I'd missed this...

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I spent the next couple of days to myself. But everyday I would wake up. And everyday, the memories would hit me all over again. I was sick of going to bed knowing he wouldn't be there when I woke. Waking up every day, alone.

I pulled my self into a sitting position. I wouldn't do it anymore. I was fed up. I sent Brook a message online.

Me - Hi Brook. So, I've been thinking lately. And I miss you. A lot. I can't keep doing this, waking up without you there next to me. Watching films, without an arm wrapped around me. You might have given up on waiting for me, but I just wanted to let you know.

He texted back immediately.

Brook - I'll never give up Ashley. Like I said, I'll give you as much time as you need. I miss you too. It's really hard without you here with me. But, I'm still confused. Do you forgive me?

I wasn't going to text him my answer. I was going to show him. I brushed my hair, leaving it down and pulled an off the shoulder jumper on over my vest, with a pair of black jeans. I slipped my feet into a pair of hug boots and left the apartment. I needed to see him.

A little while later, I was stood outside the boys' flat. I took a deep breath, before knocking on the door. Rye answered it and a smile immediately appeared on his face. He stepped to side and pointed towards the living room. I walked past him and into the room opposite.

Brook gaped at me as I walked up to him. I placed a hand on each side of him, and looked into his eyes. I missed him. In a moment, I pressed my lips against his. I felt his body loosen and his arms on my shoulders.

He kissed me back. I could feel the heat from his body, do familiar I could drown in it. The rich scent of him wafted through my brain, intoxicating me. He kissed my deeply, as if he needed the kiss as much as the air we breathed. He lifted me from the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I couldn't let him go.

He pushed me against the wall and slipped a hand under the back of my top, running his fingertips up and down my back. I tugged on his hair, slipping my tongue into his mouth. I pulled him in for one more kiss, before pulling away again.

"I forgive you..." I said, in hushed tones. Brook let out a chuckle.

"I've missed you so much..."

"Me too."

He lowered me to the floor and grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him. Rye smirked at us as we walked past him.

"Are you two sorted?" I shrugged my shoulders as Brook pulled me up the stairs. Rye just shook his head, "Keep the door shut!" He shouted up the stairs.

Brook ran into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. He kissed my mouth, holding me close. I loved the way my small body melted into his. The way our lips fit like two puzzle peices. The ways I kissed him back as he held my hair, tighter and tighter. He pulled my jumper over my head and layed me down on the bed. Never breaking the kiss. I'd missed this...
I woke up the next morning, with a pair of arms wrapped around me. I slid out of Brooks arms and pulled his hoodie over my head. I tiptoed downstairs and into the kitchen.

Rye was leaning against the counter, with a cup of tea. He looked up, smiling.

"Morning." He said, winking.

"Morning." I replied. I couldn't stop smiling.

"It's nice having you back." Rye stared, "We've missed you."

"I've missed you guys too..."

"I mean, I'd ask if you and Brook had made up, but last night gave it away. I had to sleep in Andy's room. You were keeping me awake." He joked. I rolled my eyes, pouring myself a cup of coffee and grabbed some Oreo's.

Rye looked at me like I'd just discovered a cure for cancer.

"That's genius!" He took an Oreo and dipped it in his tea, he let out a moan. "How did I never come up with this? It tastes so good!"

I laughed as we both sat at the table, drinking. Brook walked in and kissed my cheek, before grabbing a glass of orange juice and sitting down next to me. I was glad to be back. And I now knew the truth. I really couldn't live without him. I'd always love him. Together or apart. Forever and always...

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