightly, biting her lip.

"Really, Rye? After everything he has put you through, you're still going to listen to him? He had his chance and he chose to let me go. He stole your girlfriend for Christ sakes! Why don't you take something back for once? Why shouldn't you get something, or somebody, that you want? You can't let him keep winning. Why do I have to be without a guy I am in love with because the douche bag who cheated me said no?"

I fiddled with the string on my hoodie, sighing. "I know. I'm pathetic. But I just can't. I can't risk losing the band, or Brook. I think it's safer to let him have what he wants." As much as it hurt me, I knew this was what I had to do...

Ashley pulled my hands from my hoodie and interlocked it with hers.

"I understand why you're worried. But, it's not fair on us. We should get what we want for once."

"I know, but-"

"No buts Rye. It's not fair. Plus... Who said we had to tell him?"

"What do you mean?"

"We can see how things go first. We don't have to tell anyone until we know for sure it will work. That way, if it goes downhill, nobody will know. We can continue as if nothing happened in the first place. Maybe I won't come around as often, they would just blame Brook. But we can't give up, before we've even given it a chance. So... What do you say?"

I pulled out my phone and pressed call on Brooks number. I was planning on begging him to just let me and Ash try... Begging wasn't my style but Ash was worth it.

After ringing a few seconds the call was finally answered,

"Hey gorgeous." Lexi giggled
"Brook can't come to the phone right now. He's a tad busy, I'd tell you why but it would make you blush. We are..."

Seriously man? Gross!

"Well. I guess they just made my choice a lot easier."

I hung up and stood to lean over the table. Gingerly, I pressed my lips to Ashley's.

She pulled me in closer and whispered against my lips,

"And so it begins..."

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